We played a bunch of Swede cowards

>Team USA women's soccer falls to Sweden in quarterfinals at Rio Olympics 2016

>Hope Solo: "I also think we played a bunch of cowards. The best team did not win today"


You forgot the most Swedish response ever:

>It’s OK to be a coward if you win.

No word yet on whether getting raped by Somalians is considered winning.

I honestly cant feel bad for the USA fem team, theyr dellusional.

Play smart = winning = cowards

kk americucks

If thatd be the case, you win clearly with all the nignogs raping your women. You really do not have an argument when it comes to rapes, Mr 60%

They are rated number one in the world.

It's sad that Solo is so arrogant though.


>play dive grass
>be a coward

No shit. It's the most over-hyped theatrical bullshit sport in existence. Only pussy ass fakers can win at that retarded game. Soccer is fucking lame as hell and doesn't belong in the land of the free.

Tbh fuck Swedish cowards.

Shut you un athletic ass up before Hope beats it boy

why did she say they played like cowards? I always root for my country but that sounds like sour grapes to me. we're better than that.

After their "muh feminism" "we deserve pay equal to men" garbage I don't think anyone in America cared that they lost.

Please continue to beat them until Solo kills herself.

Someone post that gif of that American soccer chick pulling hair and tripping up players

I'm so fucking happy our women's team lost. They are a bunch of spoiled cunts. They've been complaining not stop for the last year that they deserve to be paid as much as the men because they win so much.


I guess USSR/Russia are cowards aswell when they outplayed Sweden,Germany,France when we invaded them.
Just salty losers being salty nothing new here.

Why are Americans such poor losers? What other country would react this way?

>salty losers
roastie losers

Woman calling women cowards...So sexists.

Soccerflop isn't even a real sport i could care less if they win

Salty roastie losers*

Thank you for beating that coal burning whore.

What a fucking cunt.

didnt watch the game what happend

any of you swedes see the game? why did hope say they played like cowards?

Solo has the ugliest pussy in the whole pussy history.

US lost to Swedes.

Hope "Meat Flaps Hang" Solo calls Swedes cowards for parking the bus.

what a bunch of fucking sore losser cunts.

>women's divegrass

I'm reasonably certain that the mad roastie is the only one who actually cares about the result

She's right, though. Stay mad, Swedecucks & Swedecuck apologists.

Hope "Meat Flaps Hang" Solo

parking the bus?

They played very defensively and slow. That's it. Hope is just bitter.

>rape capital of the west
>accusing others of not having an argument when it comes to rapes
Nice try

Stay mad, Texas.

why is she right? in what way did the swedes play like cowards? somebody fucking answer me, I need to know!

We can't really take what beef pussy says seriously I'm sure Sweden just outplayed them

Cuck plz

Basically playing super defensive soccer.
You usually play that way when you're trying to tie or you want to keep a one point lead over a clearly superior team.


when you defeat you opponents - you lose

Women football is the stupidest sport I have ever watched.

They barely have strength to kick the ball

Be nice to Sweden.

>not posting the actual photo

Exactly no one should even give a shit. It's about men's soccer and we suck ass end of story

That isn't the actual photo?

The Swedes, lacking the talent, fitness and physicality that the Americans possessed, turtles to stay in the game. The Americans dominated the possession, but in doing so had to pull forward and was vulnerable to the counter attack. This happens. The better team lost and Hope is upset about it and being a bitch. I'd be frustrated too. Losing in a penalty shoot out sucks balls.

>only country that takes women's soccer serious
>can't even win

That is quite embarrassing desu.

>“We played a bunch of cowards. The best team did not win today. I strongly, firmly believe that.”

>"Sweden dropped back. They didn't want to open play. They didn’t want to pass the ball around. They didn’t want to play great soccer, entertaining soccer. It was a combative game. A physical game. Exactly what they wanted. Exactly what their game plan was. We had that style of play when Pia was our coach. I think it was very cowardly. But they won, they’re moving on. And we’re going home,"

>Meanwhile, Swedish coach and former U.S. national team coach Pia Sundhage had a stern reply to Solo.

>“According to Hope Solo, I think you should define what is a good team. Well, usually – especially with the Americans – a good team is when they’re winning.

>“And they’re winning all the time. That’s the best team in the world. But for once they didn’t go the whole way through. We won the game. They played more attacking football than we did. We defend very well. And the fact that…it went to penalty kicks says something about our defending. U.S. played better in the attack, we played better in the defense. And at the end of the day we won the game and that’s what all counts.

>“It’s OK to be a coward if you win.”

thank you sven. I hate when people claim that smart, defensive play is boring or cowardly. fuck hope solo.

Hey Hope, how do you feel about your high mileage meat flaps being posted everywhere during the fappening?

Were they always like that or did you get them after riding that midnight coal train every night?

Hope Solo is an asshole domestic abuser yet the media loves her.

>the better team
>lost the game

somethings not adding up here

Is the entire swedish female national team white? I'm sensing that Sweden, just like Germany, is having a real problem with being truly progressive.

