>Islam wins again.

WATCH: BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Theresa May recites the HOLY Quran. Reaffirms the belief that ISLAM is a Religion of SCIENCE and PEACE, and ISIS DOES NOT REPRESENT ISLAM.

The cucked West loses again. Bow down to your new Muslim overlords.

Other urls found in this thread:

Assassination when?

lol, thank you, potato nigger, for telling me how I should feel about England..

This is good news. Why would she say right-wing lies about Islam? You think she is tinfoil hat like you? She actually goes out and talks to people of this religion to learn about their lives and base her facts on that.

Maybe it is time you leave your moms basement to meet some muslims and ask about their lives?


Nigel Farage is such a faggot, he abandoned ship right when UK needed him the most. He could have easily transitioned into a leading role. But instead decided to hand it off to a fucking woman so the Matriarch can continue.

Fuck UK. Fuck Germany. Fuck France. And fuck Australia.

>potato nigger
>making fun of Britain
>for getting dominated

>WATCH: BRITISH PRIME MINISTER Theresa May recites the HOLY Quran. Reaffirms the belief that ISLAM is a Religion of SCIENCE and PEACE, and ISIS DOES NOT REPRESENT ISLAM.

kek uk kek

>British PM
>recies the Holy Quran

u wot m8? I thought UK becoming Pakistan 2.0 was just a meme that I created. This shit is actually happening.

Maybe it's time they lived their lives in their own countries?

>Giving women seats of power

White people are fucking stupid.

>religion of peace
disgusting meme, but whatever
>religion of SCIENCE

>american education

Nobody takes iroyns opinions seriously and we're not about to start now.

Back to the provinces with you potato nigger.

>woman fucks it all up
fuck off cunt

And I was just about to praise her as being a rare example of a leader who's a based woman. Never mind then.

I really do not understand how muslims manage to infiltrate societies so well. They are just like the jews. Just more numerous.

This is true

Deus Vult


this is why you should never put a woman in charge of a country

shitbongs, when will they learn?

>I really do not understand how muslims manage to infiltrate societies so well
They don't. They're shit at it. It's only decades and decades of ideological subversion which has brought the western world to such a state of self-loathing that would make such a thing possible.

Hans is posting on his way back from his government funded tolerance towards refugees community group - he can't miss these meetings or he will be sent to the cuckformity camps in the East. Today's meeting was about sharing our wives and daughters with our Middle Eastern friends, one that Hans will be sure to remember. It is also worth mentioning that Hans is walking home today, because chancellor Merkle recently ordered all Germans to hand over their cars to our impovished newly-German friends - if he's back home in time there may also be some faifel left over from his wife's bi weekly meeting with Abdul and his friends.

She should pledge allegiance to al-Baghdadi instead. She would be the first female emir ever.


Jesus Christ.. I sometimes wonder, are politicians that stupid, deluded or they are doing this on purpose?

She wasn't elected by the public....

I hate you. It's like you get it, but it's not the point. The point is to fight that shit. When you write stuff like that, it makes me feel like giving up too.


Cucked again :^)))



Holy shit, how can a person of her position be this wrong. She's objectively wrong, she hasn't read the quran... This is beyond insanity.

She isn't the prime minister of the UK, she is the governor of western Pakistan

sharia by the front door AND the backdoor.

Is that why everyone is running off to live in the middle east?
4/10 bait.

Name one Muslim Country that isnt a shithole

Name one Country that hasnt had any problems with their Muslim minorities

Checkmate, Mohammad.

>MLKP/KGO Rojava

and nobody shot down those kurdish terrorists? Fuck me I had to be there to kill some of them

Wiping ass with specific amount of rocks is so progressive

Wait a tick. Mightn't this be a good idea? Those niggers are dumb as fuck. We take a bunch of assault rifles with us and start a new religion there, and become kings.

Lol how does that reaffirm anything faggot all it shows is she is a fucking moron




The sad thing is this will be a reality in maybe 10 years

Because globalists and neo-progressives

>This is good news. Why would she say right-wing lies about Islam? You think she is tinfoil hat like you? She actually goes out and talks to people of this religion to learn about their lives and base her facts on that.
I lived among you muzzies for 5 years.

if anything, you're even worse than the right wingers say.

1) Blackmailed
2) Evil themselves
3) Lefists

or any combination.

neo-progressives = regressives?

Why not just call them that, regressives.

well I dont see any shitbonds doing anything against it

and it was shitbongs who put her in charge

nice try

Y r u stars?

>islamism has nothing to do with islam
>islamic state is not islamic
>islam is not islam
>only certain muslims are muslims

mkay, this video is depressing af desu
she is a total baka desu

>a dangerous slave morality that will always bend over backwards no matter how despicable your enemy is

Pick two

>Politician speaks politically correct
>Sup Forums goes full retard mode
lol she's more anti immigration than are Nige

I live near a Muslim neighborhood and talk to these people every day.
The religion is trash and even the younger ones do haram shit like drink, do drugs and eat pork. Islam is a joke.


