You can only post in this thread if your country have invaded Russia

By Russia i mean Imperial Russia, USSR, Russian federation.

Other urls found in this thread:

Poland master race we btfo moscow n shiet

The front line was almost at leningrad when lenin gave in and gave us our independence.



Russia was the most painful, well, for Russia itself, so technically I'm allowed to post.

Geopolitics of counties such as Russia is always imperialistic, especially when dictators are in power, so I don't think there's something surprising. The only thing that I don't get is why China so silent when EU/Russia/Middle East/US are shitting themselves geopolitically for years.
And yes, why are always swedes on this board who are so radically hate Russia? Literally haven't seen even a neutral post from them.

Just you wait russia, we're going to invade your heart. Also siberia is giving away free land again

>Imperial Russia, USSR, Russian federation.
When did Sweden invade one of these?


My country invaded Kievan Rus' in 2014.

Because Sweden untermenschen know that Russia deserves their clay, but they're loyal to niggers not ubermenschen.

It is something that has been grown into Swedes like the Jungle is grown into Niggers.
We are basically spoon-fed Russian hate propaganda from birth.
It is geopolitical as Sweden always have had Russia as its biggest rival.
Myself i don't like the current Russian state but i like the Russian people or atleast some of them.
And yes you are allowed to post, You guys have invaded yourself, espescially during the Bolshevik revolutions hehe.
Sadly the white guards didn't win the revolution but if they did i think Russia would have been a much better place tbqh.

Best regards Sven.

As far as i know Poltava were under Russian control wasn't it?

>hate Russia

No we didn't. Russia invaded eastern Ukraine in 2014.

Russian Empire was proclaimed in 1721 after Peter kicked your ass out of our side of the Baltic. It was Russian Tsardom (or Mongolian Muscovy if you ask Poles or Ukrainians) that participated in the Great Northern war.

Didn't know this but yes i mean the Russian tsardom aswell of course.

True. The Wikipedia article lists the Russian Empire for some reason.

You guys invaded Krim in the 1800s so welcome to the thread mr Bong.

How about when we destroyed the Soviet Union?

Surely that counts right?
In July 1918, against the advice of the United States Department of War, Wilson agreed to the limited participation of 5,000 United States Army troops in the campaign. This force, which became known as the "American North Russia Expeditionary Force" [5] (a.k.a. the Polar Bear Expedition) were sent to Arkhangelsk while another 8,000 soldiers, organised as the American Expeditionary Force Siberia,[6] were shipped to Vladivostok
was a contingent of about 5,000 United States Army troops[1] that landed in Arkhangelsk, Russia as part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War and fought the Red Army in the surrounding region during the period of September 1918 through to July 1919.
was a United States Army force that was "involved" in the Russian Civil War in Vladivostok, Russian Empire, during the end of World War I after the October Revolution, from 1918 to 1920. However, the AEF Siberia were devastated by the Siberian weather and did not fight in any battle before returning. As a result of this expedition, which failed but became known to the Bolsheviks, early relations between the United States and the Soviet Union would be low.
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson's claimed objectives for sending troops to Siberia were as much diplomatic as they were military.

Allowed welcome to the thread.

We did it 1812 half-heartedly alongside Napoleon so he'd shut the fuck up, but from what I know about pre-WWI Austrian-Russian relations we were allied the majority of the time and mutually butthurt the rest of the time

And then Stalin simply took it away from you again, twenty years later.

>The Wikipedia article lists the Russian Empire for some reason.
because it's wikipedia

Pronouns of trans people on their page, and (((feminist))) heroes are of uttmost importance, so they get fact checked and updated every two hours, but historical facts are of second importance

You niggers could have prevented lots of bad things from happening during the 20th century if you had put more effort on this.

Terve Suomipoikka.

btfo russians in crimea


muh krasny bohr

>cuck nation that only emerged in 20th century after slavshit empire fail.

But mate, they was pro-commies, lol. They """helped""" whites for exchange accepting new soviet republics. And then they also helped soviets.

It was literally Arab spring: 1918 edition.

Why hello there.

DESU, everything close to russia, hates russia.

everything close to Poland hates Poland
that's a non-argument
neighboring countries in Europe often hate each other
smelly dumb Polish scum

>everything close to Poland hates Poland
That's actually not true
However montegro on the other side...

