Clinton is now the favorite to win Texas. Texas is now blue.
Thanks Trump!
Clinton is now the favorite to win Texas. Texas is now blue.
Thanks Trump!
Blue and red was the same either way so who cares?
You guys did it to yourselves. It was very clear the kind of loser Trump was during the primaries, but you guys turned out in droves for him and now you're stuck with an arrogant tard who says stupid shit literally daily.
Don't thank Trump, thank Republican primary voters.
CTR is using trip codes now. Neat.
Nice source. Sage.
If you think Texas has any chance of going blue. You're a fucking idiot.
Also shill thread.
No source
Into the it goes
Yeah and California is going red and New York is going green. See, I can say stupid shit on the Internet too.
That's just a name, not a trip, retard.
Hey I have some magic beans for sale. If you believe that you'll believe anything.
>Roughly 40% white population and rapidly shrinking
>Spics are overwhelmingly democrat
The polled central Austin only so Texas is definitely a lock.
Texas has demographically changed a great deal in the past decade with the massive influx of Californian faggots who have invaded.
It's straight up gonna be California 2.0 within the not so distant future.
>Spics are overwhelmingly democrat
Only in the border counties.
cant rump the cump
I live in Houston and everyone I've talked to is voting Hillary. It's hilarious; I always thought California and Texas would switch at the same time but Trump has just destroyed support in this state.
not really, because white texans vote in a bloc. whites in other southern states do it too.
nigger texans are reliably democrat, but hispanics are a mixed bag, i've seen numbers that show about 40% of texas hispanics are republican voters
intermarriage in texas is high as well, so many hispanics there see themselves as white, even the illegals
How is hillary any worse than any other generic cuckservative neocon? Any other republican but trump would have been thr same shit for another 8 years since when did we care about party loyalty?
The Republican governor won a majority of Hispanic men in the last election.
She had 5 people killed in the last 5 weeks.
So false, I live in texas, he is winning somee where around 60% to 40% fucking shill, also where is your sources since you making this gay fucking thread?
Austin here. Feels good man
Hahaha maybe in Austin.
Like any generic neocon cuck is any better. Trump or bust
Thank you for Correcting the Record.
We will purge you on the day of the rope, your name is recorded.
Clinton now also favourite to win south carolina, aswell as indictment for crimes against humanity
Feels good for what? Your in a tiny liberal ut hug box. You leave that small area, the rest is overwhelmingly red state. Even some of the most poor areas mexicans live in san antonio are pro trump. They dont want more illegals taking their jobs. Fuck all the shills spreading disinformation.
I agree. I have a bad feeling that Hillary will last one debate and she'll have to kill Bill off so she can "mourn" through the next two.
and I forgot to use the sage option again...
Not that have any love for cuckservatives, but Hillary said she would emulate Merkel which is a good way to turn us into a third world hellhole.
Clinton will win Georgia actually.
yeah that's true, and men are more conservative than the women of their race
of course texas had a lot of native tejanos who are conservative, i'm sure the recent arrivals are a bit more liberal, but the recent arrivals also have lower voting rates, many aren't even eligible yet due to youth
8 years.
Let that sink in for a while.
8 years
wtf I'm democrat now
I don't think she will get it this election, but i could see georgia as a state that could flip in the future.
The democrats talk a lot about flipping texas, but i think they'd have an easier time flipping georgia in the future. Georgia is 16 electoral votes, and is the second biggest reliably republican state.
Georgia's biggest minority is niggers, and they are far more reliable democrat voters than hispanics. Hispanics don't really have good turnout rates.
Trump is still up significantly in Texas. What are you talking about?
Someone explain to me where this Georgia meme comes from. Not even obama could filp Georgia. Is the white population trending democrat or something?
This doesn't excuse them beaner
Changing demographics, more niggers and spics.
> best case scenario
No, but whites in Georgia have a lower birthrate and Georgia oddly enough has seen an influx of Hispanic and Asian migrants. I think Georgia is 8% hispanic now based on the stats, and sadly these are recent arrivals so they are going to be more liberal than a Tejano or Cuban.
Georgia is about 33% nigger too, and you know they will almost always be reliable Democrat voters.
Atlanta is a sprawl shithole version of portland. Very fucking sjw
> worst case scenario ;_;
already have bruh
8 glorious years of president trump
nice of you to post one of the first criminals he's gonna put away for good
As a Texan I wish this was true.
I know people that believe everything from Trumps mouth, simply because his conspiracies are more interesting than real life.
I know people that say they will vote Republican only because they are convinced that Hillary will pick a supreme court judge that will make abortion mandatory.
I know people that care only about what the NRA tells them.
Still it's disquieting to know even 40% of people will vote for that Dem puppet. Democrats strategy is to eventually turn all red states blue via immigration and Texas is there number one target. Give them more years in the White House and Texas will become 80% Mexican and 60% blue and then our nation will be lost.
> the establishment candidate is going to lose.... then get sent to prison.
There are at least to errors in your assumptions.
At least 1/4, probably closer to 1/3 of Texas' voter base is legal Hispanics.
lol shut up hispanics have always been right
As a Pole I think you're a soft cunt, cunt.
>t. CTR
Thank you for unpacking that and correcting the record.
You do know whites vote for the democrats too right? We only need Texas to become 30% Hispanic to win.
Many of the legal Hispanics are Tejanos, who have been in Texas for several generations. They tend to be more conservative than the national average.
The problem with Texas Hispanics are the recent arrivals. They tend to be more liberal. The good news, is that these Hispanics have low voter turnout and many of them are below the voting age due to a young population.
Texas will be safe for at least 2 more decades thanks to the white Texans voting in a bloc. However, I can't really predict what will happen once the young recently arrived Hispanics start voting.
Texas will go blue, and you will cry
Stop bullshiting dude.
Sensible chuckle.jpg
I would not worry about Texas as much as I would Georgia at this point. Texas will be reliably red for at least 2 more decades. See my other post .
Republicans need both states. Texas is just the popular choice because of its 38 votes, but Georgia is important as well with its 16 votes. Georgia is also a closer call, Romney only won Georgia 52-47 in 2012, but won Texas 57-41.
You are talking about Latinos in general, Latinos in Texas are more conservative than the national average.
>Spic are overwhelmingly democrat
Only the illegal ones spic's are overwhelmingly catholic conservatives
T.Born in mexico lived in argentina and in venezuela
It really depends on where they live. Texas Latinos and Florida Cubans tend to be more conservative, but New York and California Latinos tend to be liberal.
Overall, 71% went for Obama in 2012.
Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and El Paso have always been blue.
Texas republicans were for Ted Cruz
>court ruling to give voting privileges to hordes of immigrants
>Clinton supports open borders
>Texas is blue!
Really initiates some inner monologue