Would anybody miss poland if it was disappeared from thin air one day...

Would anybody miss poland if it was disappeared from thin air one day? Or better question;What is contribution has poles done to the world? besides cleaning toilets and being waste of space of course.
i hate poland so much. they are irrelevant toilet cleaners and they treated way more low than NIGGERS AND ARABS İN UK. they are worthless piece of shit monkeys, why are they EXIST?

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jokes wouldn't be as funny...

Fuck off roach, at least the Poles are proud worshiping Catholics, Poland will always be better than Turkey.

OH and they make good cheap aids prostitutes in UK too.
i forgot to add that

Atleast they don't aid ISIS you little nigger. Go the fuck back to bombing your own people and sucking erdogans dick you roach

Come here and said this to my face roach.

Poland is actually one of those countries whose contribution far outpaces their relatively small 40 million Poles.

There are many great Poles throughout history but I'll just lay it on the line, Turk.

They will forever be the Saviors of Crisendom. King Sobieski and his glorious Winged Hussars saved Vienna from the advancing hordes and liberated the city.

They could literally do nothing else forever and they have paid the debt.

I noticed your picture. It must feel bad to have your great x6 grandfather killed by a Hussar, I can see why you keep a grudge.

Better luck next time, turk.

Our biggest contribution was stopping turkroaches from crawling into europe twice.

> meaningful contribution to the world

poles are top lads which is not what i can say about the turks over here

>jewbel prizes
try again

>oh look, it's the same roach shitting on another random slavic country
Fuck off already. Poles are based catholic slavbros.

We have these threads every goddamn day.

i never shitted on any slavs except poles. they are useless monkeys that need to be genocided

We would.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little roach? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my cavalry class and was immediately accepted into Winged Hussars, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on crimean tatars, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top lancdr in the entire polish-lithuanian commonwealth armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another peasant. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the inyermarium and your dirty village is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my hussar sabre. Not only am I extensively trained in sabre fencing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the polish cavalry contigent and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn turkroach. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>they are useless monkeys that need to be genocided
>says a roach
You're the cancer of this planet

What are you even trying to achieve with this thread? There's probably a total of 3 people on Sup Forums who'll support you.



fuck off roach

Polacks are dumb , but they are brave and loyal, in my experience. I used to be an intellectual elitist but as I grow older I have come to appreciate character and courage as much or more than intelligence. Lot's of useless soft pudding belly NEETs are smart, what do they do with it? I'll take a meathead with a work ethic and a spine any day.
Plus who doesn't love them polish chicks with the big fat nattys

Yes please! We were going to do exactly that along with the based russians when the eternal anglo interfered.

I actually agree but this is suspicious

polska diaspora?

Roach is planning another Armenia.
Will you at least admit to this one?

Poland is shit, but it's far better than turkey.

if Poland disappeared into thin air one day, I would just be like "huh, look a country I don't care about is gone"
if Turkey disappeared into thin air one day I would be celebrating.

Where the fuck this meme come from? Both in IQ tests and PISA scores we rank among the best in Europe, losing only to eastern asians.

This meme comes from the fact Poles are not cowards like Western Europeans. The average pole is a lot more traditional and stereo-typically masculine.

Not being a pussy and loving your country makes you a dumb meat head from the perspective of contemporary cultural values in the West.

This whole thread

>it's a roach

i barely care about your opinion


>Not being a pussy and loving your country makes you a dumb meat head from the perspective of contemporary cultural values in the West.

It goes deeper than that.

>During World War II, (((Hollywood))) studios supported the war effort by making patriotic movies designed to raise the nation's morale. They often portrayed the combatants in very simple terms: Americans and their allies were heroes, and everyone else was a villain. Norway, France, Czechoslovakia, and England were all good because they had been invaded or victimized by Nazi Germany. Poland, however, was represented in a negative light in numerous movies. In Hollywood's War with Poland, 1939-1945, M. B. B. Biskupski draws on a close study of prewar and wartime films such as To Be or Not to Be (1942), In Our Time (1944), and None Shall Escape (1944). He researched memoirs, letters, diaries, and memoranda written by (((screenwriters))), (((directors))), (((studio heads))), and actors to explore the negative portrayal of Poland during World War II. Biskupski also examines the political climate that influenced (((Hollywood))) films.

Poles should be cleansed.

well desu your iq is only higher because you're pure white.

but yeah, I think the cucks just want someone to beat up on

they're the same ones who say "money isnt everything" then shit on poland for being poorer than them. poland also has a lower murder rate but somehow you guys are the violent ones.

the chinese have a proverb that every child knows that basically says "the villain points the finger at the weakest looking person and calls him evil." the lesson being that villains distract people by placing blame on others. it's why asians don't like loudmouths, or extroverts much. they distrust them.

shi ne

I agree with you. Anyway, anyone that says "entire x country is dumb" is an idiot or an under-aged edge kid.

Dont you have a russian invasion to worry about, hohol? No need to talk about Volyn, we havent forgotten about it and we are about to remind you about that very soon.

well basically anyone outside of whites and east asians IS dumb though

a race with an iq of 75, say, middle easterners, literally has a 1 in 1.75 million chance of having an iq of 140 (generally the lower limit for UNDERSTANDING advanced physics or new discoveries in biology) whereas one in 400 and one in 100 asians has this iq.

this is a pretty significant difference.

>middle easterners
>advanced physics or new discoveries in biology

They dont need that, this is magics and works of Shaitan.

When they finally find Djinns in the desert, like Quran says, and use them for energy they will be set forever!

>iq of 140 (generally the lower limit for UNDERSTANDING advanced physics

Are you smoking crack?

Holhol inferiority complexes, we were oppressed and shietttt

Remove kebab pls
noone will miss them
Not white, not human
rated lower than bugs
nice revolution you had there


page 7. phd students have iqs of around 130 and research associates need around 140. to discover something new requires an even higher iq.

just because you're ignorant doesn't mean the rest of us are

Likewise, kiwi, likewise.

Your MP speech was savage
My finnish brah

If you mean that we got polish guys pimiping whores out and getting protection money

As a gamer: hell no

I think the Turk is still salty over the Battle of Vienna.

and losing 1 k people over failed revolution



>Shitting on Poland

Try me

this t*rk is still mad about vienna
poles are pretty good at stamping out roaches

> t.roach

I would miss poland. However I would not miss turkey if it got fucking nuked. Roach piece of shit. We need to slaughter you and reestablish the Byzantine empire.

333 years after the Battle of Vienna and the roaches are still butthurt.

I would miss the Witcher game so much

>What is contribution has poles done to the world?
Well. They removed kebab meny times, for example. I guessing you roaches are still butthurted about this.


>Poland disappears

helped to destroy the ottoman empire..together with austria etc..i know they small weak countrys but what does that say about the ottomanlet "empire" lol

and now a second time poland and hungary are giving mental power to all of europe to stand up against pisslam and satans little bitch mohammed (pissbeuponhisname)

poland hungary romania etc are the turks worst nightmare

>What is Poland's contribution
Killing monsters.


20,000 of them once kicked your asses hard when you tried to invade Germany. Also, Cupernicus (Mikołaj Kopernik) and Marie Curie (Marie Skłodowska Curie) were both Poles.

Still butthurt about Vienna, roach?

Poland is not yet lost.

That's some good pasta.