So this guy should have gotten a trial. You can't just go overseas and execute people...

So this guy should have gotten a trial. You can't just go overseas and execute people. You also can't just go overseas and kidnap people to bring them back for trial, but if we are choosing between two options, you should go for the trial one.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree. He probably wasnt killed either.

>can't into false flags
You don't give your patsy a trial, leaf. You frame him up, and then you kill him to tie up loose ends.

Oh right, you guys are all insane. Sometimes I forget where I am. Oh well. Still better than reddit. And nicer too, funnily enough. Has anyone else noticed that? I can post similar threads on the two sites and on reddit they are just mean.

they never killed him

>You can't just go overseas and execute people.

How you going to stop us?

Yeah, he might have talked though.

by posting on internet forums

>implying that osama is dead

Obviously USA can do that and is doing that. ME is theirs to have fun with.

>but if we are choosing between two options, you should go for the trial one.

Let me tell you a little secret: If you're a soldier raiding a compound in Pakistan without permission from the Pakistani government to find an international criminal who is actively responsible for the deaths of thousands of your countrymen there is no "choice" between two options. You have all of 30 minutes before cops, soldiers, or worse show up. You shoot him in the fucking face, exfiltrate with the body, and tell cucknadians to fuck themselves when they don't like it.

Yes, there's obviously a great time loss between shooting him with a tranquilizer or a stun gun versus a real bullet.

You're so smart user, can I hire you to lead my foreign military operations department?

If you actually fucking think shooting people with a Tranquilizer gun is even viable in a combat situation then you are a fucking retard.

Didn't Edward Snowden say he had proof that Bin Laden was still alive?

Yeah, that's why tasers are zero % effective and police departments around the world don't use them to subdue people.

Yeah dudes totally still alive or died years ago and they "published" his death at the most convenient time in Obama's presidency

I don't know where the fuck you get your information, but there is not a single SWAT team in the world that's raid a building with tasers.

Do you believe it was him and that whole burial at sea thing was legit and not weird at all?

Today I learned that SWAT teams caught Osama. Pretty shitty elite force you got if what you're saying is true. Luckily, it's not. You're just wrong.

>Do you believe it was him

I believe it might have been, but at this point wouldn't he have announced that he is still alive to show how cucked Obama is?

>and that whole burial at sea thing was legit and not weird at all?

Muslims are supposed to receive burial services within 24 hours. Yes I realize it was an extra judicial raid and killing, and that following burial procedures after breaking every other taboo there is might be pointless, but Obammer's daddy was a Muslim and he's a multiculturalist cuck.

At this point I'd be willing to give both the government and anyone contesting the government's claims the benefit of the doubt. I mean let's be honest here: What possible reason is there to believe statements released by the Government via television? Convenience mostly.

The point I'm trying to make is that whether it's him or not, nobody would have gave a shit about taking him alive considering the details of what happened. The firefight, the helicopter crash, the CO getting his arm blown off by a grenade. The only people walking out of that compound alive would be the ones willing to kill their enemies first and figure out who was shooting them second.

Wow, Canada really can't teach its citizens any kind of critical thinking or English comprehension do they? You're the one that referenced police departments using tasers to subdue people. I told you there is no SWAT team in the world that'd raid a building with tasers. What's more, the fact that it was a military raid on a Pakistani compound in which a firefight broke out seems lost on you.

They were not going to take anyone alive. If it wasn't wearing their uniform they shot it. Nobody's walking into that situation with a tranquilizer gun or a taser because neither of those are combat effective. You are a fucking retard and I'm glad you're not my countryman.

>Nodaway County, Missouri – Last week, Jason and Laura Hagan, of New Hampton, Missouri filed a lawsuit against the Nodaway County Police for a SWAT team raid against their family, where tasers and pepper spray were used by the invading officers. The lawsuit is the newest fight in the family’s lengthy legal battle with the county over the raid, which took place in 2011.

Gotta be careful to not walk into such easy traps user, that's how you end up having sex with men.

i think he claimed responsibility for the madrid bombing but denied 911
he was loudmmouthed about finance jews running usa as a proxy
u expect a trial? LOL

He died in a private hospital in Saudi Arabia.

