Why are other countries so weak, feeble?

Why are other countries so weak, feeble?

this is because of the dresden thread

Why are other countries so weak, feeble?


>both were brought down by Russia and the UK
Thank you Britain you truly are my greatest ally

>and the UK

>brought down by Russia
just another actor in the seventh coalition

>and the UK
paying someone to do the job isn't doing the job

but true for nazi germany though

What was France's contribution? Rolling over and licking Jerry taint for six years?

In what way is it bait?

I was talking about Napoleonic wars.

The grande armee died in 1812 and athe battles of 1813-1814. Sending the manlet to st Helene was just a matter of time.

>the manlet
Anglo propaganda.

It's a joke, relax.

Monty Pyhton propaganda.

life as you know it is an anglo lie
wake up sheeps


The truth is that you live in an anglo world, just accept it

>slap nappy down and ship him to an island (elba)
>he does a cheeky runaway
>slap him down again and ship him to an even smaller island (st helena)

La vérité, c'est qu'vous êtes des pseudo-anglos francisés jusqu'aux couilles

Priez Jupiter.

>I see you're trying to become a European hegemon
>pays somebody behind you
>nothing personal, kid

The French delusion. Your greatest accomplishment is that you were our broodmare

Psh nothin personnel kid just balance of power

*pilots your planes*
*scores more than any other division*
Why were other divisions so weak, feeble?

*fight for America*
Rien de personnel, gamin

>Your greatest accomplishment is that you were our broodmare
British delusion at its best

this but unironically

it says "the jewish plot against europe" lol


Don't spurn the accolade! It's something you should be proud of, you can claim to be party anglo if you want

don't care

But I am a proud FRENCH CELT

>1898, Fachoda
>Dans l’imaginaire collectif français, la crise de Fachoda reste comme une profonde humiliation infligée par un Royaume-Uni triomphant, hautain et forcément de mauvaise foi. En somme, l’image même de la « perfide Albion » abondamment reprise par la presse et les caricaturistes de l’époque

The feeble wh*te *nglo fears the strong BLACK celt Frenchman

>try to calm things down because you secretly like anglos and you don't want to humiliate their shitty island
>they use the situation to humiliate you
Fucking rats

What was fachoda?

saved to my perfidious albion folder

hi everyone

This isn't a propaganda poster, it's a reality poster

veeeery creative hans