Daily reminder not to racemix. Your waifu can be any of the variations in pic related. If you are a pathetic low value male, you can mate with a brown eyed girl, but she needs to at least be white.
This is All of the Diversity we will Ever Need
All non pure whites and cucks within our race should die.
B-but I want to get a cute (east) Asian chick
Do it then. You're kids will grow up thinking that their dad is a beta faggot who couldn't get an English woman and that their mother is a gold digging whore
There's nothing wrong with having a tiny dick. Just find a white girl with a tight pussy.
>asian alien-like piece of shit
t. mongol
blonde looks best with blue eyes
red looks best with green eyes
brown looks best with brown-green eyes
black looks best with brown eyes
>Implying the best possible combination isn't brunette with blue eyes
Found the trissfag
Brunette with blue eyes is also my favorite combination, but blonde with blue eyes objectively best.
Nothing wrong with having preferences though. As long as they are withing the white variations.
Green eyes always look like radioactive mutants tbqh
Blue eyes are true master race
Sex starved males idolising something they'll never have. Never change Sup Forums.
Now if only any of them will ever look at you and your 400lbs of Aryan awesomeness
>Amerinigger dictating whiteness
Nice projecting.
>they all have light eyes
thats raciss mate brown eyed """""""whites""""""" are just as white as true whites and if you disagree you are a jew shill jidf divide and conquer raciss snownigger :^)
Brown eyed whites were mentioned in the OP. They are just less desirable, and reserved for lower tier males. But they're still people, sure.
Best combo is black hair and blue eyes.
off to the gas chamber with you! it is redhead with freckles and green eyes reeeeeeeee!
My dad and his two brothers are all blonde eyes and fair hair.
My dad married a half denbts half potato nigger, and I got brown eyes and almost black hair.
daddy why
>blonde eyes
agreed to be quite honest
>nordic and germanic separate
wew laddie
If you insist. Me on the left.
but english women are ugly as fuck