The eternal Hilldog

How the fuck can americans think about electing this mentally ill, phisically ill, deceiving, narcisistic liar of a hag? She's got seizures from small amounts of stress,how can she be the president when the president breathes, drinks, eats and shits stress?

Like seriously,as day passes more and more evidences appear that incriminate her for instigating countless wars, dealing with Soros& co. putting the people she expects to elect her at risk

I mean,here's another fucking leak, and this is one of the bazillions of them

What is even more frightening is that the media doesn't give one tiny little shit about this, not even Fox News from what I've heard, and they're supposed to be the republican channel, they are blatantly hiding this shit

This woman is fucking repulsive and there's literally nothing good about her, every single other candidate has some small qualities

Don't fuck your shit up Billy Bob McDonalds

Other urls found in this thread:

>mentally ill
>physically ill
>narcisistic liar

Yep, sounds like all-american.

She's got the female vote just for having a vagina and the gimmick of "muh first woman president"

Besides most Americans take what they hear on the liberal-biased news as 100% undisputed fact so they think Hillary is some sort of saint while Trump is literally Hitler.

>She's got the female vote just for having a vagina
Sadly, this would pretty much make her a contender in any Western country in CURRENT YEAR.

The year is 2018. Hillary has her finger over the button to launch the nuclear weapons at Tehran, because her approval ratings plummeted after she incited another pointless middle eastern war. Suddenly a cough. Then her evil cackle. She coughs again, and again, until it was a full blown seziure. The generals try to pull her back and inject her opiates, but she had grown immune due to all of her uses with Bill. "YOU FOOLS" she cackled again, a shiver racking her body. "THIS IS WHAT IVE ALWAYS WANTED!" Her face smashed into the nuclear football, and the Ohio class fleet opened fire on China, Russia, Pakistan, and Iran. They all fired back, fearing the United States nuclear barrage, plunging the world back to the Stone Age.

Because she's a woman.

You should realize that baby boomers culture revolved around leftist propaganda. Destroying values was considered cool. America has been on a decline for a long time. Our people grow more and more apathetic. At this point nobody is even willing to turn on their brain. People go to work, come home, turn on the tv and absorb whatever it says, repeat.

People are so pacified now it doesn't matter if they're lied to and the lie is exposed. They will just shrug and lay back down on the couch.

Do you think she will kill Bill in October?

She's handled herself better than Trump. He would literally rather nuclear bomb Romania than not respond to someone shit-talking him on CNN.

Yeah, she just kills off intel agents and ignores the fuck out of any accusations because of her extensive dirty history.
Trump charges accusation head on because he has nothing to hide and everything to gain.

Trump doesn't charge anything head on. He says random crazy shit and changes his story every news cycle. Hillary is corrupt but at least there's a logic to it.

She's vile... when you see her on the TV she looks like she's literally going to fall apart or step out of her skin. I get that Trump is also a psycho but that woman is fucking evil, and she's probably going to get elected.


Yup! I'm pretty sure he's on his last leg right now, and they're doing everything in their power to keep him alive for two more months.

>Yeah, she just kills off intel agents and ignores the fuck out of any accusations because of her extensive dirty history.
nice conspiracy theory you have there. Too bad it's just that, a conspiracy theory.

Lying is stressful.

Dont listen to the shills not many people will vote for her

Because her rival is Donald Trump, probably the only reason.

Pharmabro is convinced she has Parkinson's, a degenerative brain disease.

Parkinson's is diagnosed visually by having some or all of 4 major symptoms.

Hillary has 3 of 4. The only one not definitively observed is a resting tremor in her hands. The reason it has not been observed is because it is a RESTING tremor. Since Hillary always clutches an object or moves her hands, the tremor does not occur.

Jesus, thick and shower fresh. I'd toss that salad!

Imagine if the Clinton Foundation had ACTUALLY donated money to things like, oh I don't know, Parkinson's Disease treatment.

Hillary is currently a Stage III Parkinson's patient. At Stage IV she may need a walker to get around an living independently is almost impossible.