Kys, animefag

Yeah. Islam is popular with bitches precisely because it is bluepill mangina bullshit. It convinces men that they ought to work for the gynocracy literally to get pussy in the afterlife. Not even this life, the fags.

Homosexuality is deemed a killable offense in islam, and betamales are forced back to the plantation. She wins again--her lover is that beast with a sword.

>muslims should be afraid of her because she is an islamophobe
so what does that make the muslims? islamophobophobic?

as much as I love Nigel... You are making us all look stupid with your ignorance and should refrain from comments and lectures given that you don't know shit about what it is you speak of.

Just because He had the letters
next to his name... does not mean he can just switch over to

regardless, I do agree with you that it's still quite sad to see our step-dad go off on Aladdin's 'tragic carpet ride' though.

Story time!

Her cucky tory party put her in charge as a 'fix' after the Brexit vote.

>she's a jew globalist shill married to a sholmo

Words are meaningless. We can celebrate when she triggers Article 50 and reduces immigration to under 50k like she promised.

Until then, I am very skeptical.

May just knows she cant pull a trump.

she stil states Islamist extremism is the worst extremism.

grasping at straws here guys.

>they are not islamic and they are not a state

Fucking hell, she is literally Miliband in skirt!
And UKIP is no alternative either, the party threw a tantrum when one of the leadership candidates suggested banning the burka.


hahaha nice trolling hahaha good one hahaha nice fake like ahahahahahaha

Implying this fucking tory whore will give a shit about reducing wogs and muslims arriving in vast numbers.

>democracy is fucked, we are on the path to war

Wow, a far-left rag thinks she's Hitler.

So what?

>Words are meaningless
Fuck off jerrycuck

those fucking noses

its funny

my father is jewish and I have family in Israel but they all have small but beautiful noses and so do I

I was just in Scandinavia, its really that bad.

Go wank your cut dick you jew turd

So all she's done is save shekels by not looking for immigrant boats.

Are you trying to prove my point?

Google OIC, "Interfaith Dialogue" and Muslim Brotherhood" also watch Stephen Coughlin (Defense Intelligence Specialist for the US DOD/FBI/CIA... REALLY knows his shit)

Also see
>pic related

People need to understand... the muslims are almost (not quite) as good as the jews at subverting systems... the sad fact is that had it not been for the jews weakening shit with their "cultural marxism" hoping to subvert US and European cultures for their global communism... there is no way the Islamists would have been able to get their subversion programs started.

God damnit Boris Johnson would've never done this

>Theresa maymay
Isn't she currently doing fancy hiking vacations in Switzerland?


The stupid cunts in the establishment, sucked up to th ejews and let them away with every stupid multi cultural subversion and the muslims have taken full advantage. The are well on their way to gaining control of nuclear armed France

>hope the muzzies nuke jew land out of gratitude

Might be because they wipe with their hands

So much for brexit.
Guess she'll exchange the poles for more pakis.

You best believe this is a globalist world, 'cause you live in it.
Subhumanisation for all. Collapse to preindustrial civilisation for all. Planetbounding for everyone. Eternal oblivion for all.

Except for China. In one millenium, MSETI ( Muslim Search for Extraterrestrial Infidels ) will only be able to hear "CHING CHONG".

>Not knowing about the word filters

s|m|h t|b|h f|a|m

>he can't get around word filters
Smh Tbh Senpai

Nigel waits for the government to sell out on immigration and Islam so that his party calls him to return to save the day.


You don't understand how British politics works. Farage isn't in the Conservative party so he couldn't lead anything you fat fuck. Enjoy Killary.

I don't think Western leaders are this stupid. No-one can be that stupid and rise to these positions.

The establishment is drowning in Saudi money. That is my theory.

She was named Islamophobe of the year last year. Not refuting that some way would be political suicide

has to be

Even if they weren't natural traitors that have no loyalty to family, nation and race ( well, they don't have loyalty period, i don't think they even understand the concept, most mistake it for submission which they do understand innately ), they would still be easily manipulated voters due to their dimness.


you fucking retard

Surah 3 28
>Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.

>Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.

In other words "Let's pretend we're peaceful until we're the majority"
An example of this would be Lebanon

Go eat a pizza Luigi

Repulsive woman

Even more so than I already thought. Sick of seeing her repugnant face and that forced twitchy smile of hers.

>being surprised that the descendants of the earliest settled civilisations on Earth are crafty

>a Religion of SCIENCE
top kek

>Name one Muslim Country that isnt a shithole

>Name one Country that hasnt had any problems with their Muslim minorities

d-deal with it user!

You're totally right about that. And that's the current problem. They crave and only respond to dominance and the modern feminist cancer has created a generation of weak submissive men. This angers women and causes them to seek out men who will dominate them which explains the way they shill for islam.

Also totally agree that they do not understand loyalty. Loyalty is a male trait.

WTF? isnt david cameron the prime minister?

That it goes last hope for Britain, good fucking job.

post feet

British Muslim here, she's objectively correct though, why are you people so mad all the time?

The majority of us have been peaceful, otherwise July 7th would have happened repeatedly, and it hasn't.

>there's absolutely no basis written in the koran for what they do