Roaches legalising sex with children as young as 12 years. No this has nothing to do with islam.
Why the hell this isnt a thing on Sup Forums
Roaches legalising sex with children as young as 12 years. No this has nothing to do with islam.
Why the hell this isnt a thing on Sup Forums
shameless anti
what the fuck dont let this slide like the turks whp passed the law shortly after the unrests.
Got a reliable Western source?
Source, cunts. English.
need some legit sauce here Hans
It's been almost a month
And we had the discussion before
It's only a way to give different punishments for pedos and ephebos
No, Sup Forums, you won't be able to fuck Turkish lolis
choose one
>these are the same people that supposedly share "European values"
Burn down Turkey, bring back the Byzantine empire.
I've been saying it for years.
Peace be upon you Ahmed the Tanned German.
No this is not true according to the german source the new law suggests to treat sex with children between 12 and 15 the same way to treat it legally like the sex between adults.
Answer for this roaches
Someone turn off the light and see if the cunts come scurrying from under the fridge.
anons bump this please
Isn't that a good thing Hanz?
A lot of muslims will go back now
next they gonna legalize kidnapping 6yo girls? so secular, so progressive.
Muslims are pedophile spooks that worship a Satanic moon cult.
Jesus as the Conquering Lion of Judah and the King of Kings shall return and cleanse the Earth of their degeneracy and all other forms of apostasy as foretold in the Book of Revelation.
>Lion of Judah
>Book of Revelation
Stop being autistic, seriously. You make muslims look smart.
You were saying?
you are autistic:
>Trusting Jewpedia