Greenland is so big, yet no one has bothered to colonize it. Given that it appears that it may even be bigger than even Africa, why doesn't the US annex it?
Why do we always ignore Mr. Greenland?
Greenland is so big, yet no one has bothered to colonize it. Given that it appears that it may even be bigger than even Africa, why doesn't the US annex it?
Why do we always ignore Mr. Greenland?
Because 99% of it is not habitable
It's really not that big. This style of map stretches things out towards the north and south /pols, so it appears bigger.
also bc of le snow.
because your map is shit and its not that big.
Also it's mostly rock snow and ice.
Nothing worth.
>not habitable
>but somehow the desert of Arizona is, because air conditioning
what is heaters
are you one of those flat earthers?
What is mile thick ice?
>Given that it appears that it may even be bigger than even Africa
Fucking idiot
Lame ass slide thread. Saged
We take down trees to create space to live
why can't we do the same for ice?
It has been colonized you dumb american. It just can't support a big population because 99.99% of it is ice or frozen rocks.
Also >mercator
kill yourself.
what does those squares mean?
your a fucking retard the map is distorted and it is not nearly as big as africa.
Are you one of those retards?
>hurr durr if you believe in science your a retard
It's un-arable tundra. The coats are somewhat populated, but barely.
measure of area, it's there so you can figure out how bad the distortion is
Coasts* fuck spell check
It's all cold rocks, and it's not that big. Just look at the squares, stuff at the poles is stretched.
The fuck are you going to do on Greenland? Ship in literally everything but baby seals and whale blubber?
Our grandkids will move there after global warming opens it up to habitation.
It's gonna be awesome.
fuck off burgers that shit is ours
Nice tripcode
>Argy can't deal with Greenland being bigger than it's entire continent
OP is an idiot
Where is the Greenlander Sup Forumslack?
>Not using an equal area projection
PNG is the second largest island on Earth but sits on the equator so it looks small on most maps
compare the two
U already lost a nuclear bomb on it...
>file name is actually fucking mercator projection
Jesus fucking christ, the american education meme is going too far
I'm pretty sure most of it will be under water.
most clever answer of the thread
We didn't lose it. We strategically placed it so no one would know where it was. No one.
You can't be fucking serious right now. Your OP has "Mercator Projection" in the filename. Are you literally twelve? The Mercator Projection is very well known to be an inaccurate representation of the actual proportions of the Earth. The surface of the Earth cannot be converted directly from a sphere to a rectangle without warping.
It's not that the ice is just "in the way", you also have to consider what that means for the ground beneath it. There's this thing called "permafrost" which you would know about if you were educated beyond the 3rd grade. Basically, in order to make Greenland capable of bearing plant life, we would need to completely process or even replace all of the land beneath the ice. Even after that, it would just all form again.
Those aren't even comparable in the slightest. You can farm in Arizona. You can't farm in Greenland. Greenland ranges from Arctic to Tundra, and Tundra is basically the same thing as a Desert but just cold. Arizona is in the Mojave, which is a living desert, a desert with the nutrients to maintain a large amount of life, unlike the Sahara.
>believe in science
Jesus fucking christ. Science isn't something you "believe in", and you clearly don't follow any sort of science considering how out of touch you are with reality.
Not necessarily.
you dont know that valuable resources can be found anywhere?
For fuck's sake OP look at Google Maps satellite imagery
Greenland small, Africa big
This is probably bait but fuck it
>Greenland so big
Burgers strike again
>What is a Mercator map projection
True size of Colombia
Most map designs also make Japan look a lot smaller than it actually is.
PROOF that the entire world is the USA.
Alaska is so big, yet no one has bothered to colonize it. Given that it appears that it may even be bigger than even Africa, why doesn't the US use it?
Why do we always ignore Mr. Alaska?
>almost 3 times as many
>128 is almost 3x38
>128 is almost 84
Who the fuck made this?
3×38 is 114.
Damn you're right, I'm fucking retarded.
Still 128 is not almost 3x38.
It's a misleading projection. Anytime you display the surface of a spherical object on a flat surface, there's going to be some distortion.