Reporting in, Untermenschen

what were they doing there? Why, in the opening stages of the Russian Civil War, were American troops being sent not only to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk in far western Russia but also to Vladivostok and up into Siberia in extreme eastern Russia? What business was it of the United States that the Bolsheviks had seized control, or that forces were gathering within Russia to try to reclaim the country? President Woodrow Wilson had insisted that, while he wanted to make the world safe for democracy, it was American policy not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Yet that was exactly what he was doing. What had changed his mind?
The intervention would turn out to be one of the notable missteps of Wilson’s career, and the world is still living with its consequences. It would turn communist Russia, whose rulers were already hostile to Western powers—though indeed willing to exploit their technical know-how and personnel to organize their railroads and help them industrialize—into a permanent enemy. The late diplomat and historian George Kennan wrote that U.S. military intervention killed whatever germ of hope existed for a better relationship between the two countries. “It was precisely this possibility [of some level of cooperation and understanding]—the most important that could be imagined from the standpoint of the long-term future of both the Russian and American peoples and indeed of mankind generally—that was sacrificed to the slender and evanescent baubles of the military intervention.”
spring of 1918 did American troops began to arrive in Europe in significant numbers, and they were untested in combat. By then the governments of Russia and the Central Powers had signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which officially ended Russian participation in the war and also put large swaths of western Russian territory (present-day Eastern Europe) into German hands.

For the Allies these developments were disastrous. They saw the Russian collapse not only as a defeat and a possible deathblow to the Allied war effort in the west, but also as a chance for Germany to extend its power
the Allies worried Germany would move its own troops toward Murmansk and Arkhangelsk under cover of this support. In 1917 the Allies had sent Russia thousands of tons of military supplies, which sat on docks in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Vladivostok, free for whoever could take them.

Someone should edit in liberator face instead of pepe on that image.

>that's actually not true
Ukrainians don't like you
Lithuanians don't like you
Germans don't like you
your argument is retarded
also I have no idea why would anyone hate modern Russia, given how communism is nothing Russian, it's a fucking delusional ideology from West and communists are gone
Russian Empire meanwhile just did what you tried to do in 16th and 17th century but failed
while Ireland almost died out during ''enlightened'' English rule, Polish population doubled in Congress Poland
m-muh ebul Russians, if you weren't butthurt subhumans led by idiotic nobles who revolted every 2 years you would be treated far far better
stop being a butthurt mongoloid

I like poland, or at least the part that doesnt come here to steel our cars

Part of the anti-Bolshevik expedition after WW1, we should have excised the red tumor before it became inoperable.

It's retarded, because poland have borders only with 3(three) countries.

Also, make sure your your bank allows for ruble transfer, you shill

>m-muh ebul Russians, if you weren't butthurt subhumans led by idiotic nobles who revolted every 2 years you would be treated far far better
stop being a butthurt mongoloid

Like russia itself, and any other eastern bloc country? Sure thing, kiddo.

More Liberator memes. Need to build up my folder


>It's retarded, because poland have borders only with 3(three) countries.
Polish intellectual everyone




You can't be serious

>only invaded Russia in 1812

What the fuck is Anschluss, retard?

>he classes Belarus as a country and not just Russian puppet



23mln people vs 150mln russkies

btw ukraine batallion only 10k people

Doesn't Poland border seven countries?

Germany, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Ukraine?


They unironically think if it weren't for you that they would have been super important world power.

America sent troops to help the White Army so from the Soviet perspective this should count as invading Russia.

Do SR-71 flights count?

>thinking Lukashenko is a Russian puppet
how can you be so ignorant about how politics work in your own fucking region

So basically - you can only post here if at some point your country went full retard.

reporting in :)
fuck of america

It was suposed to be ironic, with 3 countries
But apparently, montegger don't know what ironic means.

Bravo, google is fantastic tool, isn't it?

someone post more liberator memes I'm out

>he thinks I need Google to know European geography
why are Poles so dumb

Leave Ukraine alone!

Austria was already half-dead for the last few decades of the 19th century and officially died after the loss in WWI

Excuse me britbongbro, but I don't quite remember you invade russland. Would you help me remember that?


>tfw never been invaded by Russia
feels good


Also the Caucuses, and sent soldiers for the tsar to put down the bolshies

We reached St. Petersburg

Crimean war
>tfw you can never steamroll the eternal anglo because of our geography and kikery
feels good since even frogs got btfo by you.

"invaded" learn english or get your own language retard

I'm pretty sure we have, we've invaded pretty much everyone haven't we?

You're a big country.


we sent 10 thousand boys in crimea to help the nationalists against the bolsheviks. does that count?

Genuine question is this the proudest moment in Polish history?

Nah, It was pretty pointless


Ding ding ding we got a winner.

If i pulled Königsberg off, would you die?

Well at least it gives you bragging rights over france and germany

It is true, Russia is the reason why Sweden is not a major power anymore.

They're still more relevant and developed than Montenigger

It would be extremely humiliating.

We fucking lost