Aus/pol/ - Lonely Saturday Night Edition

Is the ACT an even more degenerate SJW shit hole than Melbourne?

Come and say hello mates. There is no need to be all alone just because you are.

Other urls found in this thread:'self-harming'-to-get-to-australia/7719450

hello aus pol my old friend

G'day m8 what is going on for you tonight?

Hello? Is there anybody there?

Sydneyfag here. Do Aussies get more racist the further west/out of the city you go or is everyone just racist at heart?

Yeah you fat cunt. Canberra reporting in.

How did you know?

ACT fag here

Where is the best place to move to before this place turns SJW

>mfw I have to watch my language now

This is just politicians giving themselves another day off

They are replacing another public holiday with this reconciliation day shit.

they will probably choose the Queen's Birthday the treasonous cunts.

Fellow Canberrafag here.

I honestly don't know, I think Tasmania and WA are probably the least cucked but >Tas and >WA

Yeh mate Canberra is fucked.

Nah, m8, it'll be Family and Friends day.

Why do you have a proxxy on?

Such a great joke from Abbott earlier.

Yea TAS is pretty good but what is Perth like? I hear lots of White S.Africans live down there

You from ACT too? Lyneham here

Canberra is pretty fucked, ANU is a shithole filled with socialists and all the public servants are labor voters who want more immigrants because it will never really affect them

I'm living overseas tbqh

>canberra polacks

Wew lad what do you lads do with yaselves then?

>Family and Friends day
How fucking gay.

>Such a great joke from Abbott
You referring to his Prime Ministership m8?

WA's alright if you don't mind being isolated as fuck. Apart from that the Western suburbs are pretty white and generally most people are easy to get along with.

Voting wise? Fucking neck myself every three years


Wait do these laws mean you can't criticize islam? Wowwwww

Where do you work cunt

Yeah /donkeyvote/ here

Yeh well they couldnt just call it Melbourne Cup piss up day

Honestly, the legislation seems to be you can't spread hate or that against shitskins in public. Can still call Islam a crock of shit. That being said, free speech shouldn't be fucking infringed.

>hello aus pol my old friend

Free speech's been outlawed once again...

You on holiday mate?

Can't criticise Muslims, Jews, Races (blacks/lebs etc), people of disabilities, Christians, LGBT or sexual orientation, can't wear anything that represents hate or racism, can't make social media tweets of racism or hate comments

Get convicted for a criminal record
And a fine of $7,500

Year abroad, come back and finish up uni next year at the Socialist ANU

m8 these laws all depend on what is considered "reasonable" which is subjective and over time is trending more and more towards the authoritarian anti free speech position. Particularly amongst the judicial and political class of people who will be making the dtermination.

Fark cunt

Woolies cunt

I haven't seen a single aboriginal the 18 months I've been in Canberra

Then again I also stopped exploring the place fairly quickly since Canberra is so incredibly bleak and depressing

Nice cunt

I hate gimps, especially Christian faggot sand-nigger tranny gimps. Oh and kikes too. Ship niggers back to africa race war now 1488
so that would get me arrested in upside-down land?


I see them all the time in Garema place or outside dickson woolies the fucken reprobates

>all the public servants are labor voters who want more immigrants because it will never really affect them

From what I can gather the public service aren't really left wing, they just vote Labor because the Liberals absolutely hate the public service

Not enough pozz fags in the AFL t bh needs more diversity

Just fucking kill me, cunt.

Fun fact: ACT has a bill of rights, in that bill is an inbuilt loophole to restrict them. Why even have the fucking bill?

Maybe not posting it on Sup Forums but on social media you will probably get arrested yes.

Being a cityfag I have never met an Abo before.

What are they like?

>the GAYFL meme became real in your lifetime
fucking kek

Isn't dickson woolies supposed to be one of the seediest places in Canberra

Does the AFP go on Sup Forums?

Fairweather fans: the club
>St Kilda
Their history is actually depressing with how shit they are.

Thank fuck Collingwood will never do this shit, based Eddie.

what is the best state in aus and why is it Queensland?

>Just fucking kill me, cunt.
I would love to m8. That Jap flag is triggering ancestral memories.

>tfw the one saints supporter I know is loving how progressive his club is

Hey fags. Fuck this cold aye I want the stinking heat back so I can go outside get some good exercise and sweat like a cunt.

>implying coppers aren't redpilled as fuck
At least I can dream, I know the ADF is

I wonder what Tassie is like.

Nah it's fuckin fine mate just a few deros and abos hanging about

If they actually have jobs they're usually fine t bh

Fucken top kek m8

Judging by that public service grad that got busted for posting shit on Sup Forums, we either have feds or informants

Yeah i remember some study the gov did about attitudes in the ADF and it found that 9/10 people hold negative attitudes to islam Kek

Tassie is beuatiful

I highly doubt they would browse here habitually but i'm sure they have visited Sup Forums from time to time, but nowadays they wouldn't need to bother because everything gets saved with the Australian metadata laws

>be 150 years old
>have 1 premiership you won by a point
>club starts pandering to the left
Poor saints...

