>60% non white
>speaks european language
>practises middle eastern genital mutilation ritual
why do we give a shit what these people think? they're the most cucked nation on the planet
>60% non white
>speaks european language
>practises middle eastern genital mutilation ritual
why do we give a shit what these people think? they're the most cucked nation on the planet
Well, you're speaking our language, for one thing
how'd you work that one out?
I live in a 97.2% white county in the south, am more armed than any British subject, and can fully support myself off the land. Nice try though, Ahmed.
>but muh guns
lmao what the h*ck has that got to do with anything?
Oh, and I still have my foreskin.
No guns, regardless of anything else, means you're fully cucked. Everything else, like hate speech laws and VAT taxes are just icing on the shit cake.
Hey guys I ate some really hot hotsauce and my mouth is fine but both of my hands feel like they're being eaten by ants. Anyone know what's going on??
Sick of this shit
Living in white counties and owning guns doesn't make us not cucked
It means we aren't living in reality and addressing the real problem head on
One day you'll wake up and find out that every county surrounding yours is not white and then what will you do
>muh free speech
what makes you think that you guys have so much free speech?
Nah, I could shoot Ahmed and jamal if they broke into my house and have it be completely legal. You guys would go to prison for a hate crime if you tried to speak up about your wife getting cream pied by a rapefugee.
Really gives your noggin a joggin over who the cucked one is.
S-sorry we disappointed you dad. At least we aren't South Africa right?
Because we own your country, and your national destiny is inextricably tied to ours?
>creates the United States
>now sucks its dick daily
I live in Florida, feels nice having those yellow Brit teeth drag across me.
>why do we give a shit what these people think?
richest country and best military in history.
The UK are basically our slaves hopefully Trump/Clinton start another war for your soldiers to die in for us
>60% non white
no it isn't. 70% of the population is White. 60% non-Hispanic Whites and 10% Hispanic Whites (People from Spain and South America)
I can say whatever I want and not get a visit from the Police because of "hate speech" like you Eurocucks do.
I thought you guys didnt consider any hispanic as white
Brits cant even speak english since the 1800s nobles cucked yalls pronounciation.
their pronounciation is awful. "dae innit aeh yr a wizahd arry"
You're thinking of France.
Also, you're one to speak about being cucked when a shitskin is the mayor of London and you have a child prostitution ring -STILL RUNNING- because your cops are too afraid of being branded racist to stop it.
Bonus points, you call shitskins "Asians" because its politically correct to you.
You're in just as much of a shitty situation as we are, just in a different way. But for what it's worth, congrats on Brexit. I'm hoping that it actually gets finalized before the Remain kikes turn it around on you. I'm looking forward to working with you to turn this world around.
Let's both stand on a street corner waving a nazi flag and shouting about how the holocaust didn't happen. You'll go to jail, I won't.
Nobody has to make a thread to rhetorically ask why anybody should care about what the UK thinks.
only the white ones.
Chile has a large German population. So does Brazil.
It's a bit like Switzerland maybe (Switzerland has about 25% foreign born inhabitants, not all muzzies/shitskins though).
They may technically be cucked. But Switzerland has has a poltical system that allows the population to actually cope with it and set real boundaries, whereas the US is simply the most porwerful country in the world, a cultural powerhouse (say but you want, but everyone here consumes US media), and one, if the, most innovative country there is.
Getting cuked is easier to bear, when you still can take pride in your nation and see a future for yourself.
>not being a nationalist
I shouldn't be surprised
t. Mehmet
I am. But the point I'm trying to make is: what does living in a grand nation do for you? The Kaiserreich was way more powerful in militaric terms than Germany today. But 1 in 4 Reichsmark where spent just for the military. Look at Russia, probably the best example. Still someone who is not easy to be fucked with globally, but a shit country for most of it's inhabitants
Or China for that matter. Don't get me wrong, the US sure is one of the most desirable countries to live in. But the amount of poor hopeless is alarming. Not all of them are trash. There was that one family where the oldest brothers became an alternative rockstar and than he was able to finance collge education for all of his family and they all did it became successful (can't exactly rememeber which guy it was... probably blink 182 or sum 41... some one from that direction; would have to look it up)
Because we bailed your beady asses out of that utter shit show you left after World War I. We told you that saddling Germany with reparations was a bad idea. Make the mistake again fuckers, and beg for us to pull you out. Just like you did last time...And watch us laugh.
>Military runs the world
Check out these "city-states" with unlimited influence and power.
Washington DC
Vatican City
City of London
give a shit because our leaders are trying to start WWIII
Burgers are so fucking delusional. They'll happily yell cuck to Europeans for having 5-10% non white population but themselves have a 45% non white population and that's excluding all the spice who think they're white. 60-65% including them, and they even voted in a nigger president TWICE.
Whites are a minority in usa and their opinion means zero. But hey, atleast the americucks who live in "white counties" will never affected by this. Right?
Our suck doesn't make your suck, suck any less. We're just the prettiest Denny's waitress.
I'm fucking memeing that.
All this infighting like children is ridiculous. We need to all come together and remove undesirables. Nu/pol/ is garbage.
You're a cuck for being European.
It's actually very true. Americans generally see Europeans as being weak, naïve, and pretentious. The average American girl has more agency and resolve than the average Europlebian pseudo-male.
Non-Hispanic White 196,817,552 63.7 %
White Hispanic 26,735,713 8.7%
A simple google search before claiming things btw Sven.
yeah sure... if he could get up that tiny hill without sweating
I like Europeans and always have. Yet, watching them these past few years just makes me question their sanity.
>Alphabets are middle eastern origins
>Use Arabic numerals
>Have middle eastern religion
why is the west not European?
Except your stats are wrong lol
You're just continuing to cuck yourself.
one set of laws for everyone.
no dynasty politics.
I like Europeans too, but I still view them more like children than men -- and I value their opinions accordingly. That's a large part of why it's so hard to see what's happening to them, it's like seeing an innocent white girl trying to befriend the black kids down the street but instead she gets beat up and has her shoes stolen.
The middle east used to be way more civilized and Hellenistic before Islam.
You're retarded and naive. I said "spics thinking they are white". Your census is fucked, because clearly latinoskinned people are saying they are white.
And honestly it's hilarious you think these statistics help you in any shape or form. Even if your numbers weren't fudged, you admit to having a 55% white pop. Major cuckery is going on here, and you like it, faggots.
well we are far better off than any euro country
>hate speech laws
>even worse gibsmedats
>no guns
America is a weird case. Overall, our government and laws are way less cucked than most of Europe (muh guns, muh free speech, etc.) We do have way more minorities, but we barely have any Muslims. We'll definitely be fucked if Hillary wins though.
Non-hispanic white. Hispanic white are your "spics who think they're white demographic". What don't you understand about that?
How did you get 55% from 63%? The other 8.7% is added to 63% not subtracted you daft cunt. Learn to read. Technically America is considered 72% white (with a small portion being of Hispanic descent).
Anyways I would rather have Catholic spics who work hard and assimilate than Ahmed fucking my pure white daughter. Have fun with your rape stats.
Hell, you could have made a better point with pointing out our nigger population instead of this garbage argument. We all admit we have buyer's remorse and it was a mistake.