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Dogs are so haram, but fucking it is so halal.
- t. Mohummed
saw a post on [spoiler]reddit[/spoiler] earlier today, some guys dog passed away.
i was so upset that i had to watch some videos of the israeli army beating up palestinian children to cheer myself up.
I chuckled
>ywn own a caucasian shepard
I think it is awesome that the most brutal, savage and primitive culture was never able to do some of the awesomest things in history.
Making a bong wit a completely different species that both parts develop together and need each other.
But hey, dogs are illegal...raping 9 years old is awesome!
Bong=Bond. Smoking dogs is not awesome ;)
Sue the muslims for harassing you on cultural background.
Protect your way of life.
Breeding dogs and creating different breeds/types is something that was popular with Victorian era whites.
It didn't really catch on other places than some rich asian countries.
Other countries have specially bred dogs for hunting or herding but none just because they were bored.
Without that history of breeding and dog ownership as pets they have no appreciation of dogs.
So take that specially bred Papillon out back and shoot it in the head (or stab repeatedly or bash with bike tire) because it is DIRTY
What dog breeds do sandniggers fear the most?
I need to know what to get one day.
fuck off
The bigger, the better.
Canada, take off your proxy. This is amateur shitposting.
caucasian shepard is the biggest and considered extremely dangerous.
they have been known to chase fleeing vehicles and disable them by tearing off the wheels and chewing a hole in the engine block.
T-that's a dog?
The dirtier the better. Try getting one that drools the most, call it Drool-al-Ghul
> on the tube in L O N D O N
> muzzie sitting 2 seats away with an empty seat between us
> woman with a dog gets on and takes said empty seat
> the saracen literally jumps out of his seat and dashes to the other side of the carraige
Literally burst out laughing
yes, it is the only natural predator of bears.
Gonna look for a Rottweiler/boxer cross for maximum drool
yes it is
no it's not you fucking retard things that never happened
This happened in Lancashire i think, it was literally like 2 mussies handing out leaflets in the local park. No one listened and still take their dogs.
Excellent doge, can snap a toddler in two with a flick of its jaw
Ironically, it's a favorite breed among Muslims here, it's from Caucasus and they all have a wolf totem there, so they kind of love big aggressive dogs, seeing them as kindred spirits.
>dogs are mans best friends
>muslims hate dogs
>dogs hate mans best friends
>muslims are mans enemies
wtf i hate dogs now
Way better
Kill yourself OP
this makes me so fucking angry
i spent a year in lebanon, and they all fucking love dogs there. i'm not just talking about the christians, i mean the muslims too.
they don't keep them in their houses but they hunt with them, own them, and play with them. and they love the shit out of their doges.
it is almost exclusively hardline sunnis that have those beliefs and make those kinds of signs. what a load of shit.
i spent most of my time with a muslim family in a regional area of lebanon, where they are very religious, and they had a kick-ass dalmatian called 'santa'. hunted with her and treated it her like royalty. nothing but fresh beef every day and occasional biscuits.
How can you brits tolerate this extremist shit?
Do something about it. Call police and let it investigate who is responsible putting this extremist sticker there.
Dogs are human companions for thousands of years and this "muslim" claim about "purity" is there to destroy our culture.
Just a bit of information on that breed. Caucasian shepherds are not aggressive in the slightest to their families. However, they absolutely despise strangers. You can train them to be indifferent to other people but they still will mostly only tolerate them.
Also they can grow to 80kg of weight and even more, depending on the food you give them. When these dogs attack, they basically launch their whole body at you, tackle you down and then bite your face off.
>blow themselves up
>hate mans best friends
>fuck little kids
>cant eat bacon
i feel like this religion started out as a joke and then got so big that it became real
Do they hate dogs solely because of their religion or does the religion consider dogs haram because they hate dogs?
So these dogs were still wolves then? No they were fucking not.
It took tenthousand years. Yeah they didnt have different breeds then but thats not the point.
Point is that even people in the stone age had more empathy then islam has today.
>Caucasian shepherds are not aggressive in the slightest to their families.
Consider that people getting such dogs are more often than not tumblrina tier. They think they have a contract with the dog that says don't kill family or the neighbors' toddler. When the dog eventually does that they say bad dog how could you betray our trust like this.
There's no reason to get a guard dog unless you're actually involved in herding livestock or securing a perimeter. Otherwise the dog is the clearest sign of mental issues in the owner, which are further exacerbated by the power trip they get from handling the monster.
It's just their hate, what can you expect from the biggest shitskins on the earth
Next thing you will hear is that raping kids is part of their religion
You do know this whole thing including the jewbook page was all setup by local right wingers to stir things up don't you?
If you didn't know it then you should really learn to get your facts right instead of accepting everything at face value.
You see, the reason why mudslimes "hate" dogs is because they're afraid of them.
Dogs can sense danger and the emotions of man, a muslim can not publicly culturally enrichen a woman in the western world because there's dogs around and they'll sense the anger in them and they'll start barking, making the muslim and the dog a point of attention.
That's why mudslimes consider dogs haram
There isn't a single redeeming point in Islam, it's like really someone made a retarded caricature of the most despicable traits conceivable and slapped them all together
You must be the pac leader or the dog will be. Such is nature.
Wow that's a big turk roach, Never knew they got that large.
There are no better soul detectors than dogs (certain breeds, at least).
t. An asian gentleman living in London.
Read for yourself idiot.
If I saw this in my town I would smear a page of the quran with pigs blood and dog hair and nail it over the sign.
Fuck mudslimes and fuck their "purity."
it's true tho
it was just a prank
it did more harm than good because it gave muslims the chance to pretend to be all mature and gracious about it
I think one thing some breed of dog are good at is detecting pyschopathy. They sense it where the best human at-first-glance character judge will miss it.
