How long do you think it'll be until Sam's finally gone for good?

How long do you think it'll be until Sam's finally gone for good?

hopefully never, he's my sonbando

Never. He's gonna get Papa Rich as a Mentor and they'll both got into space to be Badasses. We'll have Sam ripping the guts out of a Major villain soon...

Hopefully within the next two years at most.

Can't wait for the little shit to be gone

Hopefully he lasts but he isn't too popular unfortunately. Unless the newbie trio sticks together he'll fade into obscurity within 5 years or so.

Should I Samspam?

Get him away from Ms. Marvel and Miles
he's way more fun with obscure characters, New Warriors and in space
during "summer break" he should take a vacation with the GotG


ok user

I'll be amazed if he's still around by the end of 2017.
It's been nearly 5 years. Can't believe we're at the end of it.

From comics or my heart?

What is the appeal of Sam?

I hated him, but I get some people like teen heroes.
He felt more like a kid in elementary school than a teenager, though.

suffering porn

He gets ignored by everybody and life just generally shits on him. I honestly don't think things will ever get better for him and I hope they don't.

It's very similar to my fondness for Booster Gold.

Until he learns not to his AK

But he doesn't really suffer.
>He gets ignored by everybody
That only happens in the last two issues of volume 6 though, any other time he gets more than enough attention.
>life just generally shits on him
Really only for the time his not-dad died, outside of that his life really hasn't been bad.

His actual dad wasn't that great when he was around. Drunk and a Janitor. Joining the Avengers seems cool until you realize Tony is an Ass, and Steve is a dick

At least until Loeb leaves Marvel but I hope never, I want him and Rich to bond and be a Nova duo.

Steve was cool to him during Duggan's run.

Tony offered to help him find gis dad but ended with that shitty "If any of you guys find Sam's dad pls tell us" message for the aliens Annihilus had captured and it seems like he fucking gave up afterwards.

But Sam needs Rich.

he's actually a superhero kids can relate to
not the smartest, not many friends, not the best at socializing in general, doesn't get respect but a lot of potential and heart
he acts on his emotions and his stories are generally really fun
too bad they fucked up New Warriors because it had a sweet line-up
I hope Champions is his chance to shine
I'm a Dick Rider fan for twenty years but I want them both to be Novas, flying around fucking shit up.
We have a half dozen Green Lanterns, Robins, Spider-Men and others for days
it makes sense for multiple people to hold the Nova mantle at once, you know with a corps and everything
Sam's awesome beyond the sycophantic suffering meme
I am not Loeb or Waid but I genuinely like the kid

Fuck I wish RiRi was actually really smart and would be nice and help Sam
Tony fucking sucks
Maybe Doom will get shit done
I doubt it because Bendis wants Miles to win Kamala's v-card and probably doesn't like him
Mayba Riri /ss/ with Sam because everyone's cool with the Gwen/Miles situation

>doesn't get respect
That's not true though.

I really like him so I hope not for a while.

It kind of is, for a Nova everyone in space sure treats him like shit, maybe cause every other Nova is gone.

He's gotten respect from basically every hero he's met except Spock and Captain Falcon.

he's an underdog that's different than most of the big kid heroes these days
I dig it

He's got huge balls, he faces half his villains without his helmet.

Like what're you doing kid.

him against Kluh was pretty cool

I was talking about in space, like everyone is
>fuck the one last police

That said he still, rightfully, gets treated like a kid a lot, where as Kamala and Miles gets a pass so it's a bit unfair.

>Bendis wants Miles to win Kamala's v-card
Do any of you Kamala shippers realize that she hails from a traditional Muslim family and that her parents would never allow her to get with a negro?

>Implying Bendis cares

See, that page is dumb since most heroes treated him just fine before that issue and the one before it. The ANAD Avengers literally went to space for him so they could help find his dad.

His grand plan with Carnage was to face him without his helmet so he might also be a bit dumb

I think you're dismissing too many things. This is the guy who flew across the country only to be told
>Oh lmao, you're not speedball

Though these things are usually done as jokes they're still there.

>>Oh lmao, you're not speedball
He still got to hang out with them though, and if I recall correctly he really enjoyed himself, it's not like they told him to fuck off.

Only because Beast made them invite him. I guess that's fine since he's the adult but I think my point stands.
He's the butt of the joke a lot but that's all they are most of the time, jokes. I guess it contrasts well with how powerful he is.

I like how Sam calls Redwing the only Avenger that likes him.

Sam has a lot of potential, isn't this how Richard Rider started? as a young and crappy super hero but then turned into something amazing? Nova #09 was pretty good

He's almost marvel's Hal Jordan. He's rash, not alot of people really like him, and he's dumb as shit

Kind of a dumbass, gets no respect from everyone, fucks up a lot, the universe hates him and conspires to make his life awful. But he's also got enormous balls; he took a punch to the head from the evil Hulk that ruined his helmet, gave him brain damage, and knocked him to Paris, and immediately got up to take him on again as soon as he regained consciousness.
He's a combination of relatable and aspirational, I guess. I just want Rich to come back and be a friend/big brother to him.

Here's the thing you need to understand. We know all these reasons that it should get shut down. But we also know that Bendis doesn't give a fuck, and sells enough that Marvel just lets him do what he wants and let other, less popular writers sort out the rest.
For fuck's sake, some books are STILL trying to explain the infamous "Tit-Missile" incident.

>For fuck's sake, some books are STILL trying to explain the infamous "Tit-Missile" incident.

A-Force retcon

War Machine accidentally shot She-Hulk with a missle which hit her in the tit while the Ultimates, A-Force, and whoever else Bendis wanted in a fight against THANOS were fighting Thanos.
That one missile was enough to put her in a coma for days.

Oh, right. "Almost dead, don't know if she'll pull through". Should go to bed, thought it was something lewd.

it's wasn't just a tit-missile
Thanos punched her