Give me a few reasons to actually have kids since there is no point
Give me a few reasons to actually have kids since there is no point
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>there is no point
some people feel better if they think they have left something behind. Like a great book, or a great career of some sort, or a building or a bridge.
utter losers leave behind a bunch of worthless kids, but to them it's a great achievement. Look at how proud people are when they are expecting a child, ignoring the fact that any dog or pig or whatever can do the same thing.
You must spawn on this world sentient beings that will suffer and eventually die cuz this is what thirdworlders are doing, we may hate niggers and third sandniggers but at the same time we shall act like them.
Well if you aren't mentally ill, wanting to have a kid is a natural feeling
>man the world is full of liberals and the white race is declining
>better not have kids and raise them well so I can care about nobody but myself until I die and leave nothing behind
So somebody will still love you and take care of you when you're old. Nobody is going to show up at your funeral OP
First you'd need to have a member of the opposite sex to want to be near you OP.
Great, except you don't feel anything after you're dead, as far as we know.
W/e, I bet Hitlers mom was looking down on him from heaven beaming with pride.
>Hey Jesus! See my son?
>He is killing a lot of Jews Mrs. Hitler
>He is a good boy, he dindu nuffin.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
This same thread, with the same picture, with the same question has been posted here for nearly two years.
If OP doesn't respond to this, than this is a bot.
If OP does, then who the fuck are you?
There really is no point, but /pal/ will try to tell you
> "preserve da wite raic!"
I'll build one of those shotgun she'll suicide helmets for when I get too old to take care of myself. I just can't sacrifice so much of my life, hobbies, and money to have a bunch of shitty kids that will decide to follow whatever ideology they latch on to later in life.
>Great, except you don't feel anything after you're dead, as far as we know.
well I sure fucked that up. I accept my grade of C-
It's the entire point of your existence.
Children and grandchildren are the most fulfilling endeavour you could ever possibly have.
They'll be there for you when you grow old and need support.
>Still worshipping a literal drug addict
give me a couple actually GOOD reasons not to
if you meet a good woman whom you love, and have enough resources available, why not?
the whole biological purpose of your life is to have offspring and make sure your DNA gets to live on even after your own body dies
alternatively you can be a supporting member of the species and contribute to your tribe so that other members of your species have easier times passing their genes on
the modern state will tax you anyway, so might as well make sure that the tax money you pay is spent on your own kids, instead of ending up in the hands of other parents
more money, more free time
1 in 4 people in Puerto Rico are predicted to get Zika virus. Zika has been found in Florida and California. They are also finding strains that are lasting longer. You might not have a choice soon.
>They'll be there for you when you grow old and need support.
>he actually believes this
Go to a nursing home sometime and ask the people there how often their kids/grandkids visit. I guarantee 95% of them will say on thanksgiving, christmas, and their birthday (or when their kids/grandkids) need money.
But you would feel something while you are alive and that feel will be a good feel.
more time to realize that fucking gets boring after a while and having a kid is the only way for most people to retain a relationship
If youre dumb enough to think this way then by all means, remove your stupid genes.
>Jewish autist detected.
If you don't, the niggers will win.
>implying thats an argument
>buy chloroform
>buy rag
>profit both ways
This is self centered bullshit. Millenials are dickheads.
You can create life
You build your family/lineage
You raise good men or women
You raise productive members of society
You contribute to the world
But nah....the worlds a mess and you don't want to bring a child into this world??? Lame fucking excuse.
More like you're too self absorbed and don't want to be bothered. Fuck off dickhead.
I'm going to play with my sons now.
Because your father and grand father, and the men before them, all sacrificed their vidya time to work and raise kids so that these kids could do the same and pass the torch, make the name and blood go through one more generation. Don't make those sacrifices vain because you'd rather spend your days shitposting and catching pokemons with your smartphone.
>if you dont make yourself legally and financially compromised the niggers win
i bet youre a jew that works in family court
>I don't have time or money to do a line off a hookers ass.
I will be dead by then, so why should I care?
This, plus being old would suck without kids. You sacrifice 18~ years of freedom in return for (if you weren't a cunt to your kids) a big family that grows when you get grandkids, and all of them will help take care of you, help you with stuff that gets hard to do later in life, and people you know you can die and leave your things to people who recognize what's important, to keep those photos and small things that remind them of you when you're gone.
