If Hitler did nothing wrong, then why did he lose the war?


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try to fight the entire world and see if you will come out victorious.

you have to lose to win...

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He did one thing wrong, he lost

>go against primarily Zionist nationalists and see if you will come out victorious


t. weedman

really made me think

He wasn't American.

The world is not kind to the innocent and naive. Hitler was too hopeful, too optimistic. We live in a bad place, and he was a good man. He should have honestly taken the war at a step at a time desu, and it has nothing to do with him faulting morally, his utter passion, but impatience, to win.
He was literally too good for this world.

also, kike has dubs.

One number away from 9/11
>Really makes you think

he found out that if you kill your enemies, they win.

>Attacking the soviet union
He pulled a napoleon and paid the price

He was too addled on drugs due to hiring a quack doctor as a personal physician. At first it was to treat basic medical issues like his GI tract, it then escalated to being given Atropine, causing neural breakdown, he was completely out of it around the time he died.

Just because you make no wrong choices, doesn't always mean you'll win in life.

what movie is this screen from?

Honourable Jew has chosen dubs of truth, Hitler wanted to give the Jews Israel so they were "landed" and didn't have to meddle in the affairs of the world as international elements. The Jews aren't subhuman, they're highly intelligent and scheming

you're a retard

Kek. You think you won the war.

Ask Patterson what he though the outcome of the war was.


Ferris Bueller's Day Off

You're retarded if you fight against entire world

You do realize he invaded russia 17 days before Operation Groza would have launched agianst germany right?

He attacked USSR before finishing off UK. You don't fight on 2 fronts, ever.

Implying that Stalin wasn't building up to attack him.

Hitler got too cocky. He was too good of an ally as well. If those retarded Italians didn't suck so much ass at fighting he wouldn't have had to divert troops and if Japan had just attacked the soviets then they would be fucked. despite Japan being little dicks and not attacking Russia, Germany was still a good ally and declared war on the U.S. with consolidation with Japan.

Hitler got fucked over by his allies more than I think people realize.

How's that plan working out for you guys?

omg you learned the truth where all the world's historians missed it?!?!?

He didn't think that's how it would have turned out at the start though.

If the Jews are supposed to be inferior to you than how come it looks like their winning. They've pretty much aced this "Earth" shit, nobody can touch them.

Jewish Master Race

You are now aware the only genocide that occurred in during / after ww2 was the Sudeten Germans, Ethnic Germans in Poland, and the Prussians

>"Oh boy I'm at war with one of the world's most power nations"
>"Fuck it, let's declare war on another because muh living space or something"
>"Well shit you know what I'm going to declare war on another world power cuz fuck it"
tl;dr - Hitler was a retard who kept declaring war on people

They aren't masterrace until they breed out the crooknose and breed in blue/green eyes and blonde hair.

ok buddy the consensus on the Holocaust and WW2 - the two most studied eras of entire human history - are wrong and you've discovered the truth from youtube videos and infographics.

Kike control of the education has indoctrinated the youth well. Give the common folk an enemy they believe they can unscrupulously deride, and they will relish in perpetuating your propaganda.


Told everyone that all their problems where the cause of one group of people.

Killed all the people who helped him into power.

Continually gave orders that only he could approve some actions than orders not to be woken up, even after those orders cost him.

Gave generals that where to popular to kill powerless positions.

Broke treaties.

Started the war five years too soon.

Did not secure access to vital material.

Where did Germany get the fuel (18million litres of oil, or 192million m^3 of natural gas, or 600million kgs of wood) to burn to ashes 6million jews? This amount of resources would have won Germany the war, especially when there was such an energy scarcity in Germany they they couldn't fuel their Panzers.

That sounds like some prissy Shawn Michaels shit. Hitler was probably just catering to Japan's /cm/ degeneracy.

Blonde hair in particular looks seriously faggy and I just don't see why anyone would want it. I'd dye my hair or go bald if I was born a blonde and I am not even meming you, fairest wench.

yeah but the females are more attractive, and that's all that matters

Japan did attack the USSR, Khlakin Gol, but got their asses handed by the almighty gen Chukov, which luckily escaped from the purges just to become the hero of the soviet union.

>posts infographic in response
cant make this shit up

>the two most studied eras of entire human history

>you've discovered the truth from youtube videos and infographics
Not an argument

the infographic is just a random picture pertaining to the subject, my premise still stands if you'd like to explain either where the resources came from, or where the unburned bodies were buried.

