Sup Forums BTFO!

Sup Forums BTFO!

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Where exactly are these mutant niggers with blue eyes? I've only ever seen them with brown eyes.

I've seen a couple but they clearly had a few ancestors that had been bleached.

top right is a person from the solomon islands YOU IGNORANT FUCKING FUCK

is this true?

It's a KANGZ meme, what do you think?

Top right is a Melanesian
Probably among the most distant ethnicity from Africans

But I am just posting in a bait thread that OP made because he found some retarded "WE WUZ" Instagram account

WTF i love africans now.

Don't Africans bleach their hair with cow piss?

No, top left is East African, which is much more related to semites and has strong caucasoid features, top right is actually a melanesian that are completely unrelated to blacks, and both bottom images are genetic mutations that can happen to any race but is such a tiny minority that it shouldn't be considered

Seriously, I've seen way more albino flips than albino blacks