Fucking shit /pol this just happened

fucking shit /pol this just happened

>live in boulder CO

>hear a loud knock on my door at around fucking 1:30 am

>look at the peep hole and its 3 niggers with hoodies on

>no vehicle is parked in front of my home

>instantly begin calling the cops while they are still at the door

>they knock for about a minute then i turn my street light on then they begin walking away

>3 police cruisers circle my block 5 minutes after they leave when they are long gone and question me for a few minutes

does this mean i really need to own a firearm?? if so what type?

ive always thought about purchasing a shotgun or AR-15 but just been too lazy to go through the entire process but now i feel like i really need one

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bump niggers

Yup, get armed.

Shotgun is the cheapest and smartest route for the inexperienced. (Get an AR later for fun and profit)

Load that bitch up with 00 or 000 and defend your nuts. Go pump action, major brand (dunno if Remington has addressed their recent 870 quality issues, but if you can get an older one, buy it).

Those dusky gentlemen were scoping your place out to rob. If you hadn't spooked em, they probably would have killed you during the robbery.

Oh yeah, head over to /k/ and ask about shotguns.

You're lucky you got your wakeup call and nothing happened.

All libtards need to go through what you just went through.

>>no vehicle is parked in front of my home

mate they came to tell you they saw someone stealing your car

>can't even stay away from dindus in Colorado

Isn't the entire point of moving to Colorado to get away from nigs and smoke weed?

all the dindus from socal and arizona moved to colorado

everyone is moving to Colorado, the locals are so salty about it

5 years ago it was affordable to live and even rent there, now not so much

I thought Denver was full multiculti paradise mode?

How's Colorado Springs to live in?

My cuck uncle was in a similar situation.
He said he thought about getting a sign in his yard or by his door that said "Beware of Dog" or "Proud Gun Owner."

And my grandpa just said "Niggers can't read. Just get a gun."

I live near Alhambra, CA. Most of the signs there are in Chinese, just look at the demographics


Niggers only make up 1.5% of the population which is shocking to me seeing as I never see niggers there.

Recently there were a string of robbies here, guess which race was behind it?


They just came from the club and are looking for the white college girls who invited them back to their apartment to smoke weed and fuck, which they are doing right now. They knocked on your door by accident and are no doubt remorseful they disturbed your slumber.

Are you really relying on the police for protection??
I always thought this was just a meme..

If you'd opened the door, you'd be dead.

Buy a fucking gun you moron, if I could own a gun I would.

thats exactly why i turned the lights on to warn them off and yup i heard a shotgun is a go to choice for home defence
theres honestly not that many nigs here in CO especially boulder, they were just prob from out of town looking to fuck shit up here

fuck out of here cuck
thanks britbong, definately feel like i need to take more advantage of my rights here

>If you'd opened the door, you'd be dead.

yes, because murderers are well known for announcing their presence by knocking on your door

>Buy a fucking gun you moron, if I could own a gun I would.

you can, there's just a process you have to go through.
although in your case i'm not sure it would be a particularly good idea

Do you not know their tactics?

The whole point of knocking on the door is to make sure you're not at home.
You need to show a sign that you're in there, otherwise they would have came in. And then OP would be dead.

When they find out that someone is home, they make up some bullshit excuse like "Sorry brah, got the wrong house" and just leave.

You need to learn how dindus operate.

Why not just set up a 2 metres high fence around your house, get a dog, buy hard to breach doors?


Get a shotgun.

A face full of buckshot will put somebody down a lot more reliably than two or even three rounds from an AR15 platform gun, it's much easier for you to actually hit them with, and a pump-action shotgun from a reputable bran is far more reliable without maintenance.

Plus, you won't accidentally shoot through your wall and kill the next door neighbour.

Army people there

You don't need a gun unless you are willing to go through training. Even then, when shit happens, you'll not be able to shoot at anybody.

Get a dog or pump action shotgun. Pomp action shotgun is for intimidation.

are you really an american who doesnt own a firearm?

which way do you vote? because if youre a retarded boulder liberal i dont want you owning a firearm, you deserve to get nigger raped

>Be American
>get robbed by a nigger
>get shot
ayy lmao

>be american
>don't have any firearm

Boulder, like Denver, sits below the mountains. If you want to get away from blacks, you have to actually live up in the mountains. Blacks won't go there. They fear the mountains.

The AR is the best all around gun, but a shotgun will be a cheaper bar to entry.

A lot of people I know who don't have guns don't have them not because of their political views, but simply because they're too lazy to go through the required training. So they just say fuck it and don't buy a gun.

Get a shotgun and learn how to use it.

In the mean time find an Nra sticker to put in your window and one of those ADT yard signs.



