Would any of you actually be alive

if Nazis won?
I don't think so since everyone here is either a memester who would shit their pants before a kid in a brown shirt and scream "BASED BASED RUUUUU", and the anime shit that's absolutely disgusting.

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or a mixed race

It be alive.
I'd probably be an officer by now.

If Hitler won anime would be real. That alone would be worth my life.

As a blonde German most likely yes.

reported for proxyfagging

>le blonde haired only meme

if you're not an officer now, then you wouldnt be an officer there

Of course

>German paternal surname
>German maternal surname

I don't see the problem.

Why not? They had a much greater demand for officers than the ever shrinking MOD.

Honestly I don't care. If I wasn't alive, how could I actually mind that I'm not alive?

I just know the world would be a much better place than it is now.

I think so, considering that my family had strong connections to the fascist government because of industry

Doesn't matter

You'd be chilling in Madagascar with lemurs and shit

Argentines were Aryan according to Hitler. He even had an Argentine agriculture minister and speaks highly of the "many Germans in Argentina".

Italians and Spaniards (both of my ethnicities) were also considered Aryan by him.

To top it off my country was neutral until like 15 days before the war was over.
So yeah I'd probably be alive.

No because I am a Serb living in an ustase led Croatia which would either kill or banish all Serbs from Bosnia.

Dad a German, Mom a Slav... Pretty much could pass as an Bavarian any day of the week and twice on feierabends...
Only thing is i have one blue eye and one dark green eye so i might get ratted on by a friend or coworker and end up with opa Mengele.


both my granddads are war veterans, they and my grandmothers all had a clean Rassenpass

we would have a moon colony by then

buying in the meme that pol is satire xD


> falling for Hitler hated slavs meme

The ironic part is that Waffen-SS were the most multicultural fighting force in human history.
The reason why Third Reich is so demonized was not because National-Socialists were "hateful" but because they presented existential threat to the international banking cartel and its allied puppet "democracies".

As a blond Dane probably yes.

white multiculturalism

which is the only kind of multiculturalism that can work

unironically yes. senpai is from Pfalz. I'm aryan and so is my wife and so is my family.

Now we sit watching the destruction of our culture and people waiting for a new hero to save us.

I'm Slavic so probably not

Yes my great grandfather was with the Wehrmacht in Stalingrad

im chinese so i dont even know

>Islamic ss devision, literally got Qurans with a swastika on them as a gift
>half jew high ranking SS officer hitler protected

The greatest story never told should be in the sticky desu

None of us would be alive. The multitude of circumstances the Nazis winning have mean even if our grandparents still got together and still had OUR parents and not just different children from different sexual encounters, the acceleration of different social pressures would almost guarantee the exact circumstances of our conception would never occur. But that's less of a 'Nazi' thing and more 'infinitely branching universes of parallel choices'


It is I - THE ANGLO that is destroying your culture and people.

We will continue leading them down into the blood refineries until not a single one of your hunch backed pigmentless people exist.


of course, the nazis were very peacful and would simply create a country for us and the jews. you user actually believed in the holohoax meme, didn't you?

Would been alive as a slave also other thinking Hitler will take them as a officer are in denial

As an american I would be alive regardless of my race. (Unless America went fascist or the Nazis had enough power to somehow influence events in America.)

The question is stupid regardless because my parents wouldn't have met and I never would have been born.

As far as passing the racial hygiene tests however, yes I think I would be fine. I don't have any Jew or negro blood, although I'm not a 100% pure aryan either. It's not like the Nazis were killing everyone who wasn't a blonde blue eyed physically perfected superhuman. They were killing Slavs (for lebensraum mostly) and Jews and gypsies and other undesirables. They did have the goal of making the race more pure and genetically fit but they weren't killing off all the average citizens to accomplish that.

>falling for the turkish meme

While you are simply meming

The white race features three phenotypes

The Meds are considered the most intelligent and the Aryan is the most spiritual and altruistic.

Britannia was colonized by the intellectual Mediterranean and invaded by the spiritual Aryan creating a hybrid Anglo-Saxon.

British are aryan and that is why Hitler spared the army at Dunkirk and offered peace multiple times through out the war. Thats why he wanted an anti communist allianece.

Don't care.

I will see you tinned at the BLOOD REFINERY, ARYAN WORM.

Blonde hair blue eyes, dad's side was German and Welsh, German surname, mothers side was Swiss and Scottish. Wife is blonde hair blue eyes, German last name with both her parent's families from Germany.

I'm pretty sure we would be fine.

I'm not sure. My grandmother was a kid who's father was stationed in Germany after the war and she was a military brat her whole life and eventually married my grandfather, who lived in a completely different region in America. I'm still not sure if she got her MRS degree then or later.

And a bunch of shit happened because my grandmother was a hippie, and Hitler would not have tolerated Hippies.

Yes. Especially considering the fact that all that Hitler wanted was a reconstruction of the German Empire.

My fucking grandfather was a Brownshirt and I'm in basic for the US Air Force; I think I'd be fine.

