A knifeman has set fire to a train in north-eastern Switzerland, leaving six people in hospital with stab wounds and burns, police say.
The attacker is described as a "Swiss man".
Dubs decides his Ethnicity and Religious persuasion.
A knifeman has set fire to a train in north-eastern Switzerland, leaving six people in hospital with stab wounds and burns, police say.
The attacker is described as a "Swiss man".
Dubs decides his Ethnicity and Religious persuasion.
>swiss man
Like Ali the german who shoot up the mall XD
Perpetrator is a white.
Check them.
religion OF PEACE
why didn't swiss shoot him with their many military guns
Of middle-eastern descent.
>muh neutrality
It must've been one of those men who've been tanning a lot because of the nice weather.
He must be a cut above the rest.
Holeyer than thou.
Making swiss cheese on the train.
I'll take tanned man from the religion of peace for 200 please
Japanese, Mormon
Congratulates dubs with trips.
The KEK is strong with this Padewan!
wtf I hate this rigged system now
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is my co-pilot.
Nice dubs yourself user.
>all these miniature happenings
Our news said "Swiss citizen", no name or further info released. Pretty much guaranteed kebab.
Coulter Principle in effect?
It always is.
You're all just transphobic, racist, cis bigots.
Islam has nothing to do with Islam. Not all Muslims are Muslims.
Islam is the Religion of Peace™.
It's 2016©
it was Shrek