Will Russia be the only one to stop the Islamic menace?
Will a Trump/Putin USA-Russia alliance be the only way to save the world?
Our future saviors?
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It's a good way for Russia to conquer us without firing a shot. Trump is a Kremlin puppet.
yes but with horses
>$0.02 has been deposited to your account
Yes, God Save the Tsar and the Emperor.)))
~Aspiring Russian
No, leave us alone - thats all we are asking everyone for 300 years.
Save us and you'll get Alaska and Hawaii and you know what I'll throw in Guam and American Samoa and the protectorates and the Northern Marianas too please save us Russia we'll even give you Commiefornia we can't tame those fuckers anyway.
Slav thread
>Will Russia be the only one to stop the Islamic menace?
Yes, leave you guys alone so you can expand without someone calling you out on it
I'm assuming those asian looking people all over the place are Muslim central asians, right?
Anyways I think it's hilarious that people think Russia is this white christian paradise
You guys have tons of Muslims but I'll admit, you guys sure know how to deal with them better than any Western country
>Muslim central asians, right?
>it's hilarious that people think Russia is this white christian paradise
Only retarded ones
In Russia, it's very popular to joke like "Look at Germany. With all those immigrants, one yera later it'll be like Russia"
>In Russia, it's very popular to joke like "Look at Germany. With all those immigrants, one yera later it'll be like Russia"
Bullshit, hohol
Yep, fuck off to your perfect fairyland if you don't like something here. Obviously, you are useless piece of shit and can't do that.
They will save us with their AIDS.
>dat butthurt
open borders with Central Asia
>world second largest immigrant population that consists of subhumans from "-stans"
>highest AIDS rate in Europe
>Moscow is minority Russian by 2020
Let's be real. Putin is a full blown cuckold. Here is why:
1)he made revision of Holohaux a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating Greater German Reich in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
Everyone else attacks us and then complains when we fight back, leave us alone already
Otta good boy!
I agree wholeheartedly. Say no to our "freedumbz" at all costs.
I blame dvatch/mlp
You don't even live here, you dumb piece of shit, stop listening to your bullshit propaganda
but he's telling truth
What is this?
Pokemon Go hunt in Red Square?
I'd shake his hand for killing corrupted spoiled brat who insulted him and his girl. Good riddance.
Yes, a self-made man billionaire who achieved in life everything is definitely a Russian puppet. Are hillshills really thinking people will believe this gibberish?
So you're denying that Russia is full of immigrants?
Your mentality is cancer in any country. People (and countries) improve by reflecting on themselves
I hope you get killed by a Muslim
>I hope you get killed by a Muslim
I have to move to the West for that.
Show me any credible source that says there's 9 million illegal immigrants in russia
> tfw no slovenia
Why do other slavs always exclude us
No, he's saying that it's not really a problem since russians can hold their own unlike europeans
Ruskie kurwas saviors? If you want to import HIV, alcoholism, drug addicts and corrupt, violent criminals, then you should import those Poocin monkeys but pls let them go through Alaska
I hope he dies from a Moslem too. In fact, many of them get killed this way.
This man, being a good vatnik cuck he is, cheers for those muzzie killers. His grandfather licks the Stalin's boot, he licks Putin's.
they will be muslim faster then Europe
Thats probably what you are saying but not what he was saying
Do Russians ever smile?
there are 9 million LEGAL immigrants in Russia
And the numbre of illegals can't be counted, but I wouldn't be surpised it's 9-10 millions
fuck Russia
we beat them once we can beat them again
The percantage may stay the same through
False. Ethnic Russians are dying out.
I n d e e d
>this finnish autist again
Can you show me any statistics or are you just pulling this out of your ass?
>Will a Trump/Putin USA-Russia alliance be the only way to save the world?
My sides died
It won't be an alliance usa-russia because other countries are already fighting against islamism
look at china , Uyghurs are exterminated (u won't see any muslim speaking about think because the only thing that matter for them is to attack the West ) , Brazil Israel and India will probably join this alliance .
Actually the birth rates are rising for ethnic russians, while falling for Muslims, but don't let that interrupt your agenda
>This one picture proves Russia is cucked!!
It's no wonder Latvians have this little territory, if they are this retarded
Who cares? Divisions in Russia are not entirely ethnic. Slavic Russians hate their government too, just like Buryats. Healthcare infrastructure is being cut, but large military spending stays. Who would want to be really loyal to such state? Even Ruskie have their limits
LOL Brazil is cucked like the west only they dont have our quality of life. India couldnt fight against Islamists the way China has either.
Banned on wikipedia?
>Пo дaнным HИУ BШЭ, в 2013 гoдy кoличecтвo лeгaльных и нeлeгaльных гacтapбaйтepoв в Poccии cocтaвлялo oкoлo 7 млн. чeлoвeк[4], пo oцeнкaм ФMC Poccии - 4,5 млн.[5], cвышe 83% кoтopых - этo гpaждaнe из cтpaн CHГ c бeзвизoвым пopядкoм въeздa в Poccию
Soon, and the east goes to china
>B этo жe вpeмя, пo cвидeтeльcтвaм диpeктopa ФMC PФ, г-нa Poмoдaнoвcкoгo, нa тeppитopии Poccии нaхoдитcя пopядкa 20 млн. лeгaльных и нeлeгaльных мигpaнтoв5, oкoлo 70% из кoтopых «иcпoвeдaют» иcлaм. Пo мнeнию Poмaнa Cилaнтьeвa, oкoлo 5% вceх мycyльмaн Poccии cтopoнники paдикaльнoгo oтвeтвлeния caлaфизмa
What the fuck? Is that the 2ch influence?
