Sup Forums will defend this


That giraffe isn't dead you fucking retard nigger.

>Systematically slaughter millions of cows, chicken, pigs, fish and other animals for food
>No problem

>Kill one giraffe for fun

OP is right though, she should've shot some filthy apes instead

You really should be able to buy licenses to hunt niggers in Africa.

>Killing for food

>Killing for fun

Even the Muslims ban killing animals for fun. How does it feel to have morals worse than Muslims?

Look at his flag,he's probably a nigger.

The thing is, giraffe is shit meat and people dont kill them for eating, but only for the trophy. Im all for game hunting if the beast is consumed by the hunter. But that little girl wont be eating that so to me its a waste of a giraffe.

you really don't know how hunting works do u?

Absolutely monstrous, fuck white women. They're just jealous of giraffe ladies.

Is the giraffe an endangered animal? No, then who gives a shit?

Even the weakess and smallest of our species can take down the largest beast. Kiss the dirt inferior animals. We are will always be earth's alpha predator.

people only care because giraffes are exotic, if it was a wild boar no one would be pissed.

Absolutely unacceptable.

Also unacceptable. Far worse, in fact.

Damn, even giraffe women can't resist the BBC.

Do you have to remind yourself to breathe?

I sincerely don't see the problem here.

.22 will kill anything with proper shot placement

I would. I find it completely unacceptable. It's one thing if an animal poses a threat to you or your property. It's quite another to go seek it out because killing it makes you feel like a man.

I just don't see the point in shooting a giraffe, it's fucking huge, doesn't really seem skillful or anything.

Pic related, look at that killshot area, hardly an impressive feat.

I have that same gun. Savage 111 Trophy Hunter 30-06

Who fucking cares? I'm tired of people acting like killing animals and eating them, making clothes out of them, etc. is a new thing.

Will I?

It's not for survival, not for population control of the species and it certainly isn't a big accomplishment - any fucker with enough money can fly to africa, buy a rifle, buy ammunition, hire a 4x4 for a safari and then proceed to shoot a giraffe. There's nothing to be proud of, it's no achievement.

i hear in some part in the US wild boars are a pest


if the negroes dont get paid for rich people hunting their endangered animals, they will butcher them or sell them off themselves to earn quick bucks.

rich people hunting these creatures is literally what is keeping these animals alive

Why do people think they're badass by killing any animal?

>High powered rifle with scope
>Baiting with food, urine, sex gland odors, and mating call.

Where the fuck is the skill? It's basically fishing.

they are absolutely a pest

those hunts they go on get donated to the villages mate.
Never figured Sup Forums to be all peta fagots

my point was that people only get pissed at these safari hunters because people are more compassionate towards african animals

Well kinda shitty , we have to kill more gorilas and other monkeys instead

what libtards dont seem to understand is that when foreigners come over to do a trophy hunt they have to pay an assload of money. The money generated from trophy hunting is one of the primary reasons that lions still exist

oh yeah, i live in north florida, theres no restrictions on hunting boar here and it's year-around open too.

This. It is a shitty situation but the hunters who legally pay for the right to hunt there aren't the problem. They are a symptom.


>hunting is easy

I live in Kentucky. I love Venison, and fucking hate peta. I'm just saying I don't understand the joy in killing an animal, and acting like it was some amazing act of skill. So proud they take pictures with their "trophies".

is this true?

seeHunting is very fucking easy. You put feed out before the season even starts to trick the deer into thinking it's an uninhabited area. You sit in a comfy tree and wait for one to walk out. It's embarrassing how easy it is.

>hippies constantly bitch about muh environment and have faggot drum circles
>hunters actually provide the money and labor for game and habitat conservation

You can hate hunters all you want but actually fucking do something besides complain.

whatever. I hunt too. i only kill what is going on the table. giraffe meat tasty, or not?

Now now, I would rape / hate fuck that babe but I wouldn't defend that cunt in any way. Why would you want to shoot something just out of sheer joy (except niggers)? The giraffe didnu nuffin and it's unlikely that the little whore is going to eat him/her so whats the point?

are the feral hogs tasty? and do you eat them?


It takes a lot of skill to kill an animal the size of a barn, from a few yards away, hidden in the brush with a high powered rifle.

Tha little cunt deserves to be raped by a pack of wild niggers. Hunting for food is one thing, but traveling half-way around the world just for the sake of killing an animal is absolutely degenerate. There's not even any sport in it, unlike deer hunting, as they just drive around and blow them away. The entire entertainment value is the act of killing the animal.
That's nigger behaviour.

