Go Team Refugee!
Really Makes You Think: Olympics Edition
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I mean, I don't give a fuck about their nationality or religion, but not shaking the dude's hand is just childish. I know this post is bait and all, yadda yadda.
I couldn't give a shit about their nationality or the sport they competed in, but not shaking his hand really was a dick move
>"if u hate izrayyil u r a loose er"
go fuck yourself
gotta disagree, losing most definitely makes one a loser
sorta the definition of the word
shake my hand
now who's a good boy!
lets be honest, Sup Forums wouldn`t touch a jew either
>now who's a good goy!
>Not wanting your life force stolen by sheeny devil magic
And he's the bad guy?
They look exactly the same lmao
>america is a melting pot of different cultures and ethnics
when will this meme end
Give Jew your hand
He'll take your arm
>and toss you over with a judo move
>Hate makes you a loser
this all rests on the assumption that hate is always inappropriate and is always the weaker feeling
Hate is very appropriate in some circumstances and to deny your hatred in such circumstances is to cuck yourself
if someone rapes then kills you loved ones, what is the appropriate emotion -
Not forgiveness. Not "love." Hate
>two responses
>roughly the same
>both dubs
>there are no shillbots
Palestine is not a Nation
Why do people shake hands in 2016? Isn't there any awareness of hygiene? Enjoy risking getting sick while I do chinese bows to people.
just because a group of people can invent some myth that binds them together suddenly gives them rights over people who lack such a myth?
Pals are people who lived in the territory known as Palestine (mentioned in the Balfour declaration)
The claim that they aren't a nation therefore we can take the land from them is just rationalization trying to justify a land grab
pussy move, IMO, but yeah broadly agree.
He remembers: with Jews you lose!
Don't like Israel or Zionists, but I would still have shook his hand. Seems like the Arabs have forgotten the example of Saladin.
I'll toss you over the fucking wall Carlos I swear to fuck
Most people don't scrape feces off their asshole with barehands, Samir.
I'm also certain that no matter what, losing also makes you a loser. It's in the word.
>trying to justify a land grab
Who cares? They're arabs.
What if you hate both?
Uh oh, they're criticizing a peaceful brown Muslim person
what is this shit
You can be a loser but a good sport or a loser and a bad sport.
They should have just fought to the death, then shot the winner, 2bh.
What does post facto sportsmanship have to do with winning or losing?
Rapugees and "noble stormfags" apart, this very forum runs on hate.
Why? Because people here have shitty lives (for the most part) and live in sadness or fear.
You are my shower drain.
>*me included btw
lel not suspicious at all
Sweden you've got bigger problems to worry about that microbes m8.
Also enjoy your weak immune system.
Refusing to shake hands is being a little bitch
But at the same time, suggesting that hate is never good or justified is also being a little bitch. For example, I hate muslims and they deserve it. I'd still shake hands in sports though
Egyptian hands are E. coli paradise
a fucking leaf
Canada is 82% white. How are your women enjoying that BBD?
It's pride and sympathy, nigga
Muslims would hate him if he shook hands, and he'd probably hate himself too, considering how much shit and chimpouts that Israel has caused around the region, probably knows relatives or friends around the West Bank too.
top kek
>two sandniggers hate each other
>therefore you must support and listen to the evil sandnigger and let more of the evil sandniggers into your country
>both are evil
>82% white
Holy shit bud.
How delussional are you?
What's the story here lads?
Nice pic leaf
Yeah delete your post faggot. It's definitely going the other direction but we're not overrun by pillaging diversity just yet.
I'm pretty sure it's Muslims that have mass amounts of niggers not the Israelis. Whatever makes you feel better though Mahmoud.
Pro-Israel posters are common and a part of a coordinated effort by various groups.
Muslims in general aren't known for being good sports m8
>various groups
Well, considering all the groups Muslims have persecuted can you blame them?
Dystopian-imanentizers in the media love the sob stories about the black and muslim (especially the female black and female muslims).
Niggers are rioting all over America.
Queers and Jews are ruining human morality.
Hillary spits on the constitution and shits on the troops.
>But look over here, swimming and shit.
Pic is the world they want to ruin (or to complete ruining).
i'm against refugees but can we let waifugee in
This guy couldn't even Ronaldo the fucking Jew. When Ronaldo rejected the jew in soccer he beat him.
This man is just ass blasted.
Oh and he was muslim? GET REKT TEAM REFUGEE!
Do they say the same about Hope Solo? I get that she's a sore loser and shows poor sportmanship etc., but why is it always made so extreme, into "hate"? It's idiotic. Not shaking someone's hand isn't "hate", it's just being a jerk.