You know they're making fun of your theories right?

You know they're making fun of your theories right?

Other urls found in this thread:

You know i'm making fun of my theories right?

I know you're making fun of my theories, right?

why do we care if we know chances are its probably true. Fuck off ahmed.

This is all that the regressive left can do, unfortunately. Sit back and smugly mock whatever doesn't mesh with their world view.

You know I right fun of your making theories?

This cunt has Parkinson's, nigger.

((((((mysteriously dies))))))


how does no one remember she stroked out as Secretary of state and had to quit

How does she shoot herself in the foot everyday and still remain this popular?

Is it the same case with Trump because with all the research I've done on Trump I couldn't find anything, but with Hillary there are decades of scandals and crime.

meanwhile, it's perfectly okay for Liberals to make conspiracy theories regarding Trump's mental state


It's plain for anyone with aging relatives to see.

She's not well.
But don't address the important issue of a candidates health, but instead call all who question the candidates health crazy or dumb.

Slate is a joke

we're making fun of you, faggot

Trump was careful to keep his hands clean since he knew being mixed up in bullshit reduces your future career options. It's basic common sense for anyone who has any kind of ambition in life. And she's only popular with the media. No one in real life is thrilled with her candidacy.

>Is it the same case with Trump because with all the research I've done on Trump I couldn't find anything

Trump has gotten sued or been under criminal investigation like 3 times a year since the first time he ever got in the news back in the 70s for refusing to rent apartments to black people.

We just want to plot a prelude her mysterious death. I mean, we wouldn't want it to look.. suspicious.
I wonder though.
40% of america is invested in Trump right? Let's go down and say it's about 35% that really just hates Hillary.
How exactly does anyone see her really becoming the president without being lynched by an angry mob?
She was permanently portrayed as the devil, a liar, a crook, a traitor.
People have this picture of her in their minds, and they would even vote for an idiot if it means she won't come to power.
How can you think she will be accepted once she wins? I really wonder.

What's the real meaning of all those damage control articles from hillary propaganda organizations?

>Literally photographic evidence she can't walk up a flight of stairs
>Conspiracy therory

The left really are going to have a mental breakdown if they actually lose this election

I'd be so happy to see that. It would be pure bliss.

(((Michelle Goldberg)))

>Really makes you think

Every fucking time, god damn it.

Prove the not willing to rent to black people part of your response.

>Hillary has multiple seizures in the last few weeks.
>Hillary falls twice in last 2 weeks.
>Hillary is flanked by SS who have to tell her where she is so she can continue her speech.

Yep. Perfect health.

refusing to rent apartments to people on welfare*


>Michelle Goldberg


They are afraid of #HilarysHealth, that is why they are trying to kill it.

It won't work. Hilary had a blood clot in the brain, by her own admission. She has some very serious health issues, and her top adviser described her as "often confused."

First, they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win

Is this true?

wtf i hate jews now

Of course (((they))) are. They know the theories are right and they're going into übershill mode to defend Queen Clinton.

First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you cleanse then in atomic fire
Eat shit noobs

>40% of america is invested in Trump right? Let's go down and say it's about 35% that really just hates Hillary.
>How exactly does anyone see her really becoming the president without being lynched by an angry mob?
Your numbers are completely inaccurate and you grossly underestimate American laziness if you think there will be ANY sort of uprising when Hillary wins. If Trump wins it will be open-season on whites and you'll have chaos regarding minority groups, who for a considerable amount of time have been utterly convinced that Trump NEEDS to be killed and is a threat to their very survival.

why don't these jews just use a pseudonym? Is balantanly obvious at this point

Articles like this hurt Hillary. People who've never heard of her health problems will now have the seed planted and over the next few months will see the evidence.

Because nobody but you cares.

The non-insane of us KNOWS that Jews are more often lawyers, scientists and journalists, and blacks are more often athletes and entertainers.

We just don't really think that's something to get racist about.

M8, she literally had a seizure on camera

Based Shkreli resurrecting our nigga

the fact they felt the need to write these articles making fun of our "theories" is validation in itself tbf

k, the nomination isn't final until the end of this month anyways.

is this true?

They think she was only pretending to get out of that hearing.

Many do, Jon Stewart for one. Think about that, for every jew name you see in the media there is at least one other jew who changed their name but still pushes the Jewish narrative.

You mean Jonathan Leibowitz?

>the non insane of us know that there are rulers and servants
thats what you just said

Nice try, fucking shill

Are Jews born rulers, or do they make themselves rulers?

>Hillary dies from reptilian seizure before the elections
>Liberal media: "Haha, Hillary's death is completely unrelated to the right wing conspiracies about her health, it was a pure coincidence"

You know i'm keking up my theories right?