Trigger Warning: Breakfast
So she was into it.
The schroedinger slut can be into it and not into it at the same time until you open the rape case
Luckily that guy is not Muslim.
Bitch should feel stupid.
Thanks to the internet, we now have widespread proof that women are without question inferior to men.
Sad but true.
stop raping me
stop getting raped
this isn't a metallica song
Feminists managed to turn being raped into some sort of ritual initiation experience you need to have.
So any moron who was vaguely kissed by a guy at a party becomes a rape victim, i.e. a very interesting person with things to say, according to feminism.
The point is the construct of romance has always been the sublimation of the reproductive act which is by nature forceful and unwarranted. The real redpill is that reproduction is rape and yet another one of life's brutalities. The sjw types get it wrong by thinking it can he otherwise, but unfortunately we are just kidding ourselves in another way by being politically correct. Behind every kindness is a cruelty--does this mean we give ourselves to the brutality like De Sade? Or abandon life in the pursuit of extinction like Siddhatha? Idk bros, life is just really sad sometimes
>so deep now donate money to my patreon
did I get it right?
Yeah but, what was she wearing?
We live in a fucked up world when a girl's psychological issues can get a man branded as a sex predator for life and 20+ years in prison
OP should make himself a noose
Wait, so, after she was "raped" she not only didn't call the police but pleasantly stayed the night with him and made breakfast in the morning and the went out later? How did this become rape?
I'm amazed she was traumatized by eggs and not the sunrise, the morning air, or the bacon and toast.
>How did this become rape?
Why can't you just listen and believe the stories of women?
wtf I hate breakfast now
Stop victim blaming. She didn't realize she was raped until she sobered up and started using Tumblr two years later.
>God I feel so stupid
>No one puts trigger warnings on breakfast
First of all, topkek
Second, I would bet my life she's not the first to put a trigger warning on breakfast
Bitch if you didn't resist or say no it was just a romance, but you say you DID say no in the first page..
I don't get it?
This post best post
You don't have to tell me what happened, but you have to eat this.
>tag your gore/pomegranates, asshole
>medium well
What the fuck. Do you mean over medium, you stupid cunt?
this is fucking genius
This is what a feminist wants to look like.
She didn't have her eggs fertilized?
>my rapist
>Draws a nu-male piece of shit who would probably squeal and run away the first time someone accused him of triggering.
This is proof that giving in to the mentality is your downfall. IRL that man she illustrated is probably so much of a pussy that he wouldn't have come onto her in the first place without feeling like a cishet monster.
How it probably went is that she picked up a massive Bull/Chad, he sweet talked him into sex, and she felt bad about it later. A bull/chad who she probably finds insanely attractive and not the dough-chinned pencilneck she drew.
The fact that she even animated her rapist that way is proof that women hate the 'allies' far more than the actual rapists.
>woman uses my money that I earn by doing something I don't enjoy doing for the majority of the week
>ask her for sex
>she complies
>uses the food I bought to make breakfast
>she goes online and complains I'm a rapist because she agreed to have sex with me
At least prostitutes don't complain.
Are professional whores top women?
>does the same thing women will do anyway
>no bullshitting
>it's their business so they take it all seriously and treat their customers with care for repeated business
>usually college graduates so they know their shit
It's because it wasn't actually rape, she was sleeping with her boyfriend and then acts as if it was rape later because she didn't feel like sex at first but her boyfriend convinced her.
This is one of those moments were the woman is simply demonizing the sex with as much concept of something as possible. Its just uttering the "rape" buzzword over and over, because everyone knows rape is awful and should be left at that. In reality she obviously agreed to have sex because she let him do it. Yeah, she has self conflict about it because she instinctually loved it but felt bad that she did, but thats not his problem.
Its not as if she got the living shit beaten out of her, broken bones and face etc. She just had an emotional high together with some dude and probably had a decent time, just didnt sit right the morning after coz of all the shit she's been primed into believing about feminism, so she wrote this edgy counter traditional comic about how she was raped and
>oh wow lol look I broke the fourth wall, look how deep I am with my self awareness
Someone cap this post. This is top-tier material.
Well this makes first dates a bit easier. Just go somewhere that serves breakfast all day, order eggs medium well, and toast golden brown, and bacon extra crisp, and an extra and for the sake of not understanding sentence structure. Explain that it's been your favorite breakfast for years, ever since a friend made it for you one morning. If she's triggered, go to the "bathroom" and split and leave that bitch with the bill.
Well memed
Oh shit that's amazing
Women really are bizarre creatures. It's like their entire mindset is made up of vague, emotional concepts. Their weird insecurities, the pretenious bullshit, the mental gymnastics and the incredibly flawed, stereotypical view of other people and what they think the world thinks of them. It's like a regular person who's permanently stoned, paranoid and thinks everything has some deeper meaning.
No wonder feminism is so fucked up. It acts like a safespace where they can hide from their insecurities and incredibly fragile egos. After all, if you can blame others for the way you feel, it's suddenly not your fault.
i really hate existing
I love how delusional women are
actual autism, holy shit
so people getting mad because of rape is a bad thing?