>morals worse than muslims.

>We are will always be earth's alpha predator.
and be thankful for it

I hope she gets raped by zulu warriors, piece of shit.

Pretty gamey desu

I was going to post this
>tfw ywn get a slow giraffe blowjob

they can be tasty, although i would only eat them during the coldest part of the year, it cuts down on the amount of parasites in the meat

>You put feed out before the season even starts
because in the east the white tailed deer are over populating many states. our limit is 6 a season, that should tell you something.

This aint Sup Forums brah but I have to agree, tits would be awsome at this point.

Actually, no. When the world collapses and most of the polulation dies, there will be no one left to build us the weapons and shit that we need to maintain our alpha status. After the infrastructure collapses and we realise that we, as individuals, have only bits of the knowledge that we had as a collective, we will realise that we are doomed. The necessary skills that are needed for survival are long forgotten (for most of us) and you will be utterly screwed when the shit hits the fan.

Nothing wrong with that

Killing because it makes you feel like a man is awesome. Fuck off.


A weak-looking young woman kills a baby giraffe. I'm not going to defend that. You're not supposed to kill the young animals.

Come at me, bro.

eat its brain and gain the knowledge

>animals specifically bred to kill
>wild animals that are most likely close to extinction
If you don't see a difference here it's because you're retarded.

>I just don't see the point in shooting a giraffe
one for the wall lad

>Killing because it makes you feel like a man is awesome.

Not really, because there's no other way for you to feel thus.


Is it a sign of turning into a furry, if a giraffe looks legitimately sexy to you?

The other meaning of the word, you idiot. And not every country is a degenerate shithole like the US, where people set up killing zones for the animals. In some countries people still hunt like real men.

>They're overpopulating many states

No, we're destroying their land, leaving them confused with less space to roam in. I have no problem with hunting, but lets not kid ourselves.

Now that is conservation

Not really a pest, more like a plague. If they are not actively hunted/slaughtered they will destroy everything. Completely displace existing wildlife, and generally just wreak havoc on an ecosystem and property.

just hold still

I don't support killing animals for fun/sport. I hunt for my elk and deer for food and I don't glorify it either. Whites have become perverse.

They kill dogs because Muhammad declared them unclean. Do some fucking research

Be hunter
pay millions to kill endangered rhino
Whilst transporting the rhino head back to the airport foreigner gets murdered by south african for his phone

>killing zones

Once again, I live in Kentucky.
>Hunt like real men.

You slather up with mud and track it? Maybe kill it with a handmade bow, or club? How much of a chance do you give the Buck?

killing animals just for fun is degenerate

ITT girls with guns?

based Axelle-chan

so they support more niggers being bred? Then they have to kill more to eat more.

That's not a .22

Now you're double retarded.

yes, just because it triggers normies

>sign of turning
No my friend. You've gone past the point of no return

you sound like a no-gunz

Actually by buying rediculously expensive tags to hunt an endangered or rareish species you are helping revive that animals population as the money from the tag goes towards helping that animal. Also there are only a few of those tags available for purchase, meaning they cost a lot more. Its an econ thing, isnt it neat. Kill an animal to save its species

>money goes to the village
That is even worse. We are killing peaceful creatures just so nogs can profit.

>I'm different then these other cliques

So, you're just illiterate, then? You've never heard the expression "there's no sport in"?

>the money spent on hunting animals is spent on conservation
>in the most politically corrupt continent on earth
Yea sure it is.

Pic related is better suited for hunting than a .22

terribly underrated

then why dont you stand infront of a .22

>Money goes into making things sustainable

Which is it Sup Forums?

The selling of those tags isnt solely their governments responsibility. A lot of animal conservationist groups are heavily involved in it aswell. And seeing the results of this strategy working I see no reason to doubt this method

dude, people underestimate the leathality of those things

dam you guys are VERY stupid 10IQ

The evidence seems to suggest that it is. Countries with tag auctions are seeing population recovery. When you cull 300 elephants a year to the tune of 50 grand, suddenly protecting elephants becomes a national priority and you see things like soldiers out looking for poachers.

Trophy hunting is for the elite.

>Thinking hitting a fucking giraffe is an accomplishment

> Killing an ENDANGERED animal for fun that you wont eat

>Not just going out to a range

>Being this much of an edgy faggot


That's some nice foot pucci

what a degenerate slut

This is a bullshit lie you are being fed. Yeah, it costs a lot of money to go in these big safari hunts. But if you really think that money is being poured into wildlife conservation efforts, you're wrong. Killing other animals for pleasure is wrong, no matter what.