Why don't white girls want white guys anymore? That's the one million dollar question

Why don't white girls want white guys anymore? That's the one million dollar question.

There is no simple solution for it, but let's go with the most logical explanation: white guys aren't masculine anymore. If somebody asked you think of a masculine man 20 years ago, you would think of 6'5" blue-eyed blonde-haired well-built chad from the highschool football team, however nowadays when we talk about masculine man the picture we have is almost always a very well hung alpha black man. When you stop to think about it, it's like masculine white guys stopped existing. For this reason and others is why we see white girls flocking everyday to black guys to satisfy their sexual needs, a lot of times even cheating on their white husbands to do so.


That's not even a fucking reply

fucking jews. this is ridiculous. lets post pictures of black guys in black situations. pic related, he killed people

Us white men can't compete, really. Every-time I go to the gym all the hottest white women are working out with black guys. I went to the mall the other day and I see young white women with black guys there too. It seems white girls are snobs towards me but brown girls love me. I guess white women are the ultimate degenerates.

>implying you deserve a reply

ITT: racism

First off: checked.

Second: cuz that big black dick.

Third: women are fucking sluts nowadays and don't care about their future.

>white guys anymore

too weak, dicks are too small

My dick is 6 inches

It is not true though. White men are responsible for a vast majority of the racemixing. For example in the USA about 90% of white girls marry white guys, but only about 60% of white guys marry white girls.

White men are the problem.

the competition. hardened black criminal. us white men stand no chance against these half men half beasts

That's it? Kek.

>Germany's cuck fetish intensifies as his women are pleasured by muslim hordes.

^Found a low IQ nigger

Why the hell do you think?

do you even math? there are about the same number of white men and women. what you are saying is mathematically impossible.

Back to your favela nigger monkey

ooh ooh ah ah


pick one

No, because not everyone marries.


that's bs and you know it, huehue. nigger males serve no purpose in society unlike other males. at least asian/indian males contribute to society and sandniggers/spics can be attractive, niggers are neither.
t. white girl

Western white men have forgotten that most western women are week minded sluts and that their value is less than dirt. Let the whores find out the hard way the path they have chosen. Any kids they have will have a shitty life as a mixed piece of shit.

Surely the past 30 years of romanticized niggers in the media has nothing to do with it.

White girls are being groomed from a young age. Its subtle, but its there.

Once they're in college, the formula is alcohol + BBC meme + liberal guilt + fear of being racist + bad boy image

by 2020, every 29yr old white woman in America will have burned coal at some point

Why does white men prefer Asian women?

fuck off shill , i hope zika wipe you out

This picture makes me so happy, fucking saved

my gf refuses to touch anything a black has touched because she's terrified she could get aids from it

its hilarious

>cherry picking

That above average. Why is pol always so negative?

well thats 1 down...

sage in options field

OP is shill faggot

Exactly this
I'm from CA and I've been driving my younger brother to high school (top 10 in Los Angeles, not a nigger school, very few like 4% black)
And I've noticed this exactly
There's always one nigger surrounded by a harem of white girls who are dressing black + have the double braids and the adidas superstars etc
And it makes me sick
And I realized why
This is something nobody on Sup Forums has mentioned
Studies suggest that chicks are easily manipilated by social media
If you go on Instagram explore
Or on the new snapchst discover
There's always a ton of shit about how "cute" interracial babies are
And other slight Jewish buzzfeedesque propaganda
Makes me fucking sick

holy crap, its like every single couple.

game over man. time to join MGTOW movement

Why do non-white women worship white men more than white women themselves?

>living in cancerfornia

>Why don't white girls want white guys anymore?

HURR DURR why doesn't an entire group of people want an entire other group of people?

JIDF shit posting is getting tiresome.

>low class becomes darker while high class become lighter

White men dominate more pussy than niggers do, Tyrone.

White men get white women, black women, asian women, hispanic women, native women, muslim women, you name it.

We've been the kings of race mixing since Alexander the Great. Stay fucking jelly nigger

Better than living in some shit kicker flyover state or some desert shithole
It's alright, weather is nice, food is nice, everything is nice except the liberals, the gun laws and the niggers
But I don't live anywhere near niggers, I have my rifles and my social circle consists of right wing Christian families

This is a great on topic thread. I won't be sage'ing or hiding it.

That image have a huge subliminal message. I wonder how many guys decoded that.

Look at statistics and see how every race of women on earth prefers white men, and delete this shit thread. You're a shill or mentally bunk.
>Calls out cherry-picking

Holy shit! Lmao some insecure but they white cuck took hours of his time to make this fucking pic top kek

Top kek, true

Why don't you tell us your interpretation then?

This is a lie.

I think it's pretty pathetic that some undeveloped nigger like you uses multiple masterpiece of white engineering (computer/internet/lcd screen/mouse) and is actively rejoicing in the fact that a few powerful jews encourage the diminishment of the white race. All you do is create resentment, violence and ultimately death for your kind. Be it by my white hands or by the environment you have proven to be unable to control.

>Look at statistics and see how every race of women on earth prefers white men, and delete this shit thread. You're a shill or mentally bunk.

Casual sex =/= marriage.

Women get blacked in High School and University, having sex with lots of black men. Then they go and marry a white guy to appeal to their families and society in general.

Holy shit! Lmao some insecure spic nigger took time out of his life to make this fucking thread top kek!

It precisely and succinctly destroys every SINGLE one of your arguments, and your response proves it hit you. Hard.


You're the one dying, litte-tap white boy. It's the white birth rates who are weaker than ever, and blacks just keep reproducing, specially with your women.

Is that a fucking Banana in her back pocket?

they can live off benefits while being single moms, and the whites will still pay for it. ..