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How can whites EVER recover?



you mean the joke that obama runs ISIS that everybody took seriously?

I see literally nothing bad in that.

>muh african (????) culture
>implying whites have no culture (????)

Why are american nig nogs so delusional? The whole kangz thing would be a joke in europe.

I wish blacks took jokes as well as they take bullets.

considering that we managed to live along them for quite a few decades now I'd say we are pretty good at dealing with jokes

i like jokes
whats blue and sits on my porch?

I wish niggers took jokes as well as they took my bike

It is pretty hard when we are so efficient at those other things.

uhh, me too

I also wish that was the case


I wish black people took jokes as well as they took welfare cheques and other peoples property.


We do.. BLM is very funny.

White American take jokes well, that's why they let you people stay in the country.

wtf i hate being white now

Oh shit all that BLM and progressive stuff was a joke? Those silly niggers had us all.

Yet whites are the only people that won't try to stab you for doing an "offensive joke".


>Implying a black person would ever take a nigger joke without chimping out.

This applies more to Muslims than it does to white people.


see, I took the joke and made another one out of it





top bantz from the twink

Obama helped found ISIS. There is documented proof of that from declassified government intelligence reports, it's not a joke

I wish black and other fucking non-white niggers would fucking die hahaha how about that

they recover by saging this nigger shit.

I wish blacks kept their crime rates as low as their percentage of nuclear families.

Lmao its funny because libs and blacks are the most thin skinned pos's


What? are you saying white people are GREAT at conquering others? wtf I LOVE white people now

Name 10 things blacks invented

Whats black and red and lays in the middle of the street?

Low level. Not even a care about ones struggle. I will write about our struggles

>struggle 32

>the food stamps wuz late this month so I had to rob some old white gramma bitch fo my food

Whites are the kindest race with most empathy.

How much free charity do blacks, hispanics and asians do? Almost zero.

Those races are more violent, aggressive and racist.

The reason why whites "take land" and "take culture" is only because we're more organized, team working and intelligent, so winning comes easier to us.

Rap, jazz, rag time, trans-atlantic slave trade, aids, Ebola, Haiti, BLM movement, "reverse racism" meaning racism to whites, "only blacks can say nigger"

10 things there


I wish blacks would stop over reacting when calling them niggers when they disproportionally commit more crimes throughout history.

White Privilege
Black Lives Matter
Single Moms
Food Stamps
Crack addiction
Dindu Nuffin!
More Crime

I wish to kill all subhumans.

This was not a joke.

Muh Peanut butter
Muh pacemakers

People of shade?

How is this even up for debate? The Obama regime's been giving money and supplies to those faggots since day one.

>How can whites EVER recover?
Start taking lives, land and culture again until they stop laughing?

whites blown the fuck out forever! lol!

I wish black people took jokes as well as they took welfare checks.

I wish black people took jokes as well as they took drugs and welfare checks.

Blacks did not invent peanut butter u retarted fuck.

I wish blacks took jokes as well as they take government money to feed their little niglets.


I like how all black (((inventions))) were created by white people, and black people just happened to do some shit to it one time.

>Peanut butter
>Traffic Light
All made by whites.

Great minds think alike brother

I wish black men could leave this country as well as they leave families

niggers just mad we are the best at what we do.

fuckers chucking rocks and spears at one another in their little trible warfare, when chad thundercock rolls up on his horse carrying a rifle.

Why does this make me hard? I think I might be a pyrophiliac.

Top kek


actually, we take jokes better than you shitskins ever could.

I wish niggers took job applications as fervently as they took gibsmedats

>14% of the population in America
>55% of the murders in America

I see this all the fucking time, and it's the exact opposite. Every try to tell a race joke to a nigger?

Blacks havn't invented anything since the first primitive stone tools. It's impressive that they were capable even of that. I couldn't imagine blacks today inventing stone flaking on their own.

But they do? Most white comedy involves a lot of self depreciation

I wish white people committed suicide as efficiently as they commit genocide.

How do you take culture from people who never had any?

Slavery and licking cow pussy isn't culture.

White men took everything from them. Technology, culture ...and belts

meh, just die nigger.

I thought niggers were the easiest people to piss off, second only to latinos.

Was I wrong?

This is ironic,as blacks take many lives (black crime statistics),take land (see mugabe),and take other cultures of their own (we wuz kings,we was french,we wuz chinese,etc) on a daily basis.

Because they're always the victim.

this once again concludes nignogs are stupid as fuck.

black on black deaths is devastating in comparison.

I wish niggers took jokes as well as they commit crimes and scream for gibsmedat

I wish blacks could take jokes as well as they take other peoples things.

you know that meme is wrong, right?

This one's pretty good too

Black lives ARE jokes.

recovering from amerigroid cancer is tough, it will take time

you know that unless you provide the proper, sourced information, your post is a shitpost, right?

more sarcasm rather than bait

I wish niggers were exterminated.

How's the skiing vacation in NZ going my Aussie friend?

>black lives matter
>food stamps
>created by black people

I wish black people took job application forms as well as they take drugs, welfare and bullets from other blacks.


>posted via Twitter
>all things related created by white men

your statement is true, they re always the victim of being born a nigger, iz da wite mans fault, wite men make niggers reincarnate as niggers

>"Lol white people are so thin-skinned"
Says the people who get triggered by police giving them ice cream

replace white people with muslims and read it again

>implying I've taken any lives
>Implying I've taken any cultures since I live in western culture which was founded and created by white people

If anything, by them living here theyre "taking" our culture lol

The real joke here is every single morning, I will wake up, and no matter what happens... I'll still be white.

Nigger. Oh wait it's just a joke.

Why are Bulgarians so stupid?

But we are racist as fuck.

fuck off leaf

>Those lives and culture were the joke.