Who else here is ready for this to happen?

Who else here is ready for this to happen?

>south carolina
>not blue

sure thing faggot

That would be pretty based.

AZ going blue, that's a fucking joke. I have never seen a with her sign here but thousands of trump signs and bumper stickers.

>Not third party

Sure thing faggot





He's only up by 2 according to CBS/YouGov.

Illinois is a reliably blue state thanks to Chicago. I love Chicago.


Same in Ohio. I haven't seen one Hillary thing besides A bumpersticker on some old lesbian's ride.

I'm pretty sure texas would go blue before this happens.

I've seen some delusional maps go for the other side, but this is just fucking ridiculous. Hillary won't win the Carolinas and Georgia much less Arizona and Iowa, you're fucking high if you think this especially with the debates coming up.
If Hillary wins it'll likely be pic related with either Virginia or Ohio going Blue.
Blame Chicago for being welfare monkeys.

No way Trump wins Virginia.

I hate this place.

me too m8

Trump has better chances at taking Pennsylvania then Virginia.

Kasich refused to endorse
Has criticized Trump and declared he doesn't think he'll win Ohio.

She's up by 15 in Virginia user.

Let's not completely untether from reality

He has virtually no chance at either.

If you think AZ is turning blue you got another thing coming. No way my state turns blue, maybe pink, but not even purple dude. We got Joe Arpaio and some of the most aggressive conservatives in the west coast, if not the nation. We hate illegal immigrants, Trump really is a godsend for our hatred of illegals. BUILD THE FUCKEN WALL MOTHERFUCKER!

Election day isn't August 15th user.

I know.

I just said, Pennsylvania has a bigger chance then Virginia. He lost it when she picked Kaine, allthough boring he locked the state for Clinton.

He shouldn't even bother with it and put that money in Pennsylvania instead.

Just wait for the massive voter turnout from Arizona Latinos thanks to the Democratic ground game. We are only down by 2 and we will start using resources there very shortly.

nice meme

It's gonna be this, faggot

Haha every last Latino I know here is voting Trump so suck it faggot

>it's another primary turnout has something to do with the general election episode
where do you get this shite

Virginia has historically voted Republican, Obama was the first Democrat to win Virginia since LBJ and that was back in the fucking 1960s. Bush steamrolled Virginia in 2000 and he was up against Al Gore who is probably a far tougher candidate then Hillary is and Trump has even more Primary votes then Bush did.
I'm waiting for the debates to give a more sound prediction but right now Virginia is up in the air for me because of voting history and the low chance that Hillary will convince the African American population in Virginia to vote for her because she's an old white women who along with Bill jailed record numbers of African Americans on drug charges and felonies back in the 1990s.
Pennsylvania is a long shot because of Philly so I'm not betting on them to go red nor New Hampshire.

Everytime I see a Trump or Hilary thread I'm absolutely astonished by the amount of non Americans weighing in on the election.

They know more about our political system then we know anything about them. They know our president, our presidential candidates, can name probably most of our states. They probably can name at least 3-5 senators.

It's not just that it's our pop culture also. They know our singers, our actors and movies, our sports teams and athletes.

Like wtf do you guys not have things in your country to talk about. GET A LIFE WORLD. Especially Australia, they love talking about anything American. Losers.

We literally hardly know anything about you guys. We don't know your president, we don't know your actors unless you are british, we really couldn't name any states or provinces of your nation or representatives in your legislature.

Just proof we actually matter in this world and you guys never will.

I think you meant "wait for Hillary to corrupt the voting process like she did in our primary"

She will win only due to corruption.

built-in excuses for the devastating ass whooping Hillary is about to lay on Trump

Primary - vote for your candidate
General - vote for your candidate
Seems kind of related


>Like wtf do you guys not have things in your country to talk about
The US Presidential campaign matters to me because its the last chance to stop TPP from passing since that fucking traitorous slime Trudeau is going full steam ahead with that stupid fucking free trade bill that Liberals historically should be rallying against but they're too busy with PC politics and ripping off the citizens tax dollars and having us fund a disastrously managed Fort McMurray wildfire to give a shit about their own party history.
Its fucking sad how both of our parties are essentially leftist parties, the PCs even more now thanks to that bulldyke huehue Rona Ambrose.

If this election is really close I'm just gonna wait until they announce trump winning and call every Clinton supporter a fucking traitor who would have been shot back in the days

>built-in excuses
Did you even read the DNC leaks you dumb fucking troll/shill?

I guess this is just a shitpost/pasta, but the President of the United States is one of the most influencal politican in the world, of course everyone follows the election.

Oh yeah, I remember all those historic acts of liberalism that Obama got through after Dems swept the House and Senate and he had a mandate to do whatever he wanted after the Bush administration...

You've basically got 4 Republicans to choose from this election:

1. The guy actually nominated by the party

2. The woman backed by all of GWB's Project for a New American Century neocons

3. The libertarian that won't legalize drugs

4. That literal nobody from the CIA

Looks like they win no matter what, friendo :^) not too late to shill for Stein

No and they should have never been leaked in the first place. I hope Hillary ratchets up the sanctions on Moscow.

I'm thinking this is more accurate, I don't think we'll get AZ for sure.

Oh fuck please let us just bully the fuck out of Russia

We got some good stuff and we would have gotten a lot more if had not been for the grand obstructionist party. They might not be able to win presidential elections anymore but they have a hell of a defense. Hopefully we take back the senate and even the house in an anti-Trump wave.

>implying they don't deserve it for Trump, the hacks, Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia, homophobia, and disrespect of Obama

Trump wins! I believe in trump!

Yea so you're saying my country matters, and yours hardly even exists. K.

>desolate state with no major urban centers that even sjws dont want to come to
Might as well claim vermont is red

K. You need to die

Can you name any of said good things? Obama had a full two years without Republican control...he couldn't even prosecute one person for the financial crisis. Even Bush put away the Enron guys for life and they were his boys.

Patriot Act, NDAA, the Bush tax cuts...guy did everything Bush couldn't


>high energy trumpbros wont turn up en masse in november

Dude Obamacare FUCKING SUCKS DICK. Every year I get a penalty because I don't have insurance. WHY THE FUCK AN I BEI G PENALIZED FOR NOT HAVING SOMETHING. They are taking away my money for me having freedom.

By insurance m8.



So I can tell you're young and this is your first election. You don't really know what states turn red and blue. Georgia and south Carolina are always red nigger

> I have never seen a with her sign here but thousands of trump signs and bumper stickers.
Same goes for Michigan.I think she was in Warren,Michigan,recently,doing something,and she collapsed.Apparently,she was hospitalized.Not sure if it's true or not.I rarely check what happens here in Michigan because nothing really happens at all.

It's not in my budget. It shouldn't have to be either.


Obamacare has failed miserably. Insurance companies that participate in the exchanges are losing money hand over fist. This next enrollment period will likely break the entire program. Even Hillary knows it has to be scrapped and replaced.