>In an unwarranted raid of a Missouri homeschool family’s home, police officers used a Taser and pepper spray on parents before social services seized their children and took them into custody. The raid was spurred by an allegation made by social services workers that the family’s home was “messy.”

So you're comparing police seizing children from unarmed parents in a private home to an extra judicial military helicopter raid on a walled Paksitani compound? You're more retarded than I thought. Grasp for straws harder.

I'm glad that piece of shit is dead. Obama got another term which is what I wanted.

You said no SWAT team in the world uses tazers. You were wrong. No one made you say something that was wrong, that was your choice, and now you are desperately trying to safeguard this ideal in your head that you were correct.

Hoisted by your own retard, user.

Yeah whatever you say canacuck. Everybody reading this thread knows just how much of a retard you really are except for you. But feel free to keep dropping red herrings you found on google with only the most passing relevance. You're pathetic.

ur source isnt a swat team its a gestappo faggot unit preying on the weak

This shit posting canuck is really taking you guys for a ride

>Things that prove me wrong are irrelevant

See what I did? I repeated what you said, and made it green, because what you said was so silly, the mere act of summarizing it and repeating it like a parrot will serve as humour for other readers here.

He would have confessed that he didn't actually do it.

the whole thing was a bunch of bullshit

osama never existed

you really think the military is going to crash a spooper secret stealth helicopter in pakistan?

the entire thing was like a TV special for Obama

anybody what was going on that week where Obama was getting shit/jeopardizing election chances?

"When you kill your enemies, they win"

So how exactly does that prove the statement that taking Osama bin Laden alive was both horribly impractical and not something that the people carrying out the raid would have bothered doing wrong?

You find one case of police using tasers during a planned raid on a private domestic residence and pretend like it is somehow evidence that you're right and that your opponent is wrong. You're a complete fucking retard and incapable of any kind of critical thinking. Most news stories don't even refer to the police in question as SWAT, rendering your point entirely invalid in the first place.

>high value intelligence target
>interrogation could yield valuable infos about terrorist plans, organisation
>Military command: "hurr, durr don't take him alive, let's summarily execute him, instead"

That sounds believe

Osama is Obama. Look into it.

It doesn't prove it mister. All it really proves is that you were wrong when you said no SWAT teams utilize tazers. it was a tangential discussion. Now you are trying to put the argument back on it's original course, because you foolishly said something blatantly incorrect.

Let me give you some free advice, if you make a blanket statement, it's wrong, 100% of the time.

If I said no black people are actually named Tom, someone is going to prove me wrong almost instantly.

So anyway, it's completely feasible that a person could be subdued with a taser. It happens every day.

Tranqs don't work like the movies, why do you think they killed Harambe? It takes at least 10 minutes to put them to sleep once you shoot them.

>He should have had a trial
>Died before 9/11 happened

I was also interested in why he got younger in his videos. Aside from that there's unironically more proof for the Holocaust than there is for Bin Laden having been killed, both of them rely purely on the word of someone else with no physical evidence at all.

>I can use a gorilla physiology as a human substitute, but you can't base your opinions on movies

At any rate, I provided multiple ways to subdue him, in addition to tranquilizers. Are you totally denying the existence of non-lethal ways to restrain people?

An ultra-short acting barbiturate like brevital would knock him right out and you could then give him a longer-acting one to keep him unconscious until he's into the room with the blowtorches, power drills saws and etc.

How could any reasonable, logical thinking man believe that horseshit they fed us about Bin Laden. It's like a faerie story within a faerie story.

Too bad you still don't have any reason to believe that a military helicopter raid on a pakistani compound full of armed terrorists would ever involve tasers. You're still the dipshit here kiddo, no matter how hard you try to deflect.

What if I told you he died long before king nigger made up a fairy tail about killing him?

It would involve it if they went in with the intention of bringing him back alive.