Can confirm.
Tassie is pretty uncucked and basically a whitewash.

Do you reckon if the ADF did a security clearance check on you it would show up that you went on Sup Forums/pol/?

...Askin for a m8

>Tassie is pretty uncucked

Nah m8, you're safe.

t. Ex-ADF lolicon.

Haha phew

Joining navy nek year and had to fill out a fuckload of shit for the negative vetting stuff recently.

>Joining navy
You gay m8?

LGBTQRPGSIT stuff isn't cuckery.
it's BS, but it ain't cuckery

If ya cocks dont touch its not gay mate

Meanwhile in mighty mighty queensland'self-harming'-to-get-to-australia/7719450

I thought it was only if you kiss for too long?

You'll be right m8, I had Secret clearence and never had any problems despite some unsavoury browsing habits.

Hello aus/pol/, my old friend
I've come to shitpost once again
Because the Chinese softly creeping
Bought my farm while I was sleeping
And the cane crop that was planted in my soil
Will be sold down on the streets of Beijing

Through restless memes I scrolled alone
Tragic tales of stolen homes
'Neath the watch of the ACCC (sang 'ayy triple see')
I turned my collar to the rising pee (slightly obscure joke, but Chinks piss in public, kinda like poo in loo, it was the only thing I could think of that rhymed)

When my eyes were stabbed
By the sight of a Chinese flag
An Asian rag
Here on the streets of Beijing

And in the naked light I saw
A billion "people," maybe more
Chinese cheating without remorse
pay their way through their Uni course

Aussies screaming "help"
Politicians never cared
And no one dared
Disturb the streets of Beijing

"Fools," said I, "you do not know
China, like a cancer, grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take up arms and I might reach you."
But these words, this silent shitpost beat,
Just echoed the streets of Beijing

And the Aussies bowed and prayed
To the Chinese God who paid
And our board flashed out its warning
And the words that it was forming

And the board said,
"The words of the prophets
Are written on this neckbeard page!"
And our outrage
Echoes in the streets of Beijing

kek this is great

>Is the ACT an even more degenerate SJW shit hole than Melbourne?
They legalised gay "marriage", we didn't. 'Nuff said.

More Aus memes please

Any other South Australians here?

every time i go to my favourite cafe now there is a group of arabs there loudly speaking their disgusting language. make it stop, Sup Forums. fuck sydney.

Very well done m8.

Yes m8.

Call the terrorism hotline m8.

What's your cunts version of the mudslimes over there

So disgusting.

And really pandering to the special cupcake brigade, who actually don't give a fuck about footy

I tuned in for the start, commentary was all, ' diversity this, pride that, how cool are we, bright rainbow colours signifying acceptance and tolerance'

And with that I'm out. I'm boycotting the GayFL for the remainder of the season.


whats the number lel

Check your fridge magnet m8.

I don't understand the question m8. We have mudslimes here.


Still mudslimes. But our worst ones are Lebanese, thanks to PM Malcolm Turnbull who did a Merkel back in the early 70s.

I'm honestly not sure which is worse, bending over backwards to accommodate Pakis like you poor bastards have too, or putting up with arrogant aggro Lebbos who get offended by everything.

I always assumed you would shit like Filipinos and chinks which would be your equivalent or polaks or mudslimes

Well m8 we have lots of chinks and Indians. Way too many.

The real problem races in terms of crime and idleness are the africans and muslims though.

Hey mate. Perth here. I lived in Canberra for about 6 years and I am not sure if it is more SJW than Melbourne but it is one of the most secure ALP strong holds in the country. Due to all the government agencies in the ACT it probably has one of the most concentrated bourgeois SWPLy populations in Australia. And most public sector workers are women with humanities degrees.

From my experience looks like your cancer is drug smuggling fillips aping you.

Is that hate-think user?

>PM Malcolm Turnbull
You meant Malcolm Fraser m8. He was a big supporter of Mugabe too.

ACT is SJW territory. Well, except for some of the bogan suburbs like Fishwick. One story that really triggered me about Canberra was how they cracked down on an anti-abortion prayer group that held vigils outside the Health Centre in Civic.

So the Greens got their exclusion zone passed and then some old Catholic lady got a police warning and fine for praying her rosary across the road at the Irish pub.

Well spotted bloke. My brains in Sat night mode.

> Malcolm Fraser, Malcolm Hawke, Malcolm Keating, Malcolm Howard, Malcolm Gillard, Malcolm Menzies, Malcolm Chifley, Malcolm Barton, Malcolm Rudd, Malcolm Lyons, Malcolm McMahon

Perth is lovely. Nice mediteranean[sic] weather. Clean air. Not too crowded. Lots of nice beaches. The only problem is the economy is shit. I want to work in tech but all the jobs for programming/data science are in Sydney and Melbourne.

kinda like how it protects christian abuse and the greens will probably write up articles where abusing them is fair

They were just a bunch of people holding a prayer group outside the clinic. The Canberra times and the Greens made it seem like this somehow threatened the safety of women entering the clinic. It was ludicrous.


>implying it will ever be used to protect non-muslims