let's wrap it boys
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let's wrap it boys
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Okay, good. We'll need a clean thread for the reactions.
Heeere we goooo...
Butcher's going to kill them isn't he?
fucking prick
no no no, please don't tell me he is going to kill all of them .
>The coaster
nah it's ok
Last issues were fucking rollercoaster.
aw fuck
Fuck you, Ennis. THEY DIDN'T DESERVE IT!!!
What did Butch mean by the 'How do I know you're there' shit?
By the time he said that they could have just jumped outte the window like he did several issues ago.
london's bridge is falling DOWN
Not really a The Boys fan but this is one of the best pages I've ever read. FUCK.
I'm fuckin dead...
To make Hughie act like Hughie.
Bugging their phones I'd imagine
Fuck man, this page. Frenchie and female a best.
You see that explosion, user? It knocked Hughie off his feet even as far away as he was. Jumping out the window wouldn't really have gotten them far enough away.
mind yer head son
At least they didn't suffer.
This is turning into some Sandman shit.
Oh god...
Butcher is the only real supervillain, isn't he? Down to building in a failsafe to stop himself. Even Noir was really only doing what he'd been programmed for, albeit in a horrific and roundabout way.
Everyone else was just a wanker.
>I'm just watching from somewhere else.
oh god. This one.
[emoji that reflects me remembering this issue and learning true horror]
probably a dizzy one.
Wee Hughie is Butcher's Black Noir.
That's some Leon Killer tier scene.
Can't wait
Implying he is somewhere in the house.
What the fuck happened to her...
Ah shit, I didn't notice that the first time through. Christ.
V. Not even once.
Joy Mutant
Jesus christ what the fuck is this holy shit
This took a turn for the eldritch
Appropriate reactions.
Does this out-do Quincannon's meat-woman?
I just dont recall V fucking mutating someone like this unless im forgetting something. This is some pretty fucking extreme mutation.
what in fuck
Are the scripts of The Boys anywhere? I wonder how Ennis described this one.
What did she mean by this?
No , seriously , what did she mean by this? I dont understand it.
... this just stopped being my fetish.
have you seen what happened to MM's brother
it depends on the JEAAAANS i think
Exposure to trace amounts of V over the years. was explained several issues back
Probably because all you saw were the successful results.
I think she thinks he is MM
You see what happened to the other son? What showed up in some of the Supes gone wrong? Hulk who only Hulk'd his head? We've gotten people saying taking V is just as likely to fuck you over as make you a normal Super, and that's when you get it the way you're supposed to.
She doesn't really have much brain left, I don't think. Just a need to feed her son.
Remember that Vought terminated most of the people who would have ended up like this, or their mutation killed them before it mattered.
He's kinda the evolved punisher Ennis came up with 15 years after.
I missed that I guess, too lazy to dig for it so oh well.
So, how the hell are they going to make this a TV show again?
I think, like someone said either upthread or last thread, that he's MAX Frank if Frank had said "yes" instead of "fuck you" to Micro in the first arc.
I heard Sup Forums is into monster girls...
This fucking guy.
Never, hopefully.
Watering it down A LOT.
>a tv show
if this is going to happen and it's a shitty adaption someone is going to pay
yep seth rogen
you're kidding
Butcher you CUNT
biggest revelation EVER.
I love that this was Butcher's plan. His idea of convincing someone to move is to get a perv to wank on their door every day.
Butcher, you twat. Everything this guy does. He just wants his friends to have better lives and he doesn't even realize what a cunt he's being about it.
What a perfect page.