On the flipside you get 18 years of a lot of freedom but a lot of downtime, and when you get old you get taken care of by a mexican woman you hire off your social security till you die alone
>t. diddlerosa
When radical life extension therapy is made available it will be limited to people who don't already have children to limit overpopulation.
Which may be a good thing as people who have children early tend to have low intelligence.
You should care because then your children will be surrounded by niggers.
You need to have sex to produce children; this will be an issue for you.
Being old sucks in general. Why do you think old people commit suicide the most out of all age groups?
Just kill yourself before you get old and decrepit.
>and all of them will help take care of you, help you with stuff that gets hard to do later in life
see>till you die alone
PROTIP-Everybody dies alone. This romanticized notion of old people dying surrounded by their loved ones is an absolute meme.
look bro, you didn't get the joke. Let it go.
If you raise them shittily yeah, but treat them to be good people and you'll get a different result.
No, you dumbass, you only have children when you can afford to do so.
then I won't have children, problem solved :^)
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
if you're non-white then there's no point
Well, there isnt. Have fun not having snot nosed kids trashing your house not having to worry about your daughter getting raped by niggers or worry about your son becomming an sjew.
Its a good life. Ive got a little money in the bank and if i quit my job this second ill still be able to pay all of my bills for 6 months since i wont have a kid to take to the doc.
What about inheritance then?
>have financially successful
>get married
>have kids
>get divorced
>get fucked out of tens of thousands in prolonged divorce case where both lawyers and the judge are in cahoots
>kids automatically go with the mom
>end up having to pay alimony
>kid never sees a dime
>ex wife refuses to get remarried because she loses alimony if she does
If you don't do your part by having children, then there will be more niggers in relation to humans and that could start to effect you in your old age. Imagine a nigger orderly.
Im sure your shitposting on Sup Forums is worthy.
Drink bleach. Dumb niggers like you are nothing.
Who said anything about getting married? You don't need to be married to be financially able to support kids and a concubine.
>have (become) financially successful
>get married
>have kids
>get divorced
Blame yourself for having a shit marriage
Most people end up raising shitty kids. But I'm sure you'll raise perfect little angels :^)
Heh, I know more stories of kids fucking over their parents just to get another hit of oxy or xanax. I ssen more family members abandon runts just because they don't want to deal with their shit. Do you even know how many people out their try to scam the elderly? No one gives a two shits about family today. They're just assets to be used or sold off.
The most tashy people will have a lot of them. If the good guys don't, only the trash will remain.
Why would you care after youre dead? You certainly cant take it with you.
Bro you cannot win. Many of these people on this Board have never been to a family cookout with all of their cousins and siblings.
>Shits fun as fuck
>blood is thicker than water
I have 4 siblings and I have a closer bond with them than anyone else I have ever met. I always feel sorry for only children because they are often times weebos. Even people with only one sibling are weird.
If you are depressed or lonely.
>get a good job and work hard at it
>Get a Catholic wife
>Have 5 kids
>teach them to work hard
>Be proud of your family
Yeah, every man should go out and get one of the 5% of women who are not total cunts. That'll surely work.
you can fuck them
Time shilling the propaganda I see
You need love in your life, find it.
Look at the happy couples that have kids, the happy ones, aim to be like them, you deserve happiness just like anyone else.
Here's the scenario
>have kids
>get fucked in court
>dont have kids
>get fucked by IRS
At least without kids I can pretty much do whatever the fuck I want. Vacation whenever I want to, fuck random women, etc. The higher tax rates are just a luxury tax.
>Divorce is forbidden
Come home bro.
>unironically linking to Huffpo
well you should be happy then that there are so many of us autists
it'll just make it easier for you to raise your perfect aryan kids who will totally not turn demigenderqueerdeersquirrelwomen and totally not be pressured to become a muslim, refugee, nigger sympathising degenerate with your perfect 20 year old virgin aryan wife who totally hasn't been with 20 guys before you and will never leave you after 3 years and take half of your shit
real life is just a meme at this point
just go fap
Watch Born on the 4th of July. Niggers are shit.
