Ftw Japan fucked up

They could have just invaded the USSR at the same time as Barbarossa, taken Vladivostok with their superior naval and air power -- stopping lend-lease shipments, and then held the line, tying down Stalin's Siberian reserves.. Moscow would have fallen to the Germans by Christmas and the war would be won without involving the US..

inb4 muh Mongolia stalemate!
--they don't have to advance any further than the Pacific ports..

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I think the Japanese baited into attacking peal harbor?


They tried facing against the might of the Red Army in 1939, at Khalkin Gol, well before the Allied blockade, still got their shit wrecked. My professor said they ragequit from the war not because of the nukes but because of fear the USSR was going to invade

>trusting japs and italians to do anything right

That's what hitler got for siding with non whites

The US was always going to join the war against the Germans. Are you serious?


Read pic related book.
It an awesome explanation of how Byzantine Jap politics was Up till WW2.

There was a strike north, and strike south faction, the Gol atack was deliberately fucked over by the Strike South faction.

What part of "inb4 muh mongolian stalemate" didn't you guys see? I'm proposing they grab the vita ports and bomb the shit out of their Siberian railroads to prevent reinforcements and resupply to the West.. It would be just enough to throw Germany over the edge at the gates of Moscow. After that Stalin would panic and throw everything he had left at the Germans, meanwhile his lost resources from the east would begin to take their toll, a counteroffensive against Japan would be unthinkable. Plus if Moscow were to fall England might sue for peace and meanwhile Japan and Germany are exchanging technology like crazy.. There's a ripple effect here. And also when the Soviets invades Manchuria in 1945, Japan was already exhausted and broken, we're talking about 1941, and we're talking about not advancing into a Mongolian trap.

How can you grab vital protagonist when the IJA were so fucking shit when fighting the Soviets?

Honestly I don't think you understand how ridiculously shit the Japanese army were against the USER.

I'm talking Barbarossa from a Russian point of view tier shit.

Because that wasn't the Jews plan, dipshit.
Normies need to get the fuck out.


No, they didn't. The Japs had less than half the men and just a fraction of the tanks, aircraft, artillery and other equipment. Despite this, they outfought the Soviets, but eventually lost because of the vast numercial superiority of their enemies.

The US oil embargo on Japan crippled them, like 90% of Japan's wealth came from the oil they plundered.

They have no choice than attack the US desu

Also the japs were busy fighting the chinks and only had 2nd rate units guarding the soviet border.

>they outfought the soviets

they lost an entire army there...

And just how do you suppose the Japs fuel their war machine?

The reason why they went south is because of the oil embargo slapped on them by the Yanks. They invaded the Dutch East Indies for the oil.

America won't give them shit.

Dutch won't.

No oil in Russia's far east.

Brits aren't going to give them oil.

Germany isn't capable of giving them oil.

Reminder if the US didn't use the nuke, Japan would be split between the USSR and US like Korea is now.

Daily reminder that the Soviets weren't a naval power in 1945.

neither was Japan

How does it feel Aussiebro to have yanks come over during the war while your men were in Africa to get DICKED

>Germany isn't capable of giving them oil.
that and the Krauts needed oil too so even if they were closer oil was scarce.

You can't argue with weeaboos in a logical manner

You understand the USSR in 1939 still had superior ground equipment to the japanese at their strongest post pearl harbour, right?

Jap armor was trash-tier against Soviet tanks.

While they could blockade the Soviet Pacific coast, they would not not be able take Vladivostok itself.

Also OP you have no idea how aerial warfare works, to use the aircraft you need to have airfield bases, supply bases etc. For the Japanese o succeed they need not only to drive out a Soviet counter-attack from Mongolia and Khalkin Gol, they need to invade Siberia, and that's pretty much a pipe dream.

Burger turn off your proxy

Same way your pommy women got plowed before D-Day m8

btw the UK evacuated all the gold and securities to Canada and sold it all to the americans in 1940 and early 1941. Before lend lease.

lol no

>The composition of the Soviet fleets in 1941 included:[7]

>3 aged battleships,
>7 cruisers (including 4 modern Kirov-class heavy cruisers),
>59 destroyer-leaders and squadron destroyers (including 46 modern Type 7 and
>Type 7U destroyers),
>218 submarines,
>269 torpedo boats,
>22 patrol vessels,
>88 minesweepers,
>77 submarine-hunters,
>and a range of other smaller vessels.
In various stages of completion were another 219 vessels including 3 battleships, 2 heavy and 7 light cruisers, 45 destroyers, and 91 submarines.