תעוף מכאן נאצי

חתיכת הומו

welcome to Sup Forums

"Stalin ("Dzhugashvili) killed mroe slavs then Hitler did and there is no evidence that Germans were planning to systematically kill slavic population. On contraire, a lot of Slavic nations gained their autonomy under German occupation. Divisions and battalions consisting of ethnic Russians alone (some examples on pic-related) numbered over a million. "Hitler wanted to kill slavs" was a Soviet propaganda meme, aimed to justify sacrificing lives of millions of slavs to save "western democracies" and Rothschild types.

Moon-Jews when?

Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians, while Goebbels predicted they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather rebel than to fight against Germany.

Hitler just wanted his own dick sucked didn't give a fuck about others

More than just white

>If you aren't an officer for the Jews you wouldn't be an officer for the nazis

Shut the fuck up

Hello, Achmed, whats it like being a 'refugee'?

כבר פה מספיק זמן אחמד

Fuckin jews

I hould be alive and well with all the germanbros.

What the fuck Sikhs worked for Nazis? These people are retarded

>its another jewified American education thread

130,000 Russians served in the SS, as did 40,000 Ukrainians. The Germans would have set up a pro-German government using these men in Moscow has they won the war.



>n-not officer for the jews

I'd be fucked desu.

>be jew
>make WW2 movie
>realize jews are evil
>stop being jew
wtf I love Shia Labeouf now

>and thank you G-d for these dumb goyim who are the best cannon fodder

What a degenerate.
Never trust a man who stabs his own in the back.

That includes you, who continually pisses on the grave of his grandp

True, also White Army Russians were very respected in Reich, as well as were active participants in the early days of NSDAP. Hell, the commander of Danish SS (picrelated) was a Russian aristocrat, whose family emigrated after Judaeo-Bolshevicks took over Russia.

>okay everybody without blond hair and blues eyes stand up
>If you were in Nazi Germany then Hitler would have personally put you in a concentration camp!

Thank you user, I like new history lessons. Learning that the evil Germans meme was just that, a meme, has really been encouraging. Sup Forums really is a place where unfiltered information can be available.

You won't go to any camp or shit you'll be treated as a 3th class citizens eg a black slave in america

Built off of who's back would it be?

>Hitler wanted to kill everyone that didn't have blond hair, blue eyes and spoke German!
>The Holocaust totally happened guys!
Do you have a single thought in your head that the Jews didn't place there?

אז למה אתה חושב שאני אחמד

I sure would. But I probably wouldn't have time to shitpost on vierchen (german for Sup Forums; four=vier chan=chen (soft CH, a suffix that makes things cute)) but rather be busy getting my insanely huge fields cultivated

sure, nazis loved nords. we also supplied them with iron so they were probably pretty happy with us.

gtfo with your sand runes

יומכם מגיע יהודונים. היום שלך מגיע.

Allied and Red Army soldiers were just victims of their traitor governments, that used them as cannon-fodder to preserve the international banking cartel and corrupt "democracies".

I read the content of your post before I saw the title

When you wrote

>if Nazis won?

I immediately thought "most people on Sup Forums wouldn't be alive"

keked, it was like a million if you summorise all the white immigrants and soviet deserters


t. Kraut


>caring more about existing as an individual than about the continued existence of your family

10/10 superniedlich, würde drauf posten.

I wish they had won user, I think Russia would be a better nation than it is now.


אותו דבר
אל תצחיקו אותי , גוי

It is, if you don't count ethnic Russians and other Slavs joining "regular" Wehrmacht and SS divisions.

Yes, most western civillians and soldiers (who didn't die in combat) would be. Russians would have had a problem though

So is this a Jew thread now? I can't read the sand runes.

I'm mixed race so I'd join the Universal Soldiers and help fight for the ideal of Fascism.

>Where is your fatherland?
>War is my fatherland

I wouldn't exist. The U.S would never have had military bases in Germany, my dad would have never been stationed there and met my German mom.

Mum has Huntington's Disease so would have been steralised. So no. If it weren't for that I'd be fine.

Because im race mixed.

Even jews would be a better nation than it is now


>אל תצחיקו אותי , גוי
השואה לא קרתה.
היהודים הם לא העם הנבחר של אלוהים.
ישראל אינה שייכת ליהודים.

Like 1/4 of your oligarchs are Jews anyways, the richest gangster ones. That one kike Abramovich practically has bought Putin.

Yep, in fact, most of Europe would have been better off if Germans won. It would have been a very Germano-centric world, but at the same time there would be less degeneracy, little to no third-world immigration and humanity would have actually progress technologically, as oppose to pulling all resources into entertaining ourselves to extinction.

If my grandpa laid down his life for mentally ill rats like you, then maybe his grave needs pissing on. And you are one to talk about backstabbing.

Actually the Germans are not Aryans. Aryans are Slavs. Hitler knew (and realized that war with the Soviet Union is a mistake), so he has taken in army Russians and Ukrainians (but it did not save him).

Im sorry user, what happened?

Go away, Jude

איך דרום אפריקה?

my grandma was a pole who was in a camp

my grandad was a russian sergeant who was born in ukraine

so probs not

i am glad the eternal anglo won


>those who surrendered in a month or hid on island to bomb your cities are worthy to live
>those who fought to bitter end are not
I guess whole nazi idea was a sham