I forgot about gory pomegranate
I think that counts as a breakfast trigger warning
Yea, this series of comics is practically a demonstration of hormones doing their thing with your typical females mind
This whole idea that you could consensually have sex with a woman and they could decide it was rape after the fact terrifies me desu
especially since courts have shown that they do not do a good job protecting men from false accusations.
As a representative of the prophet (pbuh) and the religion of peace
God you're getting me so hard
Goddamn kek.
im glad ill never have to deal with women
idk why, but kekmfao
If you're a vegan and a feminist whose side to take, the innocent pig who was killed to make bacon or the girl who is making the bacon for her rapist?
is the girl white?
if so then the poor pig was culturally repressed
if not then it's part of her heritage.
>someone bumped into her and touched her ass at a party.
Fucking disgusting piece of shit monster. Who prefers their eggs medium well instead of over easy?
neither you fucking Islamophobe
i actually just feel bad that this chick is so mentally ill as a result of her "rape" that she is fixated on the concept of breakfast
she needs therapy
this post really made me think...
>not eating raw eggs
If women can take back their consent at any time, including afterwards, and claim it was rape; does that mean when I pay for her meal I can take back my consent for her to eat food that I paid for and have her arrested for theft?
Two of my friends have had false rape charges against them, and they both went to court. In both cases, the women admitted they were making shit up. Just know that the police are very aware that women fabricate details, because they do it all of the time. They are as used to women bullshitting them as they are niggers bullshitting them.
Both of those friends' lives are still fucked up because of those fake rape cases, but nobody is starting any movement to support them. Fuck liberals, they really can't see their own bigotry/hypocrisy. Civil war when?
I don't understand this comic, is it supposed to be satire or some diatribe about her sexual interaction was or wasn't rape?
8/8 post m8
do you have high res of the photo in that OP?
this is my fetish
it's only """""rape""""" if you didn't make her cum
Another one here. Almost got kicked out of school, but I was lucky enough not to go to court because the responding officers literally would not take her seriously and didn't even file a report. She had attempted to kill herself and had been in a mental hospital for about a month leading up to this claim.
I cannot fucking thank those based officers enough. Guy and a girl, and they both gave me a talk on not getting involved with crazy cunts. I couldn't believe it.
I guess you're right, they probably see this shit a lot, and realize it's a waste of their time
>people getting mad because of rape is a bad thing
People getting mad about a third wave feminist comic is some shit no self-respecting man needs in his life. Not that you would know anything about that.
Sounds like she's just mixing low self-esteem with her sex life.
Thinking to yourself "I hate myself" during sex isn't the same as saying "no" and being raped.
>Oh god I think having sex with him was a bad idea
>what am I going to do
>I didn't even fight him
>what would reddit do?
>probably some random shit like "Zimbabwe" or "Eggs with Bacon", something epic
>ha! if I make him some eggs that will be the most clicked comic in my whole gender studies - webcomics 101 course!
>The morning after I was raped,
>I raped my rapist
>doc martens
Why why why why why are feminists so tucking unfashionable Jesus
>When a woman cuts off all her hair
that's a HUGE warning sign.
I don't what's third wave feminist about denouncing your rape
defending criminals is the most nigger thing you can do
No that's wrong, there's no dick in that pic.
Dated some chubby girl with an 8/10 face for a few months.
Prude as fuck, didn't even fuck her but got awful handies once in a while and let me j/o on her tits.
We break up and I get a call from her younger brother a week later saying I raped her and he's gonna kick my ass.
I had been interviewing for a new position at work and this would 100% fuck up my job/life.
I call her to ask wtf is going on while secretly recording her. Says she misses me and panicked to her brother because turns out her family was hyper religious. Goes on for how she's ready to fuck and wants it in her ass, etc.
So I emailed the recording to her family with basically a "go to the cops and this goes public" threat I get a single phonecall from her upset dad saying never to contact his family again.
Found out a year later they moved to Canada and she went full 3rd wave femnazi.
If regret counts as rape, you're just as fucked as that comic, and exactly the kind of person I'm calling out as a big red flag.
I dont know what the fuck this means
my brains been raped
LOL can we get a current pic?
This reads like slam poetry. Burn it. Burn it all down
These are dumpy, blue-haired, women wearing stained thrift store clothes, with their heads half shaved, problem glasses and fucking dirty work boots. Oh, I almost forgot a septum piercing. It's the ugliest fucking piercing so of course they have one.
They were ALWAYS a lost cause.
fixed it with my superior paint skills
No, they want to look like this.
> RapistS
So this dumb bitch let this happen more than once...?
Is this manspreading
I chuckled heartily
Honestly if you have pre-marital sex you deserve to be prosecuted as a rapist
Friend of mine actually did that but luckily the dude got stopped before he got all her clothes off.
>this doesn't happen to girls like me
>implying women who dress and act like men aren't the covering up for their crippling submission and everyone doesn't already know this
At 27 years old I am still... STILL blown away by the complete lack of self awareness the majority of people seem to have