>implying Japan or Germany without the USSR problem could even hope to defeat America

They've lost an entire army there and the only reason why they've killed so many Soviets is because of their superior position.

it would be sort of hard for them to bring it to bear in the pacific, in defense sure, but in an attacking role like the US not so much
also no aircraft carriers


5D chess.

Hitler was a Jew.

So nothing that can mount an amphibious operation. k.

How come all those shit ships are so overpowered in World of Warships?

They wouldn't have to, this isn't 1945, its 1941 as per OP's scenario. Those submarines would cause huge trouble to a hypothetical Japanese blockade.

>They could have just invaded the USSR at the same time as Barbarossa, taken Vladivostok with their superior naval and air power -- stopping lend-lease shipments, and then held the line, tying down Stalin's Siberian reserves. Moscow would have fallen to the Germans by Christmas and the war would be won without involving the US..

With doing that they wouldn't have had troops to take over Dutch East Indies and Malaysia. Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to eliminate US Navy that would have prevented Japanese rush for oil. Main reason why Japan needed that oil was US oil embargo set up due to shit going on in China.

Keeping troops supplied in Siberia would have been problematic as fuck due to lack of roads.

Previous Russian attempt to get fleet into Pacific was less than stellar.

yea they couldve won if they went full kamikaze!!!!

Memes aside, what exactly was the cause of this shitfest? Could it have been avoided?
I know "muh Russian subhumans" is a well-used excuse, but it can't be the main reason.
Was it autism? Or just Nicholas II being a fucking retard?

lol russkie picking up scraps after us, shoulda helped hitler fuck your shit and we wouldn't have had to deal with the cold war and commies.

All moot once the manhattan project succeeded. If the axis had won, the United States would have nuked its way to victory in a week.

We lessen the importance of it because the war was already won by that point, but had they been losing it would have been a complete turn-around.

>Memes aside, what exactly was the cause of this shitfest? Could it have been avoided?
>I know "muh Russian subhumans" is a well-used excuse, but it can't be the main reason.
>Was it autism? Or just Nicholas II being a fucking retard?

Russian military being led by noble idiots. Leadership selected purely because of their family background and how good they were at dancing in court parties.

Corrupt state on all levels, led by incompetent autocrat. In 1800's Russia was way behind rest of world as society. It was absolulte monarchy that either progressed or regressed depending on how liberal, conservative or just retarded Tsar was.

If the axis had won they might have had more resources to throw at the german nuclear weapons project as well.

I think they were already prioritizing it as much as they could. We will never know of course.

After this, one has to ask.
What doomed the Western World? Democracy, or Autocracy?

Globalists traitors in media and education.

Modern liberals aren't liberals of 1950's... even less liberals of 1800's.

From my limited understanding Hitler was throwing a lot of resources in many directions at once hoping to find a super weapon to turn the tide of the war.

they made brides of around ten thousand women during that time. Widows, daughters taken away,

>implying globalism wasn't the inevitable result of colonialism
>implying colonialism wasn't the inevitable result of nationalism
>implying nationalism wasn't the inevitable result of geographic boundaries and ethnicity
>implying geographic boundaries and ethnicity are changeable

Sorry kiddo, it is the only way it could've turned out.


>UK educational system

Gr8 B8 m8 r8 8/8


You could have stopped your jews from sending money to USSR too, USSR would starve to death and Hitler could gain all the continents.

Dont get me wrong, Im not saying they couldnt have tied down enough divisions to have made a difference, just their own pre WW2 politics set in stone what they were going to do.

In addition their pacific defense idea could have worked if they had smashed the carriers at pearl Harbor.
100 shitty little airfields would have been extremely costly for the USA to have invaded.

TL:DR, you are 100% correct, Japan should have gone north with the Germans.

Had my mates grandfather came home from flightcrew PNG to catch his wife in bed with a GI (no lie)
Aussie women were cunts in WW2.
Even as he died he joked hed like to shake the GIs hand as he saved him from a cunt wife.

How come is cheating among women with husbands who are fighting overseas so common?

