>realize Jews controlling all high positions in American life is not a meme
Realize Jews controlling all high positions in American life is not a meme
You can convert you know.
Did you ever wonder why the Jews are such great proponents of democracy? Whether in Indonesia or Pakistan or Serbia or you name it, whenever there is some threat to universal suffrage, the Jews are ready to send the U.S. armed forces in to bomb and kill until everyone is permitted to vote. Why is that? Why can't the Indonesians have an Islamic theocracy if they want? Why can't the Pakistanis have a military dictatorship? Why can't the Serbs run their own country the way they prefer? What is the appeal in making sure that people whose minds have been wasted by Alzheimer's Disease vote? Well, let's not beat around the bush: the appeal of mass democracy lies in the fact that in essentially every country in the world today, the number of persons unable to think for themselves is substantially larger than the number able to make independent decisions. Those unable to think for themselves have their thinking done for them by the people who control the mass media. Which is to say, democracy is the preferred system because it gives the political power to those who own or control the mass media and at the same time allows them to remain behind the scenes and evade responsibility for the way in which they use that power. And the more inclusive the democracy is -- that is, the more Alzheimer's sufferers and Mongoloid cretinsand paranoid schizophrenics and people who live in empty packing cases in alley ways and Jamaican immigrants and football fans are able to vote -- the more certain is the grip of the media masters on the political process.
I have IQ 126,I dont think that is enough for supreme race.
You thought it was a meme? Did you just never pay attention to the last names of financial and entertainment types? Their influence vastly exceeds their population.
You'll never hear liberals talk about equal representation or inequality regarding (((them))), though. Even during the black people Academy Award snafu, they conveniently ignored the Jewish influence and made it a white issue.
lel, yesterday i told my friends that jews make only 0.2% of US population, and nobody believed me. (i'm taking this out of context here)
they said it must be much, much higher because you always see so many jews in the movies and tv shows.
little did they know, i was right.
It's closer to 2%, there are ~5,000,000 Jews in the US. The US Census says 1.7-2.6%, in fact. Still absurd given the representation of Jews in positions of power, but it's not that low.
To sacrifice normie life in exchange for great knowledge is sacrifice most have to make.
but jews are proponents and behinde marxism and communism
What can you do about that? You were born into a rigged system, might aswell be a NEET
This meme needs to stop. 99% of jews are not trying to destroy control us. Jews are simply the highest iq race, and have a long history of wealth. This combines to there being many old money jews, and many successful jews.
If you want to talk about who is controlling you, look for the old money families that have had a long time to entrench themselves into their seats of power.
mfw Indians are the master race.
nice try yid, we know you guys like to play both sides.
>but jews are proponents and behinde marxism and communism
ideologies that are typically spread in the West under the banner of democracy, as the 30-some odd front groups that Moscow ran in the U.S. during the 30's (staffed by Jews), which were identified by the Venona transcripts, often featured the word "Democracy" in their name.
Sup Forums was not wrong.
It's not the jews.
Seriously, look closer. It's not the jews.
dont you need a jew mother?
You've only strengthened what I said, that jews are behinde marxism and communism
so you think there is a tie between communist jews and democratic jews?
>Come live the American Dream
I wonder who could it be, behind it all
That's because the Irish are ubermensch
Democracy and communism are linked, the Jews push a soft form of communism as social democracy.
>Jews are simply the highest iq race, and have a long history of wealth.
Good goy,but your master's lies are easily exposed
While according to their teachings a true convert isn't any less Jewish, most Ashkenazi Jews don't believe that in their heart. They are the most ethically supremacist people in the world.
Okay and can YOU offer a better form of government?
ethnically* supremacist
national socialism :^)
Its merely a coincidence. Jews are on average, more intelligent, so they so well in a capitalistic society. What's the issue? They're just scapegoated based on their appearances. Its scientifically proven that people are generally more distrustful of ugly people.
a retarded ideology isn't any less retarded just because it's edgy
So establish a party and get into power
If the majoraty won't want you they will rebel anyway, that's why u need(non rigged) democratic elections
>You call that a red pill?
This is a red pill (on race mixing agenda)....
Massive red pill incoming
Rootless cattle whom they will force (with massive inherentence tax) to "re-set" every generation
An ethnic group (either real, such as native Germans, or partially constructed, such as 'Aryans') has a very strong ability to resist subversion.
Think of it like someone who has lost their memory, you can mould and abuse them to your will. With no ethnic identity all forms of identification become purely memetic; you see proto stages of that now, in my country in the past 5 years we have seen this in the form of "British Values", essentially the British state, its taxpaying citizens and its values could exist without a single Briton in it. And that's the point. It can be entirely controlled; one day our values are war with Oceania, the next with Eurasia.
Population demographically speaking will be almost wholly African. And yes with some mixed remnants. Very low IQ, very easy to manipulate and critically; no other identity other than WHAT JOB THEY DO (for the Jew) Mixed race, a step more, just" human"
Two classes of people. Gods chosen and the goyim. London is a great example of this emerging (note victim card l, and yet aggressor, from this " right wing) Jewish rag), Jews have marked out thier territory; dailymail.co.uk
The Jew is playing 5D chess; Israel is a sacrificial nation, ever wondered why alt right shills against "Zionism"? They don't want a nation, they want the world.
>Yes goyim establish yet another nationalist party to split the vote and we'll infiltrate and make it a kosher anti Islamist civic nationalist party!