If jews are behind communism why was the soviet union against israel and supported arab countries who fighted it?
Because Israel was/is allied with the US and the USSR was in direct competition with the US for global supremacy. Also when you jews installed communism you fucked everything over so hard they had to grab whatever allies with resources they could get.
The Jews created communism, but the soviet union was was created and led by Stalin who was raised a catholic.
Lenin left a testament saying that Stalin was dangerous and not fit to lead a country, but Stalin ended up the one in power anyway, thus disconnecting communist russia from the Jews.
Because maybe the jews aren't a fucking hivemind and there's internal frictions in the globalist cabal as well?
Stalin got rid of the kikes and many of them fled to Israel or America
You mean Sup Forums lied to us? No cant be.
There is a difference between racial jews and religious jews. The bolsheviks were athiestic racial jews
isnt it more like
>jews created communism
>stalin rises to power
>stalin sees the jews as scheming rats
>exterminatus because hes paranoid as fuck
Because Jews knew the most effective way to degenerate the Slavic soul was to force them into Communism.
At the same time they knew once the Slav had degenerated to becoming what they currently are the Slavs would lose. Thus Israel naturally wanted to be allied with the ultimate victor making it a natural enemy of the Soviet Union.
Pretty much, I was more pointing out that the Jew's who brought the rise of communism to Russia didn't want Stalin in power.
And Stalin is the one that OP mentions as being against Israel and supporting the arabs fighting it.
Bolsheviks, kike.
So you say stalin is bro? But he defeated hitler savior of the aryan race?
Sorry, what?
You asked why the soviet union was anti-israel so I answered.
I wouldn't call Stalin or Hitler "bro".
Soviet Union originally supported Israel. Later on it flipped.
Because originally, it was led by the turbokikes such as OP, and then Stalin purged them from positions of power.
Because bolshevik jews hate zionist jews
Jews fucked up and created a monster that they couldn't control.
>This is what poltards actually belive.
1.-Stalin did not "take power", he was elected by the communist militancy as Secretary General of the Communist Party in 1922 (with the vote of Trotsky and other "true communists", by the way), and then President of the Council of Ministers (aka: head of government) by the Soviet Supreme (the soviet parlament) in 1941, after the german invasion. You make it sound like he was a cartoon villain who led a coup or something.
2. The "Lenin Testament" is trotskist propaganda, Lenin did not "appoint a successor". And even if he had did, the USSR is not a monarchy, officials are elected. Lenin's opinion could have some weight, but it was just his opinion. Neither Lenin nor Stalin could aprove legislation like that, it's not Nazi Germany. Laws have to be aproved by Council of People's Comissars and the Soviet Supreme to be enforced.
3. The whole "Stalin purged the kikes and betrayed Israel" is retarded, the great purge happened in 1936 while the creation of Israel was in 1948. The USSR supported the partition of Palestine after the ONU resolution, and stopped supporting Israel after the jews started going full lebensraum on its neighbors. At the same time Israel started being pro-NATO while the arab countires alligned with the Warsaw Pact, and the nationalization of the Suez Canal made this accelerate.
1. take power does not imply illegal means, asshat. but in the case of communism the only way to keep power and not have it taken from you by the international jew is to be a tyrant.
3. which part of "purged from positions of power" do you not understand? only those who resisted the demotions were actually purged.