They didn't burn 6 million Jews in the ovens, historians never claimed that. Something like 1.5-2million were executed just by the Einsatzgruppen alone and we have documentation that kept a track record as they were doing it. Another couple million were worked to death or starved/diseased to death in the camps which is why so many concentration camps were initially confused for extermination camps. Out of about 500 concentration camps only I think 6 of them were industrial killing centres. Gassing and ovens just get the most focus from the holocaust because it's the first case of industrial extermination of people at this level.

The fact you aren't aware of the most basic details and actually thought historians are claiming 6 million were gassed and cooked in the ovens shows you haven't actually read anything on the topic. Don't try to argue from here, you've already outed yourself as a sperg that hasn't actually read about the holocaust

First americans backed him, then they didn't anymore, when they have seen the might of the russian forces.
Basically american cowardness - typically found throughout history.

This is considered as fact. Everyone knows USA backed Hitler, to fuck Russia for its ressources - didn't work out well for the Americucks.

The death tolls claimed to have been reached at Auschwitz are impossible. No evidence is on your side at the death camps.

I think the Jews might just be wrong about the numbers. Everyone was under a lot of stress and it's not like archiving was in a fantastic place pre-internet.

If anything Germany would have quietly sold them into slavery or forced them to march in the front lines.

Or maybe I'm a better Hitler than Shitler was. I don't know.

how is it impossible?

These "industrial killing centers" would've been able to process a few dozen bodies a day with the equipment documented. Not the 4000/day which was alleged.

But he did do something: he was a Zio-British agent whose principals' agenda was to roll up Germany, then have a nice retirement in Argentina.

The estimations are pretty thorough and the number works out to be 5.5m it's rounded up to 6 for the sake of it but what's an extra 500k by this point?

don't blame others for your failures. no excuses.

they built the work camps at great expense and wouldn't just kill their slave labour for no reason, least not after manpower shortages would've hurt productivity in GDR

>Blonde hair in particular looks seriously faggy and I just don't see why anyone would want it. I'd dye my hair or go bald if I was born a blonde

That's some serious projecting you got there jamal

My friend Kenny said it's racist to deny the holocaust.

I'm with Kenny!

did some guy on youtube explain the maths of it? stop being so naive

Because he was attacked. What the fuck was he supposed to do? Seriously, stop victim blaming. It's so fucking triggering, I'm not even joking

killing himself was part of his plan

cremation takes a whole day?


A big lesson in life, Magnus.
Sometimes you do everything right - and still end up losing.
The gears of reality may spin at determinable pace, but that does not guarantee they will revolve at your desired frequency.
That being so, what can a man do?

Exterminate the subhumans.
That's what.

"Veni, vidi, vici" Cyкa

Invading Greece was right?

Modern crematories take 3-4 hours to burn a body's bones to ash (100MJ of energy / 150lbs(~67kg)) The meager facilities documented at these "industrial kill centers" were a few ovens with exhaust capabilities in line with about 50 bodies a day.


Creating the Cold War was your failure as well. Seems every time the Americans go in to defeat an enemy of theirs, they end up setting a worse one up in its place.

>Didn't work out well
Russia lost over 20 million people in the war, and their major cities were in ruins. The only reason they became a superpower is because they received info on how to make nukes.
Here's an article written by a Russian about how they lost ww2.
Read a fucking history book.

Protip: the Nazis didn't really care about completely rendering the body to ash like a commercial crematorium.

Never mind, "hurr durr, lets crowd some Jews into an unsealed room with a door with a glass pane and drop some cyanide pellets through a hole in the ceiling".

He definitely did wrong when he tried to fight everyone simultaneously. Not complaining though. It helped us a lot.

Then where are the 78million kgs of [(30lbs/~13kg) * 6million] of jewish bone fragments (

The well-documented mass graves.

The crematoriums at the extermination camps were huge. Auschwitz had at least 5 large crematoriums some could handle more than 1400 corpses in 24 hrs. Secondly, they weren't just cremated in these buildings, there were open pit burnings which we have photos of.

That have never been found.


Russia ruled half of Europe by the end of the war. 20 million dead out of 300 million so fucking what

such as?

