What is the purpose of life? Why do humans exist? We argue our whole lives with each other and do all kinds of dumb shit only to end up into dust and becoming fertilizer for plants.
What the fuck man, I feel depressed everyday.
What is the purpose of life? Why do humans exist? We argue our whole lives with each other and do all kinds of dumb shit only to end up into dust and becoming fertilizer for plants.
What the fuck man, I feel depressed everyday.
Typical Kafir who has denounced his faith
From now on you have 2 choices: The path of Kafir or the Path of the Dog
Verily, it is easier for a Kafir to enter to kingdom of heaven than it is for a dog who has denied Allah. Verily, Allah is Mighty and Wise. Ins-allah
I never denounced anything. I am just sad about not being on this planet to see how far human civilization will evolve or to experience space travel to another planet.
The best though terminating cliche: You don't need philosophy to live.
Allah created us and is testing us to see if we are going to heaven even though he knew whether we were going to heaven before he created us.
Our existence is pretty deep.
I have become a nihilist. I don't enjoy anything anymore, not eating, sleeping or even relationships. I don't even want to get married or have children.
We're tribal apes living in a super advanced society.
I think it's awesome, I don't know why you guys complain so much. You probably need to get laid.
Your body returns to the earth. It is just a shell. Your consciousness moves on.
>Finland, boys and ghouls
All is impermanent, all is without a self. Let the knowledge that all of this is simply the universe at play with itself free you from your fears and desires. Simply BE, in the moment. Enjoy each instance of presence fully, with peace and understanding that nothing is happening. It's really okay, friend. Bless you.
Read this.
The animating contest of liberty.
Fight for your freedom, for your family, for the weak, justice, mercy and grace. Have hope in God's promise of the resurrection, and you may get stronger. Believing the gospel has never made me feel more alive.
Believing in made up bullshit isn't a purpose
You're trapped in a game that God or someone wants to watch. Every action is interconnected at the very basic level. You have no choice but to play out your role until you die, like the rest of us.
Can I have chilli sauce on that as well please boss?
good wisdom right there
procreation and improvement.
>Why christians are wrong?
Because nature consists of constent war
>Why atheists are wrong?
These guys dont know any better then pagans, say that they dont know better, but act like they do. Build their "morals" on some assumptions anyway but they lie to themselfes.
I am ready to debunk other wrong ideologys too, just ask me.
>>Why christians are wrong?
>Because nature consists of constent war
That's a non-sequitur if I ever saw one
Christians strive for love between humans dont they?
Well doesnt work because there is a constent war.
what is the problem?
There isn't a constant war and how would a constant war imply there can't be love between humans?
Is this bait?
>I came not to bring peace, but a sword.
- Jesus
what is your take on stoicism?