Hey Arnold Thread?
Hey Arnold Thread.
Hey Arnold Thread?
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threadly reminder that pheobe is best girl followed by french helga
Do we really need a movie? The series was like 95% done. The only thing left would be to discover the minutia behind what happened to Arnold's parents and the green eyed people.
I'm pretty sure they said it's about Arnold's parents.
are we talking about hey arnold?
Arnold what a loser, what a joke, what a maroon. How i despise him. And yet....
I don't get this show. It's a kids show with a lot of family drama and a focus on the mundane.
I always loved that Dino Spumoni Smash song when I was younger. It was only hearing it again when I was older that I realised how messed up it was. Still catchy as all hell.
This would've been a better episode.
I'm currently 'rewatching' the series since as a kid I watched like three episodes. I'm at season 1 episode 18 right now.
I'm hoping that the made for telly movie will gain enough support for a conclusion series.
I saw your face and wow!
Didn't the creator say the series finale movie is finally moving towards production?
Yes he did. Greenlit for TV. A whole bunch of original Voice actors have signed back up.
Did that and already finished. Just need to watch the movie.