Typhoid victims

Stop being a jew

As I said, they didn't burn 6 million jews you dumbass. Estimates of 1.5 million - 2 milion were shot and hanged by the Einsatzgruppen and never even saw a camp. Only a minority were put through cremation buildings

Lol. Stalin was a great ruler! He brought all the factories to the Urals and save infrastructure. 20 million people - Yes, tragedy (13 million were civilians), but for the USSR it's not a big loss.
Plants work, German prisoners build city. Nuclear weapons? By the end of the war, the U.S. had a few bombs, and we had the most powerful army in the world (and the best tanks).


German efficiency

Because of Jews

Hitler spent a year in Liverpool in the 1910s. What was he doing there?

I agree with the sentiment but they wouldn't exactly be sitting now would they, Patrick?

Unless they used Blast Furnaces to cremate, burning the corpses in mass pits was the only other viable option. Blast furnaces generate 900-1300 degrees Celsius while Crematoriums only generate up to 1800 degrees Farenheit.

Should have told the Furher to install Blast furnaces at the camps then, far easier to use those to burn corpses.

however many bodies which are unaccounted for are assumed to be incinerated, how many bodies how been accounted for? Regardless of how many were burned, it would've been a massive (unless) undertaking of manpower and resources even if it was less than a million.

He chose his fellow peasant countrymen over the global elite

For a country, maybe. But for a general citizen, not so much. I wonder how much you'd love to live in Stalin's times. 20 years of labor for memeing

Basically they either would have needed way more ovens and gas chambers than they had or could somehow kill and burn people at an astonishingly unbelievable rate even by today's standards, and they were using shitty old ovens.

Ovens can't run 24/7, they need maintenance and materials to keep functioning like fuel to burn the bodies, a LOT of fuel. Tons of it daily for the rate they'd need to be burning bodies at. If you really had to get rid of literally thousands of bodies a day you'd need something more like a giant open furnace that you can just dump bodies into by the hundreds, but they never had that. You can't kill and burn 1.1 million bodies (graves were never found at Auschwitz nor were any of the bodies/ashes etc) with what they used at Auschwitz in a year and a half.

Do whatever maths you want about the subject, get as much raw data as you can, see for yourself. It will never add up. So then you have to ask why would people lie about it?

>autistic infographics

In aushwitz alone.

Crematorium 1 could do 340 bodies a day
C2 was built for capacity of 1400 a day
C3 1400
C4 800
c5 800

And this ignores that many of the corpses were burned in open pits.

For fucks sake they weren't retarded, that would be higly innefficient and costly as fuck, might as well let them starve to death.

>Auschwitz had at least 5 large crematoriums some could handle more than 1400 corpses in 24 hrs.

The flying fuck?

>Be Hitler
>Exterminate dozens of millions of White people
>Allow Communism to take over 1/2 of Europe and continue to exist and to be worshiped by Americans
>Make almost all the White Superpowers in the world go broke because of the war
>Eventually the superpowers start to grant independence to overseas colonies because they can no longer maintain the cost of controlling them
>60 years later,be worshiped by White "supremacists"

Hitler was a very ambitious person,and a great and very charismatic leader who brought Germany out of its 2nd Dark age.
But it was utterly stupid of him to attempt to show the European powers that Germany is now great and shit by just straight out fucking invading and exterminating them instead of further improving the economy and make Germany look like paradise on Europe (Which was going so fucking well)

The Stalin era is better than the times of the Russian Empire. All are equal (with the king you'd be a farmer and worked for food, kek), there is no corruption, a strong army, no terrorist attacks. Even Stalin, who had absolute power in the country, had only one apartment and one cottage.

Yes it was around 300,000 estimated running camps and all the logistics involved, trains, accounting, etc. Most of the Jews were put to work building armaments for the war effort and the decision to exterminate them came later in the war but was met with resistance by other Nazis because they wanted the labor for the war effort

How do you suppose these "open pits" reached the magic "erase all evidence" energy input to each corpse (~100MJ) crematories need to have heavy oxygen flow to ensure the fuel is being consumed as efficiently as possible, with open pits fuel expenditure would've been more than quadrupled due to all the wasted heat and inefficiently oxidized fuel.

Churchill is to blame, his decisions led to Britain's fall from power and WW2

Not as stupid as the allies joining the Communists because of some fucking Poles

Oy vey, delet this.

Didn't listen to his generals, just did his own thing and got BTFO ->Trump