I don't like dogs but i don't like muslims as well. Think i will disembowel a few stray dogs in front of a mosque to show people how it's done.
In self defense, of course
You call the cops and make them to crack down on those extremists.
go to bed giovanni.
too much wine and gabbagool for you today.
Does anyone of you have a pitbull any chance?
Dogs are very good at that.
Signalling who is and who is not threat to their pack.
They hate black dogs the most. Because they are "demons".
especially nigger pitbulls
Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.
Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time i'm getting the dose right
Good pasta
you did the right thing
They fear black ones the most. While most dogs (aside from guard dogs and herding dogs) shold be avoided, dune coons think black dogs are demonic and should be put to death.
What the fuck eurofags?
If you can't stand dogs you can get the fuck out of my country
WTF!...any euro/brit fag please politely explain this shit!? I'm dismayed at the imposition of culturally sensitive matters like this on your culture.
ill sausage poison ur ugly dog
i am an islam and this is offending me pls remoeve
fucking wog.
i hope your neighbor catches you in the act next time and puts you in a fucking coma.
sounds like the sort of thing a scared little boy who is being bullied by his neighbors would do.
Hope they trace you down, fine and lock up. In Estonia this kind of behavior is punishable crime.
>Estonia making threats
I have a pit bull, a black lab, and a pug.
My dogs are well trained. They do not eat random sausages.
Eh, fuck off Mr. Muslim.
His idea is better.
This is not a threat.
You were committing a crime and for society to function criminals should be caught and punished.
Simple as that.
Estonia is just a landlocked version of Australia. A place to put criminal scum to keep them away from the civilized.
>estonia landlocked
Dogs are good. Meat is a little bit chewy, but perfect if you cook it in a slow cooker (especially if the dog is still alive inside of it) and add some spices.
I've tasted both dog and cat meat, and i can assure dog tops them all. Cow meat is nothing compared to a good spiced dog
No. It is not.
You have to make your government and it's structures to act if you want to avoid descending into civil war.
t. baiter
You do not know nothing about us.
>Smoking dogs is not awesome
burger education
I always used to argue with my neighboor regarding what to do with stray dogs. His stance was THEY DIN DU NUFFIN.
Mine was, and still is culling.
A few months ago i had an entire pack of stray dogs following a female in heat. All of them in my backyard, barking at me. Grabbed my chainsaw and served a couple of them. Had a lot of fun btw. Especially when the first one tried to bite the blade and ended up with his head split in 2 lmao
He didn't even roll in the snow, lmao fucking retarded dog a cat would have survived
I'd start breeding dogs just to release in that area.
Estonians are bunch of women
>tfw you learn the parasite from cats has been weaponized and dogs can identify people who've been taken over by the parasite so (((they))) want to ban all dogs that aren't flea size or any dog that still has a large portion of wolf spirit inside because aliens hate doggos
No one has asked where this is? Well, where is it?
lmao I love when that happens
a few Ibuprofin pills will do the trick.. 3 or 4 will cause renal failure in 24hrs or less.
>Newfags meeting the Italian alphabet agency poster who's baiting for replies while trying to find serial killers
Shit that never happened.
>mfw i got my daily dose of (You)s with my pasta
But an interesting trait of Sup Forums is that this board will quickly call for genocides but snap just like the tumblrinas whenever they talk shit about their little cute dogs.
>t. golden retriever owner
Lucky Charms is my favorite
although I can smash a nice bowl of Fruit Loops too
I have a fucking schipperke and all the immigrants are terrified of him, it's hilarious.
>Sup Forums is one person
Wew lad, neck yourself. We hate memes, not specific people, unless they're aware of their poor memes and continue to wallow in their ignorance most people can be turned.
The only people who don't like doggos are shills, faggots, asians who've eaten dog, and muslims. The pit bull "controversy" is the biggest indicator of an agenda to ban/require major permit for all dogs capable or harming a human.
I know this is bait, but holy shit m8 i am triggered.
A pitbull isn't exactly a gun, it can attack anyone. Same with dobermanns. If you want self defense, get a gun. If you want to protect your home, get a german shepherd.
But if you have a pitbull it's just because you want to be a poser, therefore poisonous sausage is required for your own good. My cousin (2 yo) got his face mauled by the family's pitbull
Either that or risking 20 years because your little doggy snapped and killed a kid
It's wop. Don't be insensitive.
I'm not even going to bother with you, cunt. Ive seen you shitpost in multiple threads about dogs. I've had a pit bull before, I traveled around hitchhiking and backpacking with her for two years. During that time she met more people and visited more states than the average person who lives in the Midwest. Not once did she even act like she was going to attack someone, despite me getting into multiple fights.
You dont even fucking understand how many dumn faggots want a lawsyit so they come up and try to pet your dog and get in their face without asking, especially in San Francisco or Seattle. I mean, I would sit my backpack down and walk away from it confident that not only would she guard it, she wouldn't bite anyone who came up trying to pet her like a fucking idiot-because if she bit one yuppie even if she were in the right it would be over for her and us.
Pit Bulls are the flabor of the month because our shelters are filled with them. As a poor nigger, you can't go get a pure bred husky, pure bred rottie, pure shephard. You can sure as fuck get a pure pit bull though, probably for free. Shit, a golden retriever would still bite you if it was raised by trash.
You're obviously either a shill or a useful idiot because you already mentioned the last flavor of the month dog Doberman. It won't stop with Doberman or pit bulls, it won't stop with Huskies or German Shepherds. They won't stop until your dog is a retarded caricature of what it could be.
You will never understand dogs until you have a real best friend in one.
They say dogs would howl and bark when they saw the evil prophet Mohammed. His followers added them to the jihad list ever since.