The internet was a mistake

>You can't just go overseas and execute people
That's where you're wrong kiddo

Meanwhile, if they even tried, the guy who tried to use the taser would have been shot and killed. I guess you have a difficult time understanding what a gunfight is but let me give you a little hint: Guns > Tasers.

Using a taser leaves you exposed. Using a taser precludes your ability to use a firearm to stop someone from shooting you. Trying to use a taser on someone who has a gun is suicide and the fact you even think trying is a viable option means that you are a fucking idiot.

Go ask any military combat veteran and they'll give you the same answer. You're a 'tard, the entire premise of your argument is very obviously made by a 'tard, and I encourage you to go try taking down someone who has a gun with a Tranquilizer or a Taser. I would love to see you get shot and killed for it, because that's exactly what'd happen.

I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of your special forces.

You see, you've chosen the position you want to hold, and are struggling to maintain it at all costs, rather than working from the ground up to think of solutions.

if a close combat tazer doesn't prove feasible, use long range darts. Have you heard of sniper rifles?

You seem to have a really hard time understanding "walled pakistani compound" don't you? In fact, you have a really hard time understanding the idea of what a firearm does in the first place. Frankly, I'm getting tired of arguing with someone as ignorant as you and I'm fairly certain I've already made my point to everyone in this thread that has a brain.

Let this be evidence to all who read this thread: Leafs are as ignorant as humanly possible.

A fucking leaf.

I'm really starting to tire of you fags.

>everyone knows I'm right so I don't even have to prove it, right everyone? haha stay silent if you agree

You want to talk about building implements now? Have you heard of windows? Or "the outdoors"?

Bit late mate

He was long dead, they killed one of his sons.

hey faggot, if we gotta fly under the radar into your poo in the loo country to come get you. You aren't getting a trial.

>we have to get Osama


You want to talk about how completely fucking ignorant you are about military operations or target acquisition? I guess you're actually so mentally deficient that you think a guy with a tranquilizer rifle could sit and wait for an opportunity to shoot someone through a window with a tranquilizer gun from a significant distance and then somehow call in a team of people to abduct that target before anyone could find out he was down, move the target somewhere else, or lock down the building?

You are a fucking retard leaf, stop trying.

You listed something that is completely feasible, and yet concluded by saying it was impossible.

Plus there's a million other ways. Tell him there's a Backstreet Boys concert or whatever he likes and nab him at the concert. Open your mind user, and start seeking solutions instead of solu-don'ts.

Osama alive in Argentina.

>You listed something that is completely feasible

No it's NOT fucking feasible. Let me list off all the fucking things that make it unfeasible:

1) The fact that it's an extra-judicial raid in PAKISTAN.

2) The fact that a window is going to ruin the ballistic velocity of a tranquilizer dart.

3) The fact there's no-fucking-where to actually set up a firing position.

4) The fact that you'd have to have helicopters and soldiers to man them on-call 24 hours a day on the slim chance that an opportunity to call them would arise within striking distance of the Pakistani compound.

5) The fact that by the time the shooter took the shot, the team would be AT LEAST 30 minutes out and the target would have called for help before being incapacitated.

6) The fact that after calling for help the people in the compound would immediately escape and go somewhere else.

7) The fact that there is an unknown amount of supporting forces nearby willing to defend the compound.

8) The fact that the shooter has no established escape plan and could not possibly leave the area without being noticed.

I could go on, but you are probably too fucking stupid to see how what you've proposed is already completely unfeasible due to what I have already stated.

See, I don't know why you are the way that you are. I see your type a lot, like say I had a business idea or whatever, to start a brothel or whatever let's say,

Then you'd come along and say there is no way I could get girls to work for me because it'd make more sense for them to freelance, because they don't really need a middle man. And then you'd stop thinking. You encounter a slight bit of resistance, and you just give up.

No idea is born 100% perfectly, it takes time to mold it into something that works, but you never get to that stage because you stop thinking.

I don't know why you behave that way. Can you tell me?

I see a challenge, and I try to work around it. Tranquilizer darts won't work? Well, then we'll try something else.

>I don't know why you behave that way. Can you tell me?

