That's all it take for a feral nigger to bust down your door and rape/kill your wife in front of your daughter.

Why don't you own a gun Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Any race can do that man

I really didn't need to see that

Still waiting for my butter knife licence.

Because liberals tell us it's better to just be raped and killed because if we kill them, then they win

Cause we don't have niggers.

But they don't


I do own a gun. 2 in fact - CZ P01 and a Polish P64. But my family are scared shitless liberals and dont want to learn how to operate them. So in the event I'm at work, and my sister or mom or dad get overrun by dindus, they are so fucked lol oh well i tried

Why is the kid on the couch just sitting there the whole time.

And she had a window of opportunity to escape. Why did she just get up after being assaulted and casually walk towards her attacker?

>implying I don't
Yeah but nogs do it disproportionately higher.

Hi atf

>CZ P01

You are a man of exquisite taste, I tip my hat to you sir.

>the kid on a couch
I hope the nigger was murdered afterwards

Twoje chlopy that sit around parks and rynek and drink until the next day, those that go to Holland or Germany for a couple of months then come back and blow it all on kebab and bar food, those are the niggers of your country

I don't believe this like anyone can do this man there are videos of Chinese doing the same stuff

She deserved it and you know this

What happens after the punch?

>wtf why is the kid frozen in fear from seeing her mom being beaten to death!!!!


Didn't say to post your guns faggot.

I own many

>Why don't you own a gun Sup Forums?
But, I own several.

You fucking retarded? Girls like like 5 years old. Giant nigger storms into home and beats the fuck out of mom in front of you. The fuck is she supposed to do?

As for the mother not running, look at the size difference between her and giga nigga. Those shots rocked her she probably had little to know clue what the fuck was happening.

Keyboard warrior I hope this shit happens to you so you can see what it's like to go through it instead of commenting about it on a fucking anime board while you sit in your mom's basement eating tendies and jacking your tiny little dick

>implying I have a wife or daughter
>not even a gun they could steal

why must I feel this feel

i didnt even notice until you mentioned it

i thought the cunt deserved it for watching cartoons home alone

fucking niggers

The kid is scared better to just not move and hope bad man goes away. Kids don't work on logic that's why they have adults to protect them.

Second part she is probably dazed and just wanted to stop him from trying to attack the child.

I own metal door with proper lock.

>Chinese and niggers are equally sub-human

Do you have any other insights to add?

This is very true. They show it in different ways butt his earth would be much better without them.

statistically it's only niggers

why do you tie yourself to the lowest common denominator? This is why brown people have gotten so out of control. The worst among them are always defended.

Nah. Niggers are Subhuman. Chinese are Ubermenschen.

First act because they are bestial and stupid.
Second because lack empathy and rightfully see nothing wrong with murdering people for own gain.

Okay I can't say anything about this.

>That little girl will grow up to hate nigger with a fiery passion.

holy fucking shit get a proper claw mount man

fucking neck weld master trying to use that scope

the second *boom* would be followed by me racking a shotgun and shouting fuck off or die

I don't know about you, but if someone starts kicking my door down I'm running out the back door IMMEDIATELY.

Hell if I surrender the element of prep time.

And she just happens to have a cam in her living room to capture this event??

Nah, looks more like this was a setup to to document ongoing abuse that was already happening in the household. I could be wrong but this is more likely a case of





prove me wrong user

>>And she just happens to have a cam in her living room to capture this event??

I have 2 pistols and an AR within arm's reach of me right this second though.

Only the pistol in my desk has ammo right here though so in this scenario, I have one pistol and a full magazine to help me with self defense.

Okay let's just consider but I think shooting someone with a gun is little bit extreme

she should feel really bad for all the animals, including dogs, she is responsible for killing :^)
t. vegan

Unlike you I've been in fights before. Even at 5 years old I knew that if there was danger near to run the fuck away. I've been punched in the head before and I've stayed cognizant enough to retaliate or get the fuck out.

I guess you believe if the victim escaped then her attacker would win.

But I do, user. My girlfriend and I both concealed carry, and besides that I've got everything from a 10/22 to a nugget to an ar-15. I actually kind of feel bad for other countries, who are essentially defenseless. Why did we start enforcing a culture of not defending yourself? You see it in American schools too; your kid gets bullied, you tell him to stand up for himself, he breaks the shithead's nose and he's the one in trouble for being aggressive. And even if your kid doesn't initiate the fight (ie: he gets punched and then fights back), he's in trouble for participating. What the fuck is that shit?

Is there something deeper going on here? Breeding a generation of people who are not only reliant on the government, but also can't defend themselves at all, as a perfect species of slaves?

good thing I don't have a wife or kids

That little girl in 15 years

The nigger didn't break the door down, the dumb bitch let it in. All of my doors are steel reinforced, windows are sledge-hammer proof, and my GF knows not to trust niggers.