>United Paki kingdom
>shitting on Sweden

I'm a Lebanese btw

>takes women soccer serious

woah woah dont say things you dont mean


>Hope Solo: "Sweden dropped back. They didn't want to open play. They didn’t want to pass the ball around. They didn’t want to play great soccer, entertaining soccer. It was a combative game. A physical game. Exactly what they wanted. Exactly what their game plan was. We had that style of play when Pia was our coach. I think it was very cowardly. But they won, they’re moving on. And we’re going home"

>waaah they defended against our attacks the cowards!

Wait....they have non-lesbians on the team?

Because the USA womens team is actually far superior to the Swedish team. Because of this, Swedes have to play defensively or they will get stomped. Hope is buttblasted that Sweden, knowing that they are a worse team, didn't challenge USA with an agressive playstyle.

TLDR: Hope does not understand strategy/tactic, she wants female athletes to be taken seriously and then she cries like a literal child. I feel bad for your team but I'm glad she is out

woman sore losers no sportsmanship.

They may be cowards but i bet their pussies dont look like a shotgun wound

>being tactical and strategical
>hurrdurr coward
>t. Mexican intellectual

Look at all those beautiful blond white women. Butch as they are, still.

>le somali face

Having a team with one of the worlds most famous roasties on it
>impkying she didnt decide the teams fate with her slutty degeneracy

shit game, went to pens Sweden won

This, I have a hard time seeing the male team being this salty.
It would require something really bad for them to be mad.


I saw an American SJW complain the US women's soccer team doesn't get payed as much as the US men's soccer team.

This would never happen in the rest of the world.
We all know women's soccer is amateur level.

I still don't understand why anyone would care so much that they would go on an angry rant about it. She has to know that both fucking teams would lose to U-15 boys teams, even the mere presence of womens divegrass is a joke in the olympics

>#1 rated
>gets beat by another


>The best team did not win today"

>we won possession!

Pics. I wanna see

That nigger lover is just mad the swedish team stole her bf

virgin alert

virgin alert

Swedebro, I'm genuinely happy to see your team succeed. You played smart, and I will not begrudge you any success you have earned.

Unlike our dyke goalie.

I literally only came in this thread to see the pictures of her beat up pussy

Americans played almost the exact same way

Did we just get outsmarted by a bunch of swedecucks?

Don't worry in 30 years they will all be brown brazilians who suck at everything.

>You really do not have an argument when it comes to rapes, Mr 60%
HAHA thinking the rape propaganda is real
There's a reason Swedes are the king cucks of the world

Everyone point and laugh at the Turk pretending he's not a cockroach

Now they can focus all of their attention on getting equal pay

She's just salty that our country will now go another four years not remembering that we have a women's soccer team.
>captcha: sandwiches
>all burgers

Our team, this exact one that participated, actually lost 3-0 against a random U-15 team from Stockholm. So you are absolutely right about that.

I think some of them, atleast stars like Hope, are actually deluded enough to think that they have achieved a level that is worthy of great praise and admiration.

That isn't the actual photo?

I agree man. it sounds like the swedes recognized their weaknesses and played smart. nothing wrong with that and they deserved the win. fuck that dumb bitch hope solo.

>they played competitively
>instead of for fun and entertainment
>in the olympics
those dirty good for nothing cowards, how dare they?
Even with genuine cheating and dodgy ref decisions male footballers, for all the stick they get, cope better than this

Most of you won't understand, having never competed in sports before. But if you were Hope and worked your ass off all year to win the gold and you got upended by an inferior team you'd feel the same way. Also, if you had a blasted out baby maker, this would contribute to your saltiness.

mma fighter ronda rousey said you thought about killing herself after her first loss. women are to emotional and dont think before they speak.

any time i hear about a woman "athlete" that plays anything other than beach volleyball demanding equal pay to a man, i fucking laugh

they have to subsidize so many womens sports because nobody gives a flying shit about them


Kek. Turks are almost as disgusting as Indians. Nice try tho, José.

>They are rated number one in the world.
Not any more lad
>Not even a Bronze

what the fuck

>Implying there is a 'we'

I dont seem to recall playing any soccer recently. Why do I care if one group of roasties loses a game to another?

This is as irrelevant as the Seahawks fandom that pervades my region. People should stop paying attention to this shit and maybe then it would all just go away.

I really wonder how many actual Germans post with my flag. This board is the most multi cultural hellhole there is. kek

wtf I hate pussy now

Well, in soccer the better team can be outplayed if you play defensive and prepare a counterattack.
Your team is deep inside its own half and forms a block of defense. The opponent has to stretch out over the whole field to get into shooting position and score a goal. If they lose the ball the densive team can mount a counterattack with an intelligent pass to a striker or midfielder. Since the opponents team is still overstretched, there are loads of free spaces on the field you can exploit to get close to the goal. If you have the right players that can execute the move quickly and a bit of luck or a mistake of the defense you get the lead.

Your opponent has now to be even more aggressive, giving you opportunity to strike again.

It's not very nice but effective and a sadly a widely used tactic. It is frowned upon though.

>over a clearly superior team.
"superior team" lost
Spoken like a true nigger