>Even as he died he joked hed like to shake the GIs hand as he saved him from a cunt wife.

ye pearl harbor was a fucking blunder. but it was because of america's embargo on japan. Thus they took too big a bite that they choked on. if they had kept their cool focused on Russia, not incited america to war. we would all be speaking german.

Because women are whores

Because they are cunts.
Ive had similar happen to me working away, women seem to interpret "work means I have to go away" to "hes cheating so should I".

Its fucked, women who do this should be branded as less than pigs, and no, Im not joking.

Does this mean Islam is right?

The bloke was a legend, I still remember him fighting to the death with a reback spider that had put a web in the headlight of his hillman hunter..
after an hours battle with me and my mate offering to kill it instantly he vanquished the foe.
So tough he was on an oxygen bottle for 10 years, then he announced hed had enough to the family, booked himself into the hospital and died within 12 hours.
Fucking awesome man.

Islam is shit on shit, yeas your women are loyal, as long as you are the 10% with the means to support them, otherwise its be fat to get the good looking goats.

Polygamy isn't that common in Islam though. And honestly it's not an integral part of the religion.

What is your proposed solution to the slut problem?

yes they could, but they said to hitler that they would invade USSR only if Germain could take stalingrad, that's why this city was so important for both soviets and germany

Execute the feminists.

lack of axis coordination really fucked them. they were all just kind of doing their own thing and happened to be doing them at around the same time while britcucks entire commerce empire was deeply involved with eachother

They built up a group of russian fascists in mongolia but it never worked out

They don't actually have gundams OP

Sad as it sounds, slut shaming and compulsory sterilization of those who have kids out of wedlock.
I know of one couple her mentaly sub 80IQ him fetal alcohol abo who have had 5+ kids removed from them.
If you can give me a rational explanation why they souldnt have their orifices superglued shut Id like to hear it.

>implying globalism wasn't the inevitable result of colonialism
depends how you define globalism. there is a difference between natural displacement and the enforcement of dysgenics on a mass scale

Because it's a Russian game? Same in World of Tanks.

lost is lost, nobody cares who fought more brave

It's like OP just forgot about Singapore, the Philippines, and Australia!

>I was banned from walmart for shitting on the floor and beating up customers
>I have no choice but to set off a car bomb outside walmart headquarters

Yet we were holding you back till you got lucky at midway despite being outnumbered2 to 1

Per OP's question: My understanding is that Stalin shifted a significant number of troops to Moscow once he determined that Japan did not intend to make a move on Siberia.

This is not a topic that I am well read on. The questions that I would ask are:

- What was the oil supply status in 1941?

- By eliminating the US Fleet, how would this have augmented petrol supplies?

- What available forces could have made a serious attempt at Vladivostok?

- To what degree was the US already a belligerent in the Pacific Theater? Was the US preparing serious operations apart from any reaction to Pearl Harbor?

Those are areas I would explore. In retrospect, it seems clear that attacking Pearl Harbor was a major miscalculation.

Taking the Soviet Union out of the war would have effectively meant an end to WWII. It would have been politically impossible for the US to enter had Stalin been forced back to the Urals with Siberia partially occupied.

Also no they tried and failed when the Soviets beat them into submission and took pretty much all of Manchuria.

The problem is that Japanese military was more naturally suited to being a Naval power because of the fact that Japan is an Island nation (Like the UK)
If they would of focused on building Tanks and mechanised units like a Continental power they would of ran into the immediate problem of figuring out how to transport things from Japan to the Asian mainland.

Seriously, the JaPS HAD A GOOD PLAN, FIRST 12 MONTHS GRAB AS MUCH REAL ESTATE AS MUCH AS THEY COULD, SECOND PHASE WAS to do airfields and fortification to bleed the allies for ever fly spot in the ocean.
All that made therm fail was the absence of carriers at pearl harbor.
That and massively underestimating amount of gear the USA could put out.

>women seem to interpret "work means I have to go away" to "hes cheating so should I".
are they wrong?

it's probably because I live in a 3rd world shit-hole but monogamy is a joke among my male peers aside for a few betas who are actually hard workers

And who can forget delaying Germany's invasion of the USSR because they had to continually rescue Italy and their retarded attempts in recreating the Roman Empire?

And for Italy to immediately turn on Germany as soon as the first allied soldier landed on their soil.

Meanwhile, France is branded as cowards for perpetuity.