Fuck off danes that shit is ours
you did that only to make texas look small
>Antarctica is so big, yet no one has bothered to colonize it. Given that it appears that it may even be bigger than even Africa, why doesn't the US annex it?
If Greenland's ice sheets completely melted, it would actually have a huge lake in the middle.
>yet no one has bothered to colonize it.
We tried back in the 1000s, god damn climate change made an icy shithole more icy.
Fucking Danes refusing to return rightful Norwegian clay
It's a fucking ice sheet, with average interior temperatures well below 0F. The heating expenses would be astronomical.
Plus, there are no jobs or easily accessible resources available, and old people don't want to retire in cold places.
>yeah brah lets just move to pic related
MELTING. Buy snow now, profit later!
Excellent investment, my dear goys!
>what is basic thermodynamics
I hope you're just being a douche right now. We could detonate our entire nuclear stockpile under that ice and still have only a minimal impact.
>even be bigger than even Africa
American education
Looks pretty comfy. How much does an acre cost in greenland?
I think the weight would cause the land to rise if the ice melted. Then there wouldn't be a lake but just a dreaded fire swamp.
Why doesn't the ice on Greenland melt anyway? Your map shows the temperature on the sides of the image. They go from 60 to 80 F. Ice melts above 32 F. Wtf?
There's a chance of some lifting of the general landmass, once the weight of the ice is gone. This has happened in Scandinavia since the Ice Ages.
>filename is literally mercator projection
You've all been baited by this genious murifat
american """"""""""""""""""""""""""education"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Man, I almost fell for it. :D
It's obviously Celsius
ayy l m a O
>mercater projection
Nothing but the Winkle triple projection for me, thanks.
All other projections can eat a shit, but they have to share.
Pic related. Best combination of readability, scale, and distortion.
>I think Antarctica is like 40% of the world's landmass
>Mercator projection
top plebian.
Africa is a huge continent.
imagine that a continental plate is like a pillow
when you sleep, your head rests on the pillow, but when you wake up and remove the weight, the pillow recovers a bit and maybe rises a bit back to its normal form
now imagine the same with a fucking huge glacier weighing thousands of metric shittons, and then imagine how much the land will rise in Greenland once the ice is gone
Thank you for posting all my hard mode rage thoughts in a sane and precise manner.
Also, seriously OP? Seriously? Good on you for asking questions about the world, and at least you've even heard about Greenland. That said a part of me has still died because of you.
Amigo, You made me smile. Jajajajaja
>can't bust up rocks
>can't melt snow
Do you have African heritage?
>literally what is a cylindrical map projection
Imagine trying to display a 3D object onto a 2D surface.
Also this, if you don't mind the orange peel effect
Norway is rightful Danish clay, and we properly colonized it first with the whole slaying of natives, christening them and stealing their resources.
Besides, Greenland is on the path to self governance, it will probably be on its own within 20-30 years
This is true . Check: to see greenland's real size in comparison to the US
Are you gonna bring in giant heat laps to keep the temp up so you can farm?
UK: 243km2
Colombia area: 1142km2
UK is a very overcrowded island
There's a huge ice sheet in Africa!
We should colonise it.
Col: 1'142.000km2
Aus: 7'692.000km2 (huge)
>it may even be bigger than even Africa
>even be bigger than even Africa
Why must it always be an American?
tbqh, Greenland is about same size as Northern Europe + Baltics + Baltic sea + Pooland
(notice it squished between Canada and Norway)
its small and useless for the US.
in the war USA did annex it tho but only because Denmark was taken by the Germans.
USA cannot mine for natural resources there without fags protesting. Denmark can because their people don't even know they own it.
What the fuck would you even do there? It's just snow
Didn't you already learn from fucking Canada?
>Africa is a huge continent.
For you.
It's not as big. You can't map a 3d sphere's surface area onto a 2d plane without stretching. Areas near the North and South are stretched and arrears near the middle are smaller than in real life
> thinks that nobody will have stated the obvious in a 90 post thread
You're as bad as he is. The flag, as ever, fails to surprise.
I just wanted to get DDDDDD: