France bans the notion of illegal immigration

>After a year or so of pressure from lobbies and associations to embrace the waves of illegal migrants, France officially caves and adopts measures to provide assistance and support to them at the state level. These measures include an authorization to remain on the territory and to start an asylum procedure - as opposed to the previous provisions where any illegal person has to leave as soon as possible. De facto, any person now on the French territory is entitled to benefit from these measures.

Explain yourself, Frenchfags.

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As usual, all these laws are silently voted. Being backstabbed is not enough to make you a cuck.

To me, it seems that the French establishment is accelerating the degeneracy, maybe because he is feeling that his end is near.

It won't prevent French people of getting sick of this shit. All the more than we are already flooded by the third-world shit.

Wait and see.

Didn't you have some elections fairly recently?

When are the next ones scheduled for?

June 2016, we elect our future (((president))) if these elections are not reported because of muh terrorism ! The previous one were the régional elections on december 2015 where the FN lost.

>June 2016

Uhh, what? Did they already happen?

But anyway, how much power does a president even have in your country? Here, it's mostly the Prime Minister who's in charge.

Will the french leave EU if their right wing parties are elected or they're staying because they're founding members?

I can't even...

Does France have border controls any more? Can I just waltz over? Or does this only apply to non-Europeans?

He meant 2017.

Ah, alright then.

Still, it's an optimistic view, thinking your country will be still alive by then.

Oops, 2017 I meant, of course.
Officialy, thanks to De Gaulle, the president is a kind of king. But since 20 years, they are unofficially dominated by the European Union.

If Le Pen gets elected, it is very likely to happen. Otherwise, no.

>border control
>having any borders anyway

(((French))) government is way more efficient to expell russian students whose visa is over, rather than mudshits, albanians, kosovars, niggers...

Just cuck my shit up.

For fucks sake France.

I read that 2 Albanians were arrested for helping the Nice attacker

Lobbies and associations are dangerous for democracy.

They do. I live near the border and they constantly send the niggers back

wtf, I'm going to france illegally now

Didn't Germany just declare your country to be "safe" and thus you couldn't qualify as an actual refugee?

>be French
>get invaded
>the response?
>Wait and see
>Wait and see
>Wait and see

That sounds familiar.

Is "wait and see' France's whole political philosophy? Why don't you spineless pussies just print that on your flag? How the fuck are you even a country?

>Be Ukraine
>Get Invaded by Russia
>Get your refugee status revoked
>Be declared safe

You can not make this shit up.
Was Ukraine so bad before the Russians invaded ?

Scum of the earth helping each other. Color me surprised.

see (it happened last week)

You will get expelled, as the (((govt))) still think slavs are white. Consider converting to islam, maybe ?

Marine Le Pen has no chance of being elected.

France is fucked.

Did they learn nothing from this past year of happenings and the migrant crisis? Fuck, even Sweden shut their open border policy.

the president has all the powers

yeah, it did, it's just that I could convert to Islam before going and become an oppressed

Why you don't talk about Emanuelle cosse.

Immigrant in french family house

>France officially caves and adopts measures to provide assistance and support to them at the state level
>As usual, all these laws are silently voted

The agenda could not be clearer at this point. The great replacement is a fact.

You're not given an opportunity to vote against it. In the rare cases the grey mass tries to thwart the globalist agenda they work behind the scenes to ensure the fallout is nothing, even if it's supposedly cataclysmic like the Brexit.

The elites are running this ship off the cliff just as intended. While we're busy fighting a race war for scraps, they've been cleaning the tables for 100 years. At the point of the crash the rich people avoid a French Revolution scenario.

I swear to God I can't fucking take it anymore, at this point the only solution is another violent revolution.
Hang the corrupt politicians in the streets.

>says the one whose president is inviting the whole third-world smoking weed with him while attending at the gay-pride (national day).

So it looks like the Socialists won't win in 2017.

How good are the Republicans compared to Front National?

Normally you send them back. I noticed because i regularly travel to Nice and There's a constant stream of niggers towards Italy


yep same here I cant fucking wait to see these traitors hanged

Do you know that helding such speech in times of war used to condemn you to death penalty ?

No STFU, grow a pair, and wait.

"Qui vivra verra"

So? Nothing wrong with that.

t. marsault fan

Sérieusement, qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour tout cramer?

Suicide toi, antifa de mes deux.

They do the exact same shit while pretending being tough. So they are actually worse.

I'll smuggle you weapons frogbro.
>t. greatest ally

Don't worry spaghetti bro, we will hopefully get rid of this trash.

Either that or we all disappear under tons of migrant crap.

ports and airports

t. Ahmed in Marseille

>typing in French on a mongolian basket weaving forum

I'll report you to my government for hate speech.

more power than the POTUS

il faut une manifestation armée, c'est le seul moyen

>frogs doing anything violent in anno domini 2016
Please prove me wrong jacques

guns are banned

Le truc c'est qu'on sait très bien que les policiers et l'armée sont de notre côté mais doivent agir sous les ordres de déséquilibrés mentaux socialistes.

>what are we waiting for ? MUH RACE WAR, MUH DEUS VULT

Don't you already know that we are civilized people, thus used to civilized ennemies (knight style), not sandnogs barbarians ?

A white person doesn't like to die for nothing (that is to said being slained by group of mudshits, by behind, without anybody to avenge you after that because muh leftism and fear of appearing racism).

See Daniel Conversano and his latest 1h stream on YouTube. He explains this very well.

isn't france like a lost cause already? Population already pretty mixed with the 3rd world. Now or never

To be fair it's the Italian government's fault, since we are the ones importing niggers by the boatload. I can't blame you for sending them back

We have borders. You don't. We cherry pick our immigrants based on a point system to assess their economic value. You invite rapists and murderers with zero vetting. You can't trigger me with insults. You can only horrify me with the loss of Europe. France is dead. You can't even claim to be a country without borders; it's the sine qua non of nationhood. You've just given up.

il faut les purger, ya un moment faut choisir, le peuple ou les traitres

Quit assuming things about the M&P just because you've seen one or two agreeing with you. You fantasize about a massive uprising that will never happen.

He could claim he is homo.

I know, this whole shit was only made possible because whitey is a soft, non-confrontational pussy.
Last week I was trying to enjoy a movie at the cinema and this sandnigger wouldn't shut the fuck up so I just scream at him that I was gonna fucking put him in the hospital and unsurprisingly he didn't utter one more word until the end.

If ever you were to overthrow your government, I would be there to fight by your side, France. This has gone on for too long and been taken too far.

No snide cuck comments. Something will happen and when it does, I will be there.

Actual white immigrant here (slav)
Your country dislikes us even more. Cause we're actually smart and competitive, and your fragile egos only seem to accept that immigrants are ignorant dumbfucks

La vérité c'est que personne n'a les couilles d'agir le premier. Moi compris (planquée a l’étranger).

Toute la merde actuelle en France ce n'est pas de la faute des gauchistes, des féministes, des immigrés ou des juifs. C'est de notre faute, parce que nous les avons laissé faire.

Nous n'agissons pas parce qu'il s'agit d'un sacrifice et que nous pourrions y laisser notre réputation et notre peau.

French courts also recently decided that indigenous French don't constitute a group of people, they don't exist.

The french are being openly genocided by the Jew. It's true what they say, France is the front line, yet again.

It is true though, I didn't say they would instantly side with an uprising and go hang the traitors, but the political sentiment in the police and military is far-right.

>De facto, any person now on the French territory is entitled to benefit from these measures.
That's nothing, they can all become citizens after 3 years.

It's not necessarily better.

We bring hostile immigrants but at least there is a clear distinction between us and them.

You bring Chinese people are pretend they are real Canadians. That's not fundamentally better. It could actually be worse.

Should we bring up the ethnicity stats for the M&P forces?

And what does it tell you when even arabs and blacks in the police force tell you they can't fucking take that mad open-borders policy anymore?

Attention crétin, on a eu une menace terroriste en Ontario, un mec voulais se faire exploser.....

Sauf que NOUS on l'a flingé de bords en bords avant qu'il agisse... tu pige? tu comprends?

On a pas merdé a attendre qu'il roule sur 150 pieton avec un camion, tu comprends???

On a pas attendu qu'il tue 150 personne dans un concert.....

Et les amalgammes on en fait pleins..... alors je te chie dessus, toi et ton peuple, allez continuer a chanter avec des bougies, continué a enseigner l'arabe a l'ecole....

Mais par contre que je te voie pas venir ici chercher refuge et pleurer, comme j'en voie des milliers a chaque ans...

Creve, ordure

>smart and competitive

Care to explain why Slavic countries have lower average IQs and are economically uncompetitive compared to the West?

99% white among officers. We're not talking about mall cops here.


T'as oublié ceux en voiture.


Reminder that a "circulaire" has literally no legal value.

It tells me that you are fine with them being M&P in the first place. Again, you fantasize about the power they might possess with their firearms.

Are you implying officers do anything noteworthy nowadays? Do you realize they're on government payroll?

France would do the same, Dario. All our leaders are backstabbing mudafuckaz. Elect Beppe president, we will also do our best.

That's true. But be aware that your country can be rotten to the bones within 30 years. Don't make the mistake we did... I wish that Canada stay the whitest possible (as for any western country).
But I forbid you to say that France is dead !!!
It has been said a hundred times during our history, but we are still here.
Black plague, deadly wars, genocides (Vendée), religion wars (cathars, protestants), nazi invasion, etc.

How can you say that we have given up when we haven't even started to respond ? I think we are actually recovering of these years of cultural marxism. Like after an accident, when you are in a state of shock, with dead/injuried bodies around you. You are mentally blocked. And in such a case, you are the youtube comment guy who is saying "what are you wainting for to help the people around you DUMBASS". Not very efficient.

Pourquoi les québécois sont-ils toujours aussi vulgaires ? C'est le froid ? Le manque de reconnaissance ?

You are literally off-topic and shitposting for the sake of it.

French people don't care, they are on vacations and when they'll come back, their fridges, jobs, cars and the funny tv (((guy))) will still be here to numb them into oblivion.

Je suis Franco Ontarien, rien a voir
so fucking kill yourself

Nice copout "argument", Pierre.

Please use a tripcode.

Government payroll means nothing the day there is a coup.

Francois Hollande would have been the court's jester 500 years ago. He is not a leader, he's the weak representative of a degenerate people.

At one point generals, who have a better understanding of history and civilisation than politicians, will act accordingly. We're not going to be ruled by Sarkozys and Hollandes forever.

So if i well understand our law, now for example, a russian battalion shall be welcome with open arms and free healthcare and free food?

sounds good.

>hon hon honnn n les français le méritent
>canada supérieur

D'acc'. On se dit 10 ans et on fait le bilan.

Thats it. France is finished. Au revoir mes amis.


Wew, it's literally nothing

Not an argument.

There will never be a coup, we are a NATO member.

I once saw an ad in Arab on YouTube for Canadian immigration.
Trudeau wants some top quality Molenbeek ragheads by the boatload, it seems


Et encore mème quand tu te sacrifie les gens sont ingrats.

Ça me fait chier de le dire, mais il n'a pas tort.
On est juste bon à allumer des bougies.

they need more useful idiots to stay in power

Réveille-toi, Gallia.

I don't give a fuck if they come from China or Egypt - in principle - so long as they have good skills, contribute to society and respect the laws. It's not mandatory for them to like poutine or hockey; plenty of "true" Canadians don't give a shit about either. That's fine.

The problem is that muzzies in France rarely do any of those three things (be skilled, contribute, obey the laws). 75% of France's prison population is Muslim. That speaks volumes. And those were the ones that were vetted at the border. And now France is letting countless more with no checks whatsoever this time. I think the results will be pretty predictable. France is dying, people.

This is the worst thing that could happen.
Protesters will be dissolved within hours by the authorities.
The country will be into a civil war and would benefit (muslims, shitskins) to kill us and take power.
NATO would send military and global conflict would begin.

We all know the result ----------> New World Order

-> Katyń, Warsaw destruction, London-based government eliminated.
-> Betrayed by Napoleon, and a century later by Chamberlain
-> 60 years of communist fuck-ups, pushing bullshit economic and social agendas

Katyń was a literal lobotomy of our inteligentsia. We still haven't recovered from it.

What's your excuse leaf ? I'm sure having a teenage girl running your country must feel like a carousel ride and send butterflies in your tummy

I'll take my 3,5% growth and 0,9% foreigner population, enjoy your halal poutine

> I don't give a fuck if they come from China or Egypt - in principle - so long as they have good skills, contribute to society and respect the laws


annex that shit lmao, france still has 20 million French.

This isn't a law.
Sup Forums blowing a non story out of proportion once again.

If you seriously believe the country of France is going to actually do away completely with the notion of illegal immigration, you are border line retarded.

Are you living in a democracy or not? Test it.

>I don't give a fuck if they come from China or Egypt - in principle - so long as they have good skills, contribute to society and respect the laws

Non mais faut arrêter les conneries là !

Parce que la DGSI n'a pas déjoué des dizaines d'attentats depuis 3 ans ? Parce que l'on n'a pas tué des terroristes pendant des perquisitions ?

C'est pas un bougnoule mental canadien qui va nous informer sur la question. Quand je vois la virulence de cet étron, il me fait penser à un Abaaoud de salon.

Sale NEET de merde.

Quand tu vois la passion qu'il met à nous dégueuler dessus alors qu'il n'y a pas plus mondialiste que son président, ça en dit long sur le degré de cohésion des blancs.

Et arrêtez avec le meme des bougies. J'en ai pas vu une après Nice, et encore pour l'assassinat du père Hamel. La "narrative" s'effrite.

Wait and see bordel !



Freemasons are fucking with France

The influx of other races and cultures is how they're destroying such in revenge