Tell how this is a religion of peace again?
Tell me why you haven't armed yourself against these savages?
Tell how this is a religion of peace again?
Tell me why you haven't armed yourself against these savages?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus dude
This may be the single best execution video on Earth.
I want OFF this ride.
but the media say it is a religion of peace
clinton says it is a religion of peace and that terrorism has nothing whatsoever to do with the religion of peace
Through some of the other ways you can go that they often show, that is probably one of the more preferable. Though now I have been thinking about getting a gun, either this year or early next year, just that I don't know what to get due to my family never owning guns.
Wow, he turned into the idort guy
Islam is a fucking death cult that needs to be purged mercilessly from this earth.
No exceptions.
Men, women, and children that swear their allegiance to Islam must perish.
These people are demented.
holy shit is that real
I find it a bit underwhelming desu.
i haz pork
A Glock 19 if pistol.
An Ruger AR556 if rifle
Looks fine to me
Someone describe this webm in extreme detail for those that are too pussy to watch (like me)
Don't have to. First random hooligan will kill any shitskin in sight
Cage burning/drowning and the tank flattening vids are far more brutal than this, looks worse but a 12 gauge slug to the brain is quite possibly the fastest and most painless death you can suffer.
he turned into brain peppers
>Tell how this is a religion of peace again?
But it is, even the LGBTQAZ people says so.
Listen at all of the arguments, haven't you been listening ?
Fuck off Abdul, step into my neighborhood and expect your home to be firebombed.
thanks obama!
Glock is a decent pistol, Mini-14 is another good rifle to look at
Somebody needs to add the "wasted" filter on top of these.
>Tell how this is a religion of peace again?
Because it explicitly states it somewhere. It's the same reason anti-fascists aren't fascist, regardless what they do, because it quite clearly states ANTI in it's name. The same way liberals can't be racist because they're very vocally ANTI-racist. That's how things work now, you don't need to prove anything you just need to make a claim of what you are and actual evidence doesn't count against it because your feelings on the subject are quite clear. If there's one thing I've learned from the current year it's that facts count for nothing when feelings are involved.
The only exception to this rule is when liberals make an equally baseless claim against someone they don't like and regardless which way the accused tries to defend themselves it's never going to work, simply because they aren't on the right side of history.
>drowning and the tank flattening
got a link mate? haven't seen those
> when the wind blows up her burqa and you catch a peek at those sweet ankles
>muh bacon
I hate that meme
>when someone transports non-halal meat across your Al-Caliphateâ„¢ and lies about it, violating the NAP
Dude gets shot in the forehead, popping his eyes out and making him look like Alexander Jahans
What kind of a gun was that?
They're on just google it brah
but what about the >90%+ peaceful muslim immigrants, are you going to judge them for the crimes of others only because they happen to believe in the same god? its like making anti christian laws because of the crusaders, or making anti atheist laws because of communism. it doesn't make any sense, justice needs to be on a invidual level, and none is guilty unless proven otherwise.
a man gets shot, slow-motion, in the forehead with a shotgun and his eyes pop out and his head flops around all rubbery like a looney tunes character after having an anvil dropped on their face
it was a bullet gun i think
>that hair blow back
Some tactical shotgun, either a mossberg or a Remington. Burgers will be along to confirm shortly.
IS shoots guy in the forehead with a shotgun, his eyes and entire face bulge out and brain matter falls from the hole in his skill. For me the only one of their videos which really got to me is the rock smash one because of the sheer amount of pouring blood. I guess it's pretty gross that they are doing zoom-in and slow mo in their beheadings now too. I really do wonder about the psychology behind this stuff. I don't know who they think they're appealing to.
Sick trips lad
>I don't know who they think they're appealing to
look how many threads we have about it
>Islam is a fucking death cult that needs to be purged mercilessly from this earth.
The thing is, if you've seen enough of those videos you'll see they kill each other way more than they kill anyone else.
We should let them have their caliphate in some arid desert shithole, that way we'll have a place where to deport all our useless kebabs.
Thanks mates. Looking them up right now.
>this kills the crab
They show a training camp in the beginning of the video. Any way we can get /sg/ to identify it and have the Russians bomb out some kebabs?
i dont think ive ever almost thrown up at a video good job user the eyes did it for me
No such thing as peaceful muslims. Until Islam gets reformed all Muslims are extremists.
Nice troll
Idunno, man, you created dat shit, so you answer.
Holy shit, it's the Dom Deluise of Islam!
>when you establish a caliphate and the the sharia is just right
If that is how they treat their own people, imagine what they'll do to foreigners
Short and sweet
Two of the guys who took part in that massacre are now refugees in Norway or Sweden, I can't remember which one of the two.