Probably because I'm against the idea of sending American men to their potential fucking death based on a shaky plan with almost no chance of success and absolutely no contingency for failure.

The fact you even compared this to starting a brothel shows just how fucking ignorant you are. PEOPLE FUCKING DIE IN A GUNFIGHT.

I am so fucking glad people like you are nowhere near the military. You would get people killed with your retarded bullshit since you're completely incapable of understanding the idea of sitting in the middle of a fucking firefight trying to use a TASER on someone shooting at you from across a room behind cover.


I'm a veteran.

At any rate, you didn't answer my question at all. Why is that?

>I'm a veteran.

A veteran of what, paperwork? If you ever made it to officer then that tells me everything I'll ever need to know about the Canadian armed forces and why nobody depends on your for anything.

>At any rate, you didn't answer my question at all.

I did answer it, you're just too retarded to manage reading comprehension. You don't plan a military operation around vague possibilities. You plan them around known factors. Now fuck off.

>I'm a veteran.

You sound like a larper.

Well, you can be both. However, I'm just the one.

My question didn't concern planning military operations, it concerned you. I asked you why you behave a certain way.

At any rate, I agree that military operational plans shouldn't be vague. So why are you trying so hard to avoid doing that?

Why not work on solving problems? You're just stagnating otherwise. I'm sure you can do it if you allow yourself to.

>"oh wow this guy must be retarded"
>see flag


>You can't just go overseas and execute people.
That's where you're wrong, nigger.

>My question didn't concern planning military operations, it concerned you. I asked you why you behave a certain way.

Then your question is not only fucking retarded but it's completely irrelevant to this discussion. In fact, if it's what you just stated then it's multiple fallacies.

>At any rate, I agree that military operational plans shouldn't be vague. So why are you trying so hard to avoid doing that?
>Why not work on solving problems? You're just stagnating otherwise. I'm sure you can do it if you allow yourself to.

Here's how you solve the problem: You go in the compound with helicopters, shoot everybody inside, identify the corpse of the guy you were after, then exfiltrate with it. Problem fucking solved.

Your methods don't solve the problem. Your methods compound problems on top of the existing one. Your methods result in a botched operation with a lot of dead soldiers. Neck yourself.

Dat Leaf tho...

U guis put the L in Faggot.

He's even posting Mongolian Moving Pictures (in a Cantonese animated Image website) every 2 replies.

It's time to stop guys.

he died from TB in 2005/2006.

Oh, no it's very relevant. And even if it wasn't, what's the harm in answering?

And if you just shoot him, justice isn't done. He should get a fair trial.

And if the problem presented is how to take him alive, it's not an answer to just shoot him. Again, I have to ask why you work so hard to dodge questions?


They should have at least brought back the body.

Disappearing the body is suspect as hell. It gives steroids to the "Osama was already dead for years" theory. No better way to hide a time of death than to destroy the body.

Hillary is filth.

Hillary Clinton and Obama created ISIS to depose Assad. These articles are from 2012 btw.


I don't know how anyone can believe
>we got him!
Oh, where is he
>Well, he's dead, we killed him
Oh, OK. Where is his body? Maybe do like a DNA test to make sure it's actually him
>No, bodies are gross. We didn't want to gross you out so we immediately helicoptered over the ocean and dumped his body
You, what? Why would you do that? Anyway, surely you have pictures.
>N-no, didn't think of that. But we totally got him guys
Yay. Let's have a parade in every city in America.

>Oh, no it's very relevant. And even if it wasn't, what's the harm in answering?

Sorry I don't validate retarded strawman fallacies. So don't expect any direct acknowledgements of your bullshit in this regard.

>And if you just shoot him, justice isn't done. He should get a fair trial.

First of all, he's not entitled to a fair trial. Second of all, "justice" is a subjective concept and if you think any Americans would have accepted a "not guilty" verdict then you're a bigger retard than I thought.

>And if the problem presented is how to take him alive, it's not an answer to just shoot him.

