Bros, I OD'd on /pol

I fucking hate everything, romanticism, all the kike religions, kikebook, (((literature))), (((criticism))), (((human rights))), uppity niggers, retarded women. They're trying to kill trump, America is Europe cuck 2.0. There's nothing to believe in but myself, and I don't feel good man. What do, brothers....what do.

Other urls found in this thread:


>not loving classic literature, philosophy, and theology
You idiot, it's the only light in the darkness.

We need a new political that isn't nazi flag waving or bible thumping...until then we're floating around without real representation

Do this.
Kill yourself faggot.

Yeah--but then women and arabjew christjew Jewjews want a piece of the action. Where is underwater Rapture?

Here is our FLag


let me tell you about the jews

Make a better life for yourself and the rest of humanity.

Vote for Democrats in November.

Naw man, you're being reborn. You have entered the chrysalis and while metamorphosis can be painful, you will come out a beautiful butterfly. Or a disgusting moth rather. The point being, there's no going back after taking the red suppository, so just go with it.


>implying Sup Forums is capable of producing a leader for a new natsoc movement

You should really stop going here if you believe in most things said here.

I only come for the memes desu.

find happiness or show us the light


Quit being a faggot and read some proper, red-pilled, European literature.

I'm a philosophy grad (yes it's a terrible degree, don't ever do it) so I'm going to recommend you some of the most important works in Western philosophy that you should read

Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (for Sup Forumstards I think you would really like this - just read the bit about the state of nature because it's based. Social contract theory really explains why the fuck society even exists)
The Republic by Plato
The Meditations by Descartes
Discourse on the Method by Descartes (I actually preferred this to the Meditations)
Two Treatises of Government by John Locke

A couple of those are a bit long. For starters I would recommend Descartes' Meditations. It's short and simple. Really easy to get into for a beginner in my opinion.

Second I would probably recommend The Republic. It's definitely a bit longer (maybe two or three times the length or more) but modern translations are pretty easy to read. Socratic dialogue is simple to understand. It's a good read.

Then the other ones I mentioned are arguably more advanced. But as I said with Leviathan, just read the passages on the state of nature, and also on liberty if you're interested (those are the only bits I've read). They're good. Proper red-pilled material.

Who said leafs never make sense?

Serious advise user, try to walk 10.000 steps each day. That would mean you are outside for atleast 3-5 hours. It will change your life.

Thx but I'm not depressed--the world is depression.

You can not enjoy the world or your life if you never leave your house. You are on a place where all the bad news is coming in, daily. It makes you a pessimist. The info is not bad but it's poisening your mind. Go outside and enjoy other things aswell so it will get balanced. Know why you are living. Know why you should fight if it once will be necessary.

Don't think about why you should do 10,000 steps each day, just do it.

Stop browsing Sup Forums.
Start working out.
Get a job.
Gain friends.
Gain gf.
Forget your old miserable life.

Blow away leaf wait what?! I totally agree with you. Don't forget enlightenment composers!

this is what you need to do

>Stick your head in the sand and forget the truth

Yep me too
At a water park in pa now and all i say in my mind is

'Look another coal burning cow with her pet niggers'

It's disgusting

you are the best OP..kill yourself because you are too good for this deserve honorable death

Become a memetic wizard and invoke Kek's servants to do your bidding, what else?

Start reading up on national socialism and you will find your purpose in life.

Do all these except the first and the last one. You need to keep CHOOSING the red pill every day and never forget how miserable and misguided you were as a nihilist NEET.

I dont think literature can help OP here.
He might be so dull/lethargic that he is beyond repair.
If nothing helps i would recommend some drastic lifestyle change.

Let's see
1. I think that suicide is stupid, so no
2. I'm not good with women, i'm not a disaster but not a playboy.
3. I'm quite good with public speeches, and i can easily redpill almost everyone.
I can dream

>What do, brothers....what do.

Man up and own it.

Nice user it seems like you are entering phase 5 of Sup Forumsification.

If you decide for heroism, please stream

How many of those have you done mate? Right off the bat you've failed on number 1. So that's your first count of hypocrisy. I wonder how many of the others you've failed to do too?

Just noticed that book says "German history". Nice.

Save up and become an immortal cyborg when the tech is here.
Then find like-minded immortals and help us plan for the Final Solution of meatbags.

i believe in you spagettibro. it only takes one man to change the world

This advice does not apply to those who
live in meme countries such as mine.

This is now a Kek thread.
>Press F to pay respects to OP and moloch the god of cucks and faggotry

Who cares that she would be a puppet of shadowy behind-the-scenes manipulators.

Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked

who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous

Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband

who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical

who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations

who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical

who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.

Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story to the media Hill-shills.

Just need to do the last 2 of number 2.

Fooooooddd Review

I'm surprised this place changed you with the amount of correcting being done.

>There's nothing to believe in but myself
So believe in yourself?

I feel the same to bh pham.

I just try to improve myself and find happiness in that.

