Thoughts on this man?

Thoughts on this man?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bill Hicks

Bill Clinton rape shirt! It says RAPE!

Just a water filter salesman who likes to yell.

Businessman. He likes a businessman candidate too. They're both evil preying on people to sell their goods.



best water filter salesman

*insert spitting in face*


I don't know who that handsome fellow is, but I heard that he sells water filters that remove all the flouride and other chemicals that the government puts into our water. I would highly recommend them!


Water filter salesman with intriguing viewpoints

>it's 2016
>he still doesn't believe in chemtrails

He looks like eggman

Would be based if he finally grew some balls and touched on race and zionism. If Paul Joseph Watson could do it (that's right, he named the Jew), so can he.

Right about everything.

Presents the information wrong.

Also covers for jews.

full marks, gypsy

How do you even get that voice? How much do you have to smoke?


He has good points but comes off as a conspiracy theorist

What was her name again?


Pretty based. Took the redpill on mudslimes. Entertaining guy.

He's being indirectly used to turn "globalism" into a conspiracy theory] by liberals.

I can't believe he's onky in his 30s when he looks to be about 57. Maybe his filters aren't working so well?

Why does that lady have 4 arms?

No one realizes he's the right wing equivalent of Jon Stewart. Everything he does is satire but there is a genuine underlying message that is anti-globalist and exposing liberal media bias.

If he was the disinformation agent / liberal shill all the conspiratards say he is, he's done a piss poor job as he's mobilized a lot of people to the right wing side of things.

Also might be Bill Hicks.

Red Pilled

Sometimes a little bit crazy but overall he is right.

Carnie huckster making bank by pandering to sad people who want to believe they've got the inside story on why the world left them behind

Extreme droop or not, I wanna motorboat those milk duds

Controlled opposition doesn't mean always wrong.


Drive-thru of redpillers

>mobilized a lot of people to the right wing side of things

Eat shit. Bill Hicks despised the right wing. He's probably hate you.

I still can't decide if he's ripping all his fans off because he's a lying, sellout jew or because he genuinely wants all that money for the infowar. Either way, he's a con artist.

You post this thread every day.

I have liked him for years, as a funny little joke.

Now people seems to take him seriously and I'm slowly doing it too.

Probably because more people are finding him
every day.
>No alex jones general
y live

the voice of freedom

well things are getting serious.

Bill Hicks is Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is a character played by Bill Hicks.

yeah but he also hated the NWO, and actually talked about the 13 families and such

I honestly think if he didn't die so young he would have become more right leaning, especially as the left started becoming the sjw hugbox it is in the late 2000s/early 2010s


Pretty redpilled guy

Fatass, 4/10 would not fuck


He's a great man. I don't care whether you agree or disagree with the things he says. If you don't find his energy, enthusiasm, and passion appealing or inspiring, then you are a low energy cuck.

I've liked him ever since I saw him in Wakkng Life. His style of speaking went really well with the theme of that movie (and the theme of a lot of movies that came out around that time like The Matrix or Fight Club). He promotes keeping a doubtful eye over what you're told and being and individual. I can always get behind that.

pjw never named the jew dude. he's said before that there is no evidence for ZOG

was a fan until I watched TGSNT

now he's just funny to me

My minds telling NO. But my body. My body is telling me YAS

either he's a smart guy who profits on autistic rightwingers or he's a moron who lucked into profiting on similar-minded rightwinger morons

Listening to him is great if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Reading this negates all your immunities.

Who'd have thought a jew would be globalist SCUM?

nice meme

an actor who has created a colbert-like character that expunges bullshit to pander to the masses, with the only difference being that alex jones's audience doesn't realize that it's all fake.

more redpilled than he appears
the reason he refuses to name the jew and kept shutting down David Duke when he did was because he did it once in the past and nearly had his licensing revoked
Calls out wolf blitzer

If he's fake then why is he working himself to death 7 days a week and skipping ads 20 times a day, he doesn't even run ads from outside his own company which would be a lot more profitable then pushing water filters

Me in 2006: alex jones lmao what a nut
Me in the CURRENT YEAR: he was right

full circle

you're asking that as if being a fraud and being stupid are mutually exclusive

he's obviously not a stupid person, are you implying that he is too stupid to make money off his audience


Says the one from the country's which's reason to exist is dumb, nonsensical nationalism for zone they held for a few years till they got BTFO'd by romans

Me in 2006: alex jones is a shill
Me in the CURRENT YEAR: alex jones is a shill

Yeah you have to be a retard or an amerifat to not to see the obvious, that he is a controlled opposition tool

>arguing with shills
he may not be stupid but you sure are

opinion discarded


tough guy

he's clearly making money, but he isn't smart enough to be making as much money as he could be

>arguing with shills is stupid
>can't argue with anyone at all
kys faggot, you're the retard everyone talks about when they think of infowars listeners

Imagine being so redpilled you've been redpilled for over 10 years.