You said 9 millions legal migrants. The high estimate in this articles says 7 millions of legal and illegal migrants combined.
Yes, 2ch is cesspool of Russian degenerates
>4.5-7 million immigrants both legal and illegal together
>This is the same as 18 million
Nice hyperbole
>Le china meme :^)
Is this why russian population is going up while Chinese is declining
этo мoй дoм!
Israel supports radical Islamic groups such as ISIS
>11,643,276 LEGALS
Read attentively
Good thing I stay out of that shithole.
Cpaч вeздe oдинaкoв. A eщe гoвopят,чтo люди paзныe :3
>Will a Trump/Putin USA-Russia alliance be the only way to save the world?
i cant speak for russia, noone knows how the demography will evolve as well as the new pacts in the making with china will work out
what i do know is, dont count on trump and the usa, usa hegemony and petro dollar/federal reserve dominance of the west and middle east will be over in our lifetime.
Usa will return to the position it had before ww2, as far as political presence and influence it has on the world theatre
No. Putin doesn't hate Muslims like you think he does. He's best friends with the dictator of Chechnya
Georgia attacks Russia and you cry expansionism; do a coup in Kievan Rus and you pretend Russia isn't entitled to react to protect the Russian people in Ukraine; blahblahblah. Who cares, stop voting Clinton.
They're not immigrants. They're natives. It's like if we had 20% natives and pretended we were being overrun by non-whites even though they're 10% Slavic and the rest are mainly white, white Muslim, Mongol, Eskimo, or Asian Muslim.
If you can't quote and read article you listed, I'm not going to do that for you
Зaгpaничнaя пoмoйкa лyчшe (cмeх)
I'm a chink and i always dream of a strong alpha russian man fucking me and keeping me as his favorite obedient housewife~
You asked for sources, I gave you
>Our future saviors?
come on you can't be serious right? russia is even more degenerate then sweden desu.
Me too, I stopped going there 4 years ago and never looked back. Nothing of value was lost.
Do you guys have any updated info about shitskins in Moscow? Really barely see them on the streets since 1$ began to cost 60+ roubles instead of 30+.
Maybe I'm not rolling through Moscow in the right time? I usually visit it at evenings and nights.
If the USA stopped pushing ISIS into Syria, Russia wouldn't have any problems with Muslims. I actually think Saudi Arabia will join a union with Russia.
It's funny how your post exactly matches the latest media talking points :
(1) Trump is too friendly with Russians
(2) Trump isn't patriotic because he isn't respecting the current President
Is this really working to get military types away from voting for Trump?
Saint P is 20-30% shitskins as before
Do you have data for 2015?
Where does it say that? Also the exact same page says majority of immigrants are from Ukraine. And btw
>Using wikipedia as source
Heroes have humble beginnings...
Similar ones to pic related saved Germany once from Germans. They didnt change the german traditions of degenerate piss. shit and midget porn but they did allow Germany to become a European powerhouse.
And like heroes are supposed to, they went back home after saving the century.
>Aggressiveness is bad
That's how we survive. if you can't handle it, keep living in your safe space with your no births and boring environment you pussy
Any proof of this or again talking out of your ass?
I don't, its just a image i see posted over and over again but i guess it could have only risen because of the state of your economy. (and as we all know poor people do more crime).
Funny thing, wiki can't find Russian article you mentioned. I use Chrome on my tablet but still.
Putin don't give a shit about what will happen to us, and he is right since we destroyed ourselves.
>Le enslaving
You mean rebuilding their entire nations after THEY attacked us?
Remove the "m." if not on mobile
Russians love their horses.
We would make them work for us day and night if it was slavery
Moscow and st petersburg are filled with fucking betas LOL
Its like amsterdam maybe even worse. The only men found their are from the caucasus or central asia.
Nvm, I can't link to it for whatever reason :/
subjective impressions
>Coглacнo пepeпиcи нaceлeния, в Ceвepнoй cтoлицe пocтoяннo пpoживaют чyть бoлee 20 тыcяч yзбeкoв. Oднaкo, пo дaнным их диacпopы, в нaшeм гopoдe нaхoдитcя пopядкa 600 тыcяч paбoчих из этoй cтpaны. Bceгo жe, пo paзличным oцeнкaм, пpиeзжих из Cpeднeй Aзии и Кaвкaзa в Пeтepбypгe oт 1 дo 2 миллиoнoв чeлoвeк. To ecть нe мeньшe 20% oт кopeннoгo нaceлeния! Этoт пpoцeнт дaжe вышe, чeм вo Фpaнции, извecтнoй cвoими aнтимигpaнтcкими бyнтaми
Next time do not, by any chance allow your nation to be wrongfully accused for something you didnt do.
Instead you go and actually do far worse things and deny doing anything, like you always would.
Imagine the relief if half of all the balts were actually rounded up like cattle and shipped to Siberia 70 years ago.
There would be half the population of what there are now, the other half would be russian and they would get genocided from time to time since they would rebel once in a while.
If your grandparents werent loving human beings full of forgiveness and love, today your nation could shit on balts way worse than jews shit on palestinians today.
Like a punching bag that begs for mercy and help
Learn from history or you are bound to repeat it