I just watched the trailer and he seems nothing like how he used to be portrayed in the 90s comics. (I don't read modern comics very much) It appears to me like a Seth Rogen-type DUDE LMAO comedy wtih facebook-tier quips.
Did the movie actually turn out good? Is it worth watching?
Adrian Smith
It's good, watch it.
Isaac Anderson
Three words dude. Heck. Freaking. YES.
Brayden Nguyen
Tyler Brown
Yeah, it's pretty alright
Lucas Cooper
Dominic Sanders
The vast majority of /c/ (And movie goers in general) liked it a lot.
Jason Campbell
its pretty good. Its very satisfying to see R rated violence in a Marvel movie. Its normal comic book violence, and its great.
The humor was a little off. He seemed to be pandering the lowest common denominator. You know the type. the type of people who have the bumper sticker of the stick figure humping "IT" on their trashy car. The way Ryan Renold's delivery of most of the jokes were a little off, but some of the more "comic book insidey" ones were really funny. I wont give any away, but there are some great nods to stuff normies wont get. Like there is a close up of a coffee cup inthe opening scene that has "Rob L" written on it
Also, dont watch this movie with your parents. He has sex with his gf for every holiday in the year in like a 10 minute scene. it can get awkward.
Overall, it was a good movie, it fell flat in a few parts. Deadpool's interactions with Colossus was the best part of the movie, and Deadpool interacting by himself was the worst part.
Kayden Evans
>/c/ Better brace yourself.
Henry Collins
>Also, dont watch this movie with your parents. He has sex with his gf for every holiday in the year in like a 10 minute scene. it can get awkward. Fucking normalfag. I watched it by myself and STILL watched it with my parents afterwards.
Carson Evans
Is it true Deadpool gets fucked with a strap-on in the movie?
Justin Fisher
Colossus is cute! CUTE!
Carson Campbell
Yes, though it was before he became Deadpool.
Chase Phillips
Really bland and generic. Kind of try hard edgy too.
Eli Peterson
I saw this movie in theaters with my dad. F you Dave
Hunter Edwards
Blake Torres
he asked about the movie, not yourself
Ryan Foster
I dont know where you got seth rogan from
Lincoln Gonzalez
Come on. This was obvious bait.
Connor Walker
It was pretty good. Not the most memorable movie, but I was definitely entertained while watching it. What says sounds about right.
Mason Flores
Loved it got me laid
Noah Sanders
Its a slapstick comedy film with superhero themes. And it excels at all those things.
>It appears to me like a Seth Rogen-type DUDE LMAO comedy wtih facebook-tier quips.
Its EXACTLY that, but well executed.
Luis Edwards
I don't agree with the people who say that it was pretty good.
It was decent. The humor was not really that fun half of the time, the stakes were very lows, there was very few characters, the plot was generic. 6/10 it was slightly above average.
Luis Williams
it was shit and anyone arguing otherwise is fuckin' pleb >muh Internet quips >muh weak villain >muh obscenity that serves nothing >dull action >weak romance
3/10 overall
Nolan Flores
I hope it was a pretty pony.
Isaiah Cox
still higher rated then your bait
Colton Barnes
>tips fedora how does it feel to whiteknight cheap flicks with no real substance?
Benjamin Wilson
How does it feel to know that your only legacy is arguing about children's movies on an imageboard, you sad sack of shit?
Jaxson Cruz
>you sad sack of shit wowowow man, that's just a movie. No need to go there just for the sake of imagined friend in mediocre flick.
Brody Nelson
This right here.
Movie didn't hit with me as it seemed to hit with everyone else. Was surprised by the reception it got.
Samuel Taylor
It's not very funny. It completely falls part half way into it when it becomes a boring Cliched Hero origin story
Colossus saves the film from being total crap. It's too bad because it starts off well but holy fuck does 50% of the jokes completely miss their mark
It's not bad as background noise. If you enjoy family guy you might like it. There is a fun movie in there but they needed to just fix a lot of the jokes
Colton Nelson
>the stakes were very low Does that really matter
Jose Bennett
It was pretty fun. Some of the jokes fell flat, but overall I enjoyed it.
Elijah Russell
>the stakes were very lows, there was very few characters These are bad things to you?
Connor Foster
I saw it first in the cinema then took my mom too see it the day after.
Nicholas Price
>being on speaking terms with your family Fucking off yourself, normalfag.
Ethan Turner
nice humor, kid.
Lincoln Young
OP here, watched some clips and it seems chock-full of middle school sex jokes. I hope this isn't the whole thing, I used to love Deadpool
Connor Torres
It's actually pretty good, but no, it's nothing like classic Deadpool. They changed his character over the past 15 years to be pretty much "lol, so randumb" and make him win fights because it's funny, and the casuals ate that shit up.
Ayden Adams
Just torrent it, not like you're losing money if you don't like it.
It's pretty short too, like 90 min I think.
Bentley Gomez
Was it that kawaii
Nicholas Sanchez
I would've watched it regardless, I just wanted to hear the general consensus from comic fans
Connor Perry
I recall all the jokes in the trailer being the worst ones. The movie hits comedic highs much higher than those.
Leo Young
Well in the 90s he was just deathstroke but a joke.
Charles Cox
I like it.
Jose Roberts
wowowow man, that's just bait. No need to go there just for the sake of imagined pride in a substandard post.