>iconic never changing look like a Tatsunoko hero or a Super sentai
> powerful but not "boring superman" powerful
>powers set that give artists lots of opportunities for dynamism
>cool villains and a positive outlook in live unlike the grim-dark bunch
The Flash feels like the most "anime" superhero in american comics
are we talking about comics or tv show here?
both, specially the Wally comics from before Flash Rebirth. But tv Barry is cool too
>cool villains
Name at least a handful.
Captain Cold
Mirror Master
Golden Glider
Reverse Flash
Weather Wizard
The Top
>Reverse Flash
How to spot a dirty casual
This pic is literally the best
Most "anime" superhero in American comics is Hal Jordan. Idiot hero who becomes the strongest through means of sheer willpower. Hal is the proto-typical shonen protagonist, much as how Lois Lane is the prototypical tsundere.
>not toku
I know officially Drive and Golden Drive are inspired by KITT and KARR but I can't help drawing comparisons to Flash and Pr. Zoom, especially when they keep using ridiculous time travel plots for the movies
>never changing look
> powerful but not "boring superman" powerful
>powers set that give artists lots of opportunities for dynamism
>both, specially the Wally comics from before Flash Rebirth
Well, yeah, Wally is a bit like shonen heroes.
Can you go away?
well done, The Flash, well done
>iconic never changing look
Superman and Batman
>powerful but not "boring superman" powerful
Flash does have a really interesting set of superpowers, I'll give you that. Jay Garrick in the Golden Age was one of the first superheroes who just had ONE superpower (goes fast) as opposed to either holdovers from pulp detectives, or all-powerful god wizards.
>powers set that give artists lots of opportunities for dynamism
This right here is why I fucking love Flash comics, when done right, they utilize the medium like no other hero can.
>cool villains and a positive outlook in live unlike the grim-dark bunch
There are plenty of superheroes with positive outlooks. Flash isn't unique in that regard, although his character is particularly consistent with it.
But regardless, none of this is uniquely "anime". Anime series and other Japanese heroes run a large spectrum of tones, styles and aesthetics.
Yeah, was about to post this myself.
How can DC ever hope to compete?!
guy even has his own harem just like muh animus
> powerful but not "boring superman" powerful
It's always so easy to spot the plebs.
Chew reads like a fucking manga
The similar color schemes, character archetypes, powers ,plot and timing didn't help either
>Reverse Flash
Showfag detected.
Not to mention both Drive and the Flash TV show have their own goofy science sidekicks in the SCU and Star Labs. /krg/ flips out at any hint of Sup Forums-related shit because of the number of trolls that use it as bait, but there really are a lot of parallels between the shows.
Huh. Explains why Sup Forums loves him so much.
What was he supposed to say? Eobard and Hunter both have those titles in the comics too
It's more toku than anime, not that it's a bad thing.
I am always pleasantly surprised by the amount of tokufags and rassling fags in Flash talkback threads
> powerful but not "boring superman" powerful
Wait what, is that actually in there