>*pulls up undies*
>"Secured vote, right user?"
>*pulls up undies*
>"Secured vote, right user?"
Sure now that you stuck a cyanide pill in your ass.
every fucking time
Healthy little girl goes to Wellsley College, gets pumped full of Saul Alinsky gommunism, and changes. SOCIALISM, very sad, many such cases!
>"Heh...you know Hillary...HIV is becoming harder to cure"
If little girl Hillary was running, I'd vote for her.
Regardless of anything.
I'd sure like to have an affair with her foreign policy.
I've seen that face of greed before. Is she much older now?
Gonna call for a mod right now
Disgusting criminal. I'd smash all of her teeth out with a hammer and burn her alive in front of her parents.
its ok bill already gave me it
She had a pretty fucked up childhood. It's no surprise she ended up as a complete sociopath devoid of empathy.
Her mother was apparently crazy, very strict and basically told her she was a failure.
Which is why she probably always felt like she was "one of the boys" and tried to get in the man's game of politics.
>fucked up childhood
>thread still up
Daddy's Princess
id beat and rape that evil little loli so hard.
she deserves it
I fucking hate Hillary but damn, she was a qt3.14
>Maybe a little more would do the trick
That's right!
This is as bad as those nigger families that pander their busted ass kids photo from out to the womb and say dindu nuh en. sage
>"O-okay, user...If you say so.. J-just pull my hair okay?."
>*fucks your mouthpussy*
I wonder if Sup Forums would get shut down if someone sent this thread to Hillary.
THIS is why i come here
oh my goodness
No, ugly cunt
This is Art
Explains the tongue-hole, right?
jesus i hope thats makeup
>thread still up
why? it's hot
>thread remains up
>this thread is literally still up
>this thread literally wont die
Now I have to fap
Do it.
Never change, Sup Forums
This image makes me angry, she wasn't spanked in the right places
Fucking rekt.
Fuck off OP you CTR kike-ass niggerloving spic blowing faggotcunt