CS is very Christian and oddly enough, very pagan. But the pagans in CS are rightwing whites. Somehow it works out ok.

Pew, I think you just escaped your cultural enrichment, mate. Praise KeK

i suppose that could be the case, however if OP has actively voted against gun owner rights and for the gay shit colorado has passed recently regarding mag laws and such, im not giving him an ounce of advice other than to reap what he sowed

Those children are lovely.

CO has no Stand Your Ground laws and firing warning shots is FUCKING ILLEGAL AS HELL.

Just be aware of that.

Looks fun as fuck to be honest family.

>they make up some bullshit excuse like "Sorry brah, got the wrong house" and just leave

Came home about six months ago to find a black woman trying to open my frontdoor. When she saw me, she looked around, said "oh, this ain't my house. My house look just like this" and walked off.

I'm an Arvada fag m8

I got about 6 guns

But get this

I'm an 18 y/o user right
I have a younger sister that wants to kill herself
I can't keep any gun at the ready because of her

The guns are locked up so tight I wouldn't be able to get to them before getting culturally enriched

Isn't life just fuckin great

Get a gun while you can OP or come to Arvada, there's just spics here and very few niggers

>I have a younger sister that wants to kill herself

You know what you need to do to fix that.

A shotgun isn't even close to being as good as an AR15. At most your shotgun is going to hold 7 shells, and it fires slow unless you get a semi auto which then makes it much more expensive. Also don't fall for the retards that say you don't have to aim them good. You still have to aim.

You can use 30 round magazines in an AR15, can shoot through things like doors no problem, and they are semi-auto.

Niggers ares so low on the societal chain that they're basically paid to be left to their own devices. State sponsorship, inner city ghettos, just generally being forgotten people. They've developed a culture of survival. Bleak and tormented survival. This is what humanity is at its most basic level, sitting at the grownup table with the rest of the world. They have to do -whatever- it takes to survive. If those fucking darkies are starving and angry? They'll kill you for the meat on your ass.

You know how the DOD is preparing for 'Civil unrest'? You see all those MRAPS rolling around in cities? Who do you think they're preparing to fight?

Get a gun.

if he's holding a loaded shotgun and niggers broke open the door.. what's his next move? how does that scenario play out? aim it at their dicks and squeeze the trigger, or give them a warning?

any jiggaboos break into my place are gonna get a prefrontal lobotomy with my spork.

That or you open the door and they push their way in. You being home isn't always a deterrent.

Move out of your parents basement

You can give a sign that you're home without opening the front door.

Hell if you open the door, you deserve to get shot.

Open fire until the threat is gone, call the police and a lawyer.

this post is redpilled as fuck

Vail masterrace reporting here- can confirm

Even if i agree niggers are subhuman, you should see real nations which have pretty much no welfare whatsoever and people were truly left to their own devices

Ever wondered how Mexican drug cartels grew up to be so ruthless in the first place?

She doesn't actually wanna kill herself, I have a fuckton of power tools in the garage she could easily use to end it

Problem is she makes almost all her decisions with emotion, like all women, but she's also incredibly stupid

She just cuts her arms and robs my parents for money to take ambulance joy rides

She's on some new meds but who knows how long those will work
She's a good person I like to beilive but fuck it's hard to live with

Meanwhile I'm just a NEET who can't find a job before he goes to community collage

I can't wait to finally move out of here

I have no idea what Renedescartes is

You shoot to kill. Castle Doctrine here states that shooting at anyone trying to enter your home is self defense and not a crime.

k user i bow to your greater knowledge. i live in a reasonably nice place that doesn't have gangs of feral ghouls wandering around, so it's outside my experience. you still sound like a massive drama queen tho

that girl in the red dress at about 5:10 can wiggle around in front of me any day

No, that really means USA's cops don't do their job properly. What if USA was 3rd world? You already have more gangs and crime than 3rd world. Your cops are utterly useless.

You can't force these people to change, trust me, the best you can do is set a good example and offer a helping hand now and then.


I understand that. My whole point was framing, once we start hitting these bubbles in the economy, and even the planet, we're going to see massive civil unrest. We're going to become unable to support groups of people with government aid, the last thing keeping everything in check. We're going to become the third-world.

blimey, bonnie langford was annoying but she had a tidy bod back in the day

>Black guys knock on door
>Gets super scared, shits himself, cries and """really needs a gun"""
>American valour
A bunch of scrotes broke into my house and all I did was hit them with a bat.

>all those white boys there
>the black guy is the one that dips her

I see race mixing propaganda was going on for decades.

deal with it

>having a bat
Congratulations asshole the Tea police are on their way

Get a moss berg 500, 12 gauge. Can't go wrong.

Straya are you on holiday back to the home country?

