Hey kids! Gather 'round and let me tell you a story about the future of the future of the past.
In other words, The classic "Adult Legion" story from Adventure Comics #'s 354 and 355, from way back in 1967! This story is infamous for hanging over the Legion of Super Heroes continuity like the Sword of Damocles for decades.
Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Jayden Evans
Ryan Morales
Jackson Martin
Sorry, forgot my trip.
Daniel Morales
Benjamin Rivera
Jeremiah Jones
Jace Flores
Ian Baker
William Sanchez
Owen Flores
Ryan Ross
Jason Bell
Michael Turner
Jonathan Reyes
Brayden James
Brayden Perry
Jason Hill
Jason Ramirez
Jace Ortiz
Michael Taylor
>Gets married >Dies >Retires from the Legion >Buys a pipe Good to know that they all achieve grand things as adults.
Josiah Campbell
John Harris
Nathaniel Cook
Brayden Sanchez
Nathan Cruz
Caleb Howard
Jaxon Brooks
Joshua Allen
Xavier Thompson
Nathaniel Morales
Lincoln Murphy
Landon Ross
Levi Sanchez
Julian Reyes
Mason Robinson
Angel Fisher
And that's the end of #354.
Shall I continue with 355?
Evan Richardson
OK, well... Maybe next time then. If you read it. Hope you enjoyed it.