Well if you are going to marry someone you better know them well enough. I can guarantee that the majority of divorces come from accidental baby marriages or something of the sort. I'm not saying that even if you do everything right that nothing will go wrong but you can't shit on marriage because an overwhelming majority of people who become married are fuckwits when it comes to choosing their spouse.
people that live in retirement homes are there for a reason lmao
if your kids love you to that point they'll actually live with you or invite you to live with them in their house, not pay some shitty CNA's to feed u and shit
Die in a fire potatoe nigger
>join the religion of the micks, dagos, and beaners
Ayy lmao
>sacrifice 18 years of freedom
this is such a bad meme
would you rather keep spending your 18 years partying or playing stupid internet games?
>people that live in retirement homes are there for a reason
Either their kids dont want to deal with them, or they require care beyond what their kids can provide.
I'm a 31 y/o virgin so most likely I am not meant to have children.
>31 y/o virgin
What are your wizard powers?
>Blame yourself for having a shit marriage
True Sup Forums alpha males select perfect brides
Sup Forums alphas never get divorced, they attract chaste conservative women
divorce or unemployment is for beta males who are also "cucks"
Alpha mentality = 100% no issues with women
Women want to be controlled by alphas and society will back you up on that
I know many on Sup Forums hate Catholics but to be fair every Catholic I know is white. Be whatever your respective religion is. There are good religious women out there who want kids and a family.
>Go to Church
>Good women will find you
If you keep going to the bar or chasing after "gamer" girls you are wasting your time.
>You will only find trash at the garbage heap.
Christ, you people are retarded fucking children with a simple view of the world. You have no life experience or real perception outside your computer. Fucking fags.
>is this nigga serious!?
All Catholics are white huh? You do realize that the Pope is a Marxist Cunt from South America, riiiiiight?
No point to have a wife if you are not going to breed her with your seed. So if you are saying having a child free marriage is better than marriage with children then I disagree.
Either get married and have kids
Or stay single and fuck random sluts and prostitutes without commitment
Married without children is pointless.
>inb4 muh life partner
Women are disloyal whores. They may be your lover but they are not your friend and never trust them.
Top kek fucking saved
I said all Catholics I know are white. I live in Indiana though. I am sure if I lived in Mexico my experience would be different.
>No point to have a wife if you are not going to breed her with your seed
What are tax breaaks
lol what a faggot
>Women are disloyal whores.
>But you should have children with one
What sort of Olympic level mental gymnastics do you have to go through to think this is a good idea?
you think an agency is doing research on our demographic?
if whites breed with asians it will improve the white race
but it will hurt asians :(
>not jackin it all day to hentai is gay.
Enjoy suicide when you hit 35. There is a suicide epidemic for whites, I know you are to off yourself thought right?
Fucking jews really do shill on this site.
hello wizard. I'm still a virgin at 24 so I'll probably join you
Sorry, you said, "in my limited experience". Well that's just fucking great. Do you even know what the official Catholic policy is regarding immigrants? Did you know that YOUR Pope was on our Southern border crying for more immigration into the US?
Catholics are not going to be part of the future. They are a relic of the past that must be purged if white people are to survive.
>tax breaks
Do the math. The money you save will be spent by your barren wife to feed her mindless materialism. A single man may not get tax breaks but he also doesn't have his bank account ransacked by his whore wife who won't even suck his dick anymore.
True story my buddy's dad used to chill with us sometimes in highschool when we were all hanging out at his house. One time he was drunk as shit and fucking started getting teary eyed and was going on and on about "she won't even suck my dick anymore. I love that woman. Why won't she fuck me anymore!" Then he passed out drunk.
This is what marriage is. At least he spread his seed and was able to bro down and get drunk with his son's friends. If he was in a childless marriage he might have an hero-ed.
Sorry about our Pope user. Not all catholics feel the same way he does.
Finally, a cover with a white couple!
>she won't let me
I just jam it in. Works every time its tried.
Kids give you something to care about, and give you a purpose. Two things I'm desperately longing for. I will eventually have kids once I'm fiancially stable.
Celibate is the true red pill.
>Many of these people on this Board have never been to a family cookout with all of their cousins and siblings.
I've been to them. they fucking suck.
Would you guys be less happy if your first born was a girl instead of a boy ?
explain why
that is smart user. Besides once you hit 27 women start hitting on you. It is crazy. I get hit on by 19-23 year olds all the time. Women love men who are stable. Do not take women who are 25 or older though. They are usually worn out. My last three gfs were 18, 20, 22. I dropped them because they could not cook. I will find my dream girl soon though.