Except that's not the problem presented and you're a dipshit for even trying to assert that it is. The problem is how to get in the building, neutralize the target, and get out. Nobody gave a shit about taking him alive because it's not only impractical, it's fucking stupid. Now blow it out your ass.

If I ask you to think of ways to take someone alive, you can't tell me the solution is to kill them. That doesn't meet the parameters.

And why do you think he's not entitled to a trial?

Trial for what?


>if I construct an imaginary, completely impractical, and pretty much impossible scenario you can't just tell me that it's impossible!

Okay, nobody cares. You have a really hard time processing the idea that trying to take someone who is shooting at you alive using a tranquilizer rifle or a taser is completely fucking retarded and only seems reasonable to someone who has touched a gun in their entire life.

>And why do you think he's not entitled to a trial?

1) He's a notorious international criminal directly implicated in the deaths of thousands of people.

2) He and everyone else in the building were armed and trying to kill the soldiers that came for him.

3) Any such trial would be purely a matter of ceremony because they'd never let him walk.

Look at the fat, angry, liberal Canadian everyone kek.

And the chopper carrying the SEAL team who did the raid got conveniently shot down.

>If I ask you to think of ways to take someone alive, you can't tell me the solution is to kill them

One way to do it would be to identify Osama's location and then hit the compound and surrounding area with a weaponized opiate, then pump Osama full of narcan and then gtfo of dodge, leaving behind a load of dead bodies.

That'd be one way of taking him alive.

As an aside, I don't believe you're military or a veteran. Your 'answer my question, why won't you answer me' routine isn't working for you either.

Yes you can. Military opponents are legitimate targets, period.

1) He's a criminal, so he ...shouldn't get a trial? You realize trials are mostly for criminals right?

2) Why does having guns bar him from having a trial?

3) Well if it's such a slam dunk, then you should have the trial.

What questions haven't I answered?

And it's fine if you don't believe me, I have no real interest in proving. But you may as well take people at their word here. That's what I do.

Osama is alive in Serbia with 2Pac and Biggie

>1) He's a criminal, so he ...shouldn't get a trial? You realize trials are mostly for criminals right?

How many times do you see cops take someone who is shooting at them alive? Here's a tip: Not fucking often, if ever. God you're thick.

>2) Why does having guns bar him from having a trial?

Are you really asking this fucking question? You're seriously asking why shooting at soldiers sent to take someone dead or alive might make them shoot back? Holy fuck you're stupid.

>3) Well if it's such a slam dunk, then you should have the trial.

Or you could just shoot him in the fucking face, take a picture, and go home instead of throwing away the lives of soldiers trying to take someone alive in a gunfight.

>You can't just go overseas and execute people.
We're the United States. We can do whatever the fuck we want at any time.

Constitution doesn't apply to non us citizens Ahmed.

Neither do your laws. So you can't punish a foreigner for breaking them.

>You can't just go overseas and execute people.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>So you can't punish a foreigner for breaking them.

You mean legally. The US has no qualms of illegally punishing people and does so with the full knowledge that no one will be able to do anything about it.

>The US has no qualms of illegally punishing people and does so with the full knowledge that no one will be able to do anything about it.

God Bless America.

>are you really asking this fucking question in 2016

Cops have a duty to take people in alive, if it's possible. You certainly haven't proven that it's impossible to take Osama in alive, as you seem to have some sort of mental block that prevents you from thinking about it. :)

Partisans and spies and combatants in civilian clothes forfeit all kinds of rights user.

>Cops have a duty to take people in alive, if it's possible.

Haaaaaaaaaahahahaha. Navy SEALs aren't cops you fucking retard.

>You certainly haven't proven that it's impossible to take Osama in alive

I don't see you making any successful efforts to prove taking him alive would have been possible. You just keep dropping logic fallacies and pretending you're making a real argument.

You know, kind of like how you completely ignored the entirely reasonable reductio ad absurdum I dropped after saying "are you really asking this fucking question?" But nah you just keep appealing to buzzwords and misrepresenting your opponents' arguments while creating a retarded imaginary narrative that only makes sense in your defective mind.