Could be a nanny cam. If you realize how often this happens, it's not completely extroadinary to catch it on video once. In South Africa everyone has cameras all over their homes and they catch niggers breaking in all the time.

make sure you lube up your backdoor first

Not a American but I 100% agree with your points education system is fucked up

gotta be honest, the way that guy beats that woman is pretty based

Then don't complain when you are the one on the ground dying because you didn't defend yourself properly

Did you ever stop to think what transpired in that black man's life to lead him to do violence? White bitch lives in her ivory tower while that man probably can barely afford food. Monsters aren't born, they are made

It is a nanny cam and she was the nanny

My mom threatened to kick me out if I buy a gun. Such is life in the house with a bunch of yankees

Don't even kid yourself. You Indians literally fucking kill people for eating beef. Isn't THAT a little extreme?

Why didn't she just call the cops?

>letting the perp know you're armed

Way to be retarded

buddy you're a no gun
no fun
what a big cuck
gonna get your wife raped one day
you got nigs in your house
they're tearin' her blouse
then they're gonna take your valuables away

Winchester Model 94

Remington model 1100

Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag

Get a Semi-Auto Shotgun so they don't hear that pump-action and run, you'll get arrested for shooting Jamal in the back

How could she possibly kick you out when you have the gun?

Fuck, man. Maybe get another scope mount to put on those to make it even higher?

looks like a gun would have done her no good? what's your logic?

Wtf I hate niggers now!


If you want to talk about fight - you think it will be normal psychological reaction to run and abandon friend/parent/relative?

Shock for a kid is normal in fact, more than shock indecisiveness is even more normal - person might think of running, but never acually get guts/right moment for it.

Secondary, even if you were adult minded and in full control of yourself - trying to escape while your mother/sibling/friend being hit is a very hard thing to do, even if its a right thing to do. And being aggressive is fatal.

Nothing abnormal at that video at all.

>Polish P64

Where from?

You got blood on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place

Anyone got anymore video of black guys beating white women? pretty hot to be honest senpai

>letting the perp know you're armed
Then the perp will be more likely to actually fuck off.

If he STILL gets in knowing you're armed, he's looking to die.

I was thinking the same thing, but I do have multiple security webcams up on my property, so it's not that uncommon. Especially since they have kids.

But I think you're probably right since the nigger came in from different angle than he would if he broke in and there seemed to be something going on between those two.

>can barely afford food
So why didn't he steal food then? What did the violence against someone who did nothing to him accomplish?

Common keep it serious
Just tell me man if someone going to kill a man he will like how fast are you going to pull your gun and shoot him? But I agree having own gun is better than police

>living with mummy
>shitting your pants until you get your way
Seriously though
Just get one and don't tell her until you move out on your own

Now I want pork rinds.

Why would you even tell her? How autistic are you?

If he breaks into my house he's dead anyway.

>Steal food. Eat for a day.
>Steal expensive electronics that stupid bitch doesn't need. Eat all week.

Gee I dunno.

ITT Post niggers getting shot while committing crimes. My soul needs it after watching that webm.

>I think shooting someone with a gun is little bit extreme

When is it extreme? When they're breaking into your home? When they're beating you senseless?

r-strategists like you are why the savages will win.

If you legitimately feel that someone poses a physical threat against you, you have the natural right to take whatever action you deem necessary to eliminate that threat.


These are the God-given rights of man and no state has the authority to attempt to restrict you otherwise.

in my 21 one years of leaving nobody ever assault my home cause I don't like in a nigger infested hellhole


because i live in a cucked state where guns are impossible to get (((legally))). I can not move to a better place because 1. no money to pick up and start over again and 2. would not be welcome there due to me being an outsider. no one wants outsiders to move in and drive up the price of every thing making it harder for the locals to live.
so i sit here and i wait for the feral's to boom boom boom my door down and kill me and rape my breeding cattle, like a good little cuck. cucked by money and circumstances just like most people are. voting and trying to change the environment of this blue state of filth I am in is not possable either. To many niggers/gays/liberals/effeminate plaid beards/ mudrace foreigners here that keep it (((blue))). I vote against the evil of liberalism, not that its that anyway, there's no liberty involved in there form of """""government""""".

so tell me brave white men of the resistance.....not there are any....WHAT THE FUCK TO DO ABOUT THIS.




Here you go my neighbor with a terrible prim minster

>.44 mag blackhawk
My man. Good taste. I've been looking to get a revolver myself but I'm not sure which.

Worse yet, it's the entire education system - from pre-school to the most prestigious universities, its a coddling environment designed to turn people into manageable cattle. I have no idea how or if we'll be able to change it.

Is she white?

What's the matter Pudoo Patel? Feeling threatened?

what kind of handgun should i buy guys

I live in a country that hates it's own people. To get a gun I would have to go get evaluated by a psychologist who will probably mark me down as a murderer, then go to another interview with police where they shout at me and call me a mass murderer.

Man just think about like how the killed man's family will react his mom and dad spent years raising him and boom all gone in seconds

Nice. Moar.


>Just tell me man if someone going to kill a man he will like how fast are you going to pull your gun and shoot him

>raising him
Now I know you're trolling.

There is no state where gun ownership is illegal.

Quit being a fucking bitch

>twisted fucking poopootoad


Don't be jealous, we know you can do it too, but everything is not about you

Maybe that man should have been at home spending quality time with his parents instead of out nigging.