I live 30 miles outside of Chiraq, up until a year ago i had no lights to illuminate my property.

Today I make my mom leave a front porch light and back porch light on 24/7, too many niggers using our cul-de-sac as a crosswalk.

I would sugest to get a weapon leave your door open, put some sloppy shit in the floor like pizza (against forensic research) arm a small fortified bunker (layer of wood or books and steel plate or a fridge) and wait.

That showed me

Lol libtards would open the door to their new friends!

you have no idea who said the phrase i think therefore i am?


>baiting niggers with pizza
>not using fried chicken

if you don't have a bat you're not a real englishman

>having pre-morning tea and biscuits at 1 am
>hear a gally-wacker snobbin' at my entryway
>gander through the pee-wee crevice
>a few blokes with uh skin disease mingling 'round my front indenture
>let the lads in, after all its been raining for 10 days now
>scalliwags help themselves to my wife
>afterwards share 2nd pre-breakfast nibblings with the gentlemen
>one of them spills on the new carpet
>begin bludgeoning him to death with an ol' nigger ball bat
>the queen commits a drive-by shooting at my place to scare away the little bastards
>god save the queen

I live in a 98% white suburb and a year ago some niggers left a water bottle on top of my mailbox so a fellow nigger could drive around and spot the reflection at 2 a.m. to have an easy burglary.

These niggers are crafty they know what day is your garbage collection and if you leave your garbage can out overnight they know to hit your house.

why didn't you open the door to see what these gentlemen wanted?

I'd rather get hit by a baseball bat than a cricket bat.
Cricket bats are fucking ridiculous when used as a weapon.

also put up a motion detector yard light.

You got a chuckle out of me

So why dont you wait at a good vantage point for them to break in then shoot them.

Get a gun and a large dog. A German shepherd, maybe.

user, have you never heard of the wolf of kabul

Bloody hell lad where'd you get one of those? black market?

>>instantly begin calling the cops

I was robbed at gun point by niggers in my own home. They just kicked the door in. The deadbolt smashed right through the side of the doorframe.

It was 4am when it happened and none of us had any chance to get to a firearm before they were on us. Fortunately no one was hurt. But what should have been done in that situation?

I didn't know niggers were this crafty
Everyone leaves their trash out over night here tho

Hell some people just leave their cans on the street 24/7

I'll look for the water bottle on the mailbox and other shit too,thanks user

I'm just glad I live in a great neighbor hood with cops cruzinh around everywhere

You can't go 1 day without seeing one here, so maybe that scares the nigs off

>In the mean time find an Nra sticker to put in your window
fuck that.. why advertise you have weapons available to steal?

yours for eight quid on amazon mate
i prefer the look of the titanium megaspork meself

Good advice for nigger traps

I have ADT stickers in my window, and a SMILE YOURE ON CAMERA! sign in my windows facing the yard, this sound good?

Can't believe you can still buy assault sporks online, gotta get me hands on one

hey, Springs here

yes, you should own a gun

glock 19 15 round mag is CO legal (I own one)

open carry is also legal throughout Colorado (except Denver). that means you can carry in your car too legally

AR is a good choice too

it's cool here, but expensive.

tons of military. that's generally a good thing. people are polite and the roads fly. otoh, it also makes us a pretty big target

the Springs is home to NORTHCOM, NORAD, Space Command, etc.

>Not shooting them through the closed door

> d-do I really need to own a gun?
It takes 10-30 minutes for the police to show up. If some meth addict breaks into your house and goes after you, by the time the cops are there your whole family could be dead.

This is incorrect. South Park even made a joke about it in an episode.


You do realize for buying the majority of guns in CO it's a matter of filling out a few forms and passing a background check, right? I think there is a requirement of having taken a class to get a CCW permit, but in nearly all cases that's 100% on rules and regulations and 0% actual training with your firearm.

"Aw, sheittt" and they GTFO before getting capped, most of the time. Supposedly there are 500,000+ defensive gun uses alone in the USA a year, where no firearm discharge occurs and any problems are eliminated before they're started.

Your posting this from jail, then? UK has a nice "reasonable escalation of force" doctrine in their laws; hitting someone with a bat when threatened is a major fuck up. You may have killed the man who merely vandalized your property and had no actual intent of hurting you, and severely threatened his right to life. (Wish I was joking)

I'm fucking telling my mates in MI5 and SAS about this. Your house is going to be like the Iranian embassy seige in like a few seconds.




>being an americlap
>not owning at least one firearm
shiggy diggy

>things that didnt happen.

If you want a gun, buy one.
Stop larping on Sup Forums and ask /k/

>a shotgun
For close quarters combat.

>implying I would call the police

more Air Force than Army