Nords - white Aryan master race
Bretons - Celts/French
Redguards - Arabs and Moors
Imperials - Romans
Altmer - Japs
Bosmer - lesser chink races
Dunmer - THE JEWS
Orcs - Huns
Argonians - native Americans and abos
Khajiit - niggers
Nords - white Aryan master race
Bretons - Celts/French
Redguards - Arabs and Moors
Imperials - Romans
Altmer - Japs
Bosmer - lesser chink races
Dunmer - THE JEWS
Orcs - Huns
Argonians - native Americans and abos
Khajiit - niggers
Other urls found in this thread:
>Redguards - Arabs and Moors
Well the Redguards of Elder Scrolls do literally have kangz and sheeit
khajiit are indian
Nords - Celts
Bretons - Germans
Redguards - Arabs and Moors
Imperials - Greco-Roman (Greek, Italian, French, Spanish, Italians, Portuguese)
Altmer - Scandinavians
Bosmer - British
Dunmer - THE JEWS
Orcs - Arabs, Turks
Argonians - native Americans and abos
Khajiit - niggers
Khajit are Romani and other nomads. Altmer are hard to classify, it's definitely not true to say they are Japs.
I'm not seeing the connection here.
Honestly though it's a fantasy world and there aren't just clear parallels, except for maybe the nords, imperials, and Akaviri which are Japanese.
>Dunmer - THE JEWS
>Dunmer - resistant to fire
>Jews - being resistant to fire...
even here of an oven OP?
Ya Khajit are pretty obviously just Gypsies
Who do you think most resemble the French? I think the Bretons are fairly obvious but I'm not French so what's your two cents?
Bretons are leftists fucks.
The typical french is a meme. There are french. That's all.
Your post is extremely retarded, Frenchbro.
>Khajiit - niggers/gypsies
I think that the Altmer are the Jews, personally.
Altmer are jews. Raped by Tiber Septim (Hitler) they vowed revenge, and now managed to subvert the empire, which takes it's bribes to serve them.
Youre skipping the most evil race to have existed on Tamriel
Sloans - Arabs
The Dunmer have that chosen people shit going on and Veloth is basically Moses.
Then you have the Imperials whose racial ability is literally extra shekels.
Those are both more Jewish than the Altmer.
Bretons are just Bretons you mongoloid. They are british that migrated away from Britain and founded Brittani in north France.
Who the fuck are Sloans?
who are the Dwemer Sup Forums???
>fat high tech degenerates
I think the shoe fits, brother burger.
Akavari are Japs 100% they even have Humans that are just so into their culture they embraced it completely so they even have Weeaboos.
btw here's a quick summary of the races of skyrim in case you haven't played the game
They were Persians/Assyrians
sload, not sloans
>Dunmer - THE JEWS
The funny thing is that this is actually true.
They're not Sup Forums reptilian jews though, they're biblical hebrew jews.
Oh. Same question though, who? I remember sload soap as an alchemy ingredient now but that's it.
Veloth is Moses, leading the Jews to the promised land or Morrowind/Israel. He even did the same thing Moses did where he showed the superiority of his God by having Boethiah eat Trinimac when they were opposed.
Before Morrowind they didn't have too much information on their actual culture, being very much like your typical DnD Drow and Dark Elves. With Morrowind the writers brought in more of a myth structure to them and admitted it was mostly inspired by ancient Hebrews. The Houses and ashlanders are the ancient tribes, the Imperials are the Romans occupying Isreal. Neveraine is of course the Messiah, complete with the difference between what the Jews consider a Messiah is meant to do (casting out the outsiders and establishing a new kingdom of Jewish Dominance) with the more christian-jesus version.
Other games have continued this to an extent, mostly in Skyrim where the Jews/Dunmer are now in exile from their promised land and living in literal Ghettos.
I actually have seen people claim the Dunmer are japanese because the Katanas, even though the game itself says those are imported from Akaviir.
We wuz Chimer an' sheeit.
race of fat slug jews who lack the ability to feel empathy and so they resort to lying, cheating, stealing, kidnapping and committing genocide for profit. They can't have friends because they feel no empathy and thus only maintain friendships for personal gain (see: lying)
Khajiit are litreally gypsies
Dwemer: /r9k/
Khajit are obviously gypsies Amerifat
how many nomad niggers have you ever met?
Nords+Altmer+Dunmer = MUH MASTER RACE
Redguard have -10 intelligence
Thought i'd let ya know
>not having a criminal record is a privilege
>Altmer - Japs
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post