I live that they got hold of super high framerate cameras for these
what the fuck, last thing I expected to see first thing waking up
>literally one muslim in my city
>owns a gas station
>drinks coffee and makes jokes about mexicans
I cant hate the guy.
Are you the same guy who keeps posting shitty dota and war raft pics?
Absolutely peacefull!
>these are the type of people being allowed into your countries
Regular iPhone does 240fps shlomo
>If that is how they treat their own people, imagine what they'll do to foreigners
Well, yeah. I wouldn't go on a family holiday there. The point is keeping these savages contained in one place we can bomb any time we want isn't such a bad idea, as long as we don't let them out of there.
Can someone describe what is happening in this webm in full detail for pussies like myself?
wtf I love islam now
tbhq senpai, you gotta admit that shooting people like this was done at a much larger scale by white people in ww2 and other wars, and we also used drowning and burning as an execution method for hundreds of years.
We didn't use slo-mo cameras to zoom in on the part of a recently decapitated man's neck where the head used to be to show the blood spurting out though, I have been finding the idea behind that in these videos pretty disturbing and I've seen hundreds of war, death and execution videos over the years.
Can't go wrong with a glock. They're like the honda civic of guns reliable, durable, and gets the job done.
Worry about your country then Ill worry about my city where 60 percent is all mexican.
Your state officials aren't on your side m8, you need to take defense in your own hands.
Sooner or later pic related will be common sights at every town square
they shoot them in the head and they fall over. Middle' guys head splits open, nasty hit.
I agree with the other guys on getting a Glock, if you get a rifle either get a Ruger 10/22 or build an AR-15. There are a bunch of tutorials on YouTube on building them and it's usually expensive than buying one.
t. /k/
You'll have to kill erdogan the goatfucker to make this believable
I don't think it's a good thing that things like this don't faze me anymore. Back in the 90s, I remember watching a video of some guy getting his throat cut while making horrible gurgling sounds, and I felt like shit for hours afterwards.
Now I'm just skipping thorugh this watching individual frames because it's fascinating how the pressure pushes everything out of his head.
I wonder how it would affect the polls or the public perception of muslims if they put this on CNN. Also, this would be great to troll tumblr with. There are pobably a lot of CTR shills in this thread hiding in their safe spaces right now.
I'm just wondering when ISIS execution videos support VR.
Just some guys getting shot. It's probably not the worst way to go compared to the ones they burn,blow up, drown, dip in acid or crucify.
While I agree with you on theory I think you are a bit paradnoid, given the fact you are in America.
I would worry far more about cartels who basically do the extact same violence, than some sandnigger who is far less likely to attack you.Again not disagreeing on you on dangers of islam, but it is not much of a danger to you.
Is this the power of media that made you feel more afraid and paranoid about enemy far away than dangers nearby? or maybe you live in michigan, I don't know. peace
>wars in ww2
Yes, but that's false equivalency.
People fight in wars to defend their countries and or against their will.
Islam is completely by choice, these people kill because they believe it is the morally right thing to do. They are a death cult.
It's one thing to execute an opposing military force and another to kill civilians who don't follow your religion
>mfw i see islamists
I think most of the people they kill in these videos are either captured enemies or people they consider "spies". The videos where they executed christians are an exception.
Would be interesting to make gifs or webms that start with Islam apologists spewing their idiocy, following by a montage of the worst ISIS executions.
>t. /k/
>recommends a 22 for defense
Please off yourself you retard.
Anything that's NOT 5.56 (NATO or Slavshit), 7.62x39, 7.62x51 is inadequate.
>Be 11 years old Iraqi boy
>Living a comfy life with family and some friends
>be really good at school
>when I will grow up I will be a doctor, or a pilot
>Fast forward
>Graduation year
>ISIS take over the country
>Gun pointed to your head
desu I'd prefer this style of execution. getting your head blown off is pretty much insta-death. Your carcass might be a mess but you're dead anyways
How do they get such high quality cameras, cages, extra ammunition to waste like this, explosives to waste and etc? Who is funding them? The left?
>all these webm's
You Amerifats better elect Trump so there is at least one non-cucked western leader who will give these guys a taste of their own medicine.
Eh, detcord decapitation is probably one of the better ways to go. Even if you're still alive after the explosion, the concussion will probably knock you unconscious.
Oh you mean those guys that depend on me (their customer) to keep them wealthy. Yeah sorry m8, the Cartels don't kill white Americans, we are their breadbasket
>thinking hispanics are a problem
Gotta hand it to them; their execution methods are pure fucking metal.
we need to post these videos to Hilary's and obama's twitter and facebook pages.
you'll soon be able to experience them in full 3-d immersion and you won't even need a headset.
The foreign born Muslim problem in the UK was only a very small minoroty at first - it's took 20 years for them to outnumber Londoners and get a Muslim as mayor.
When you see a couple of hornets in your attic you call pest control before it becomes a problem.