The only thing we can really do at the moment is vote for whomever seems the least bad and network with likeminded people.

The cardhouse will fall soon. Until then we just have to keep on keeping on.

>i believe in you spagettibro.

Me too.

>it only takes one man to change the world

I completely agree with you.

Lmao fucking nerd

>I just try to improve myself and find happiness in that.
What do you do? I've been lifting for a couple months now, I was a scrawny fag before but i've gained 8kg of mostly muscle now. Feels good when t-shirts don't fit anymore

Locke is about as far away from red pilled as you can get. Man does not posses natural rights and his natural state is building civilization. The contract doesn't exist as society is his natural state.

Locke and especially Rousseau are basically proto Jews whose "ideas", when they aren't constantly contradicting themselves, have completely undermined western civilization.

>not reading the father of fascism de Maistre

I have been lifting for almost a year now. Making good progress and i have a great frame for it, strong jaw too.

Other than that i have started reading books and networking with likeminded people. Although that is still in its early levels.

Keep working out bro.

>networking with likeminded people
how do you do that? i desperately need likeminded people in my life. thankfully my ex was pretty redpilled but we aren't talking anymore

You need to seek (((professional help))) OP


Why do you say that

Well I only read bits of that when I was at uni but I remember thinking it was good.

The only ones of those I've read all the way through are the two Descartes ones and The Republic.

Also Locke wasn't Jewish, and you do realise that this anti-semitism literally just hurts the cause of Sup Forums. Lefties look at this website, and at our impression around the internet (YouTube, Twitter, etc) and they immediately latch onto the anti-semitism and cause us neo-nazis, and use this to discredit all arguments of anti-immigration and anti-globalism

I don't have anything against Jewish people. I do have possibly have something against the state of Israel though, but that's a separate issue. And more importantly I am against globalism and mass immigration. Those are the battles we should be fighting. Every time you go "lol it's da jewwws", you're just shooting yourself in the foot.

> said that they are basically proto Jews
>kike in manchester rants about anti semitism
>tries to pr shame me on pol

You're going to fucking burn, schlomo.

Well, I have been a bit lucky. I have 3 long time friends who are also redpilled and becamse so mostly on their own without my help.

We hang out and do random stuff quite often like go to a bar, visit some landmark and sometimes bigger things like traveling together.

This little group is now growing a little bit since they have friends who are also becoming redpilled.

I think its a slow and dynamic process. How you go about meeting fellow redpilled people to start with I do not know.

I would suggest getting a hobby that seem like it could contain redpilled people and then just see how things go.

Or begin redpilling a normal friend of yours.

next mussolini WHEN ?

>3-5 hours
> outside
>in Sofia

dude... i will die from lung cancer

>Not recommending Evola
Traditionalism is the ultimate red pill

How about stop being a pussy and realize that the world has always been corrupt.

If anything, with the internet you have a higher probability of becoming successful.

Lift, get smart, get rich, get healthy, get power, and start focusing on the new frontier that is space and VR.

/69/ will be the whole of the laAW


get out get out get OUT

> lift, get healthy, get power
> vr

Choose one, faggot.

The fire is not big enough, i need more happenings for the great blaze.

vr won't be the only reality pleb

>imblying you live in reality

>implying reality isn't relative

Get out of here with your kike (((relativity)))

Remember goy, culture is relative :^)

Morals you say? Heh, no such thing, its all relative goyim dont you know that? ;^)

A decent a leaf. I guess there are good ones.

And go where?

I'm only in this boat till November. I only have to worry till Trump wins or Hillary wins because that way I get closure. I either get to stop giving a shit about politics outside of 2A issues and keep enjoying muh guns or I start planting potatoes to fuel the upcoming revolutionaries.

Why do kikes want to destroy everything? We just end up rising up and becoming alphawhites again, and then they tear it down. It's redundant. Just accept that you're wandering kikes. We need to make it so that they are forever fingered, and it's never not okay to say "Fucking kikes at it again?" type thing. This goes for their little mangina puppets and NWO illuminati nigger wolfowitz neocon pawns too.

Hey, brother. We all feel the same. Just work on bettering yourself. I got to the point where I got married and bred pure white children. And I'm homeschooling those children as well as having their diet consist of 60% of the organic grown produce in our garden and 40% imported rice, beans, avacados, and other produce I can't grow. You can do it too and everyone ITT can as well. I basically live how I believe everyone would live in a parallel universe where he didn't lose.

stfu idiot.


>Not accepting the hard truth that life is an eternal struggle.

Face it, life is supposed to be hard and bitter. If it wasnt for jews, feminists destroying our countries, it would just be somrthing else.

The very nature of human existance implies that there will always be enemies to defeat and hardships to overcome.

The correct thing to do is to embrace this as a fact and find your happiness in your own struggle.

Remember, as long as you yourself have a clear mind and your path is set, the only thing that can stop you is death.

And to die while fighting for what you believe in is the greatest form of human existance.