Economy isn't that bad you pussy

Economy isn't that bad you pussy.

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Look at the comments on your link. And that's on liberal CBC. Are Canadians waking up?

You're right. It's not that bad, so there's no reason to make it worse by importing more subhumans.

considering how retarded you leafs are, you clearly deserve the horrible tragedy that will fall upon you

>MFW our schools are full and broke
>MFW our healthcare system is full, broken and failing
>MFW roads are falling appart
>MFW bridges are falling
>MFW things burn

well at least that might break the welfare state

There's almost no point in working (on paper)

Each refugee is getting over 1800 dollars a month

Fuck this country from the rich to the poor.

You can't have socialism without nationalism.


“We’re also going to reduce some of the barriers and the silly rules … in order to give companies freedom to bring in the best and the brightest. We’ll get rid of many of these [required] labour-market impact assessments which slow things down enormously.” - John McCallum

Email your MP that quote and ask why the liberals hate the middle class.

>finished university with a 4 year B.A.
>volunteer leadership experience, been employed since age 16
>send out dozens of resumes a week, absolutely no replies from anything decent
>job through uni can't provide constant full time hours (security)
>after two months out of school, hand out resumes for minimum wage jobs FT in the community
>nothing comes back, still working security part-time

This is fucking bullshit we don't have fucking labour shortages, Libs just want new voters and to drive down wages.

>tfw surrounded by shitholes on both sides now

It really is though. 50% of GDP growth was from the real estate bubble you economically retarded, illiterate freak.

The only white guy in Trudeau's cabinet is an Anglo self hating Canadian globalist, what a surprise. He was able to find the one fuck more cut.ked than himself.



Same here. Had a fucking 3.8 GPA but it's worth fuck all in the Rapefugees/minorities with gender studies degrees economy.

Literally thinking about going into a trade so I don't off myself.

This thread needs more attention. He wants to encourage MORE Chinese to come and flood the real estate market. Write your fucking MPs

I went to trade school and can't even find a job, I also know 2 engineers working labour jobs, but then again this is Alberta and everything is fucked right now

You could always move to CuckTario. Everyone I know in a trade has constant work.

Is it alright that I legitimately view the Liberals and people that support them as the fucking enemy?

How long until terror attacks are common in Canada? I estimate 3 months at the earliest, two years at the latest. We've had a couple of sand niggers shoot people in the past, but how long until it is rampant and obviously caused by mass immigration?

Even the trades can be tough to get into now, because they'll just hire some Pajeet or José who will do shoddy work, but work for less than half the money of a person whos done all the proper training and got all the certs and wants good pay.

Yes. If that cunt Trudeau goes back on his legalisation stance and people aren't outraged I'll join you.

For now I'll just assume people are brainwashed by 20+ years of pro immigration propaganda

Trades are down in Ontario too. Most of my trade friends are working in other industries now. One even became an actor. Working security I see a lot of contractors, most of them are immigrants that come up from Toronto and get paid under the table. Many don't speak English.

Depends where you live. In my town people will pay much more for a white.

They are the enemy. Technically, our enemy is ignorance itself. Liberals are the physical embodiment of naivety and ignorance. Canada has a very strange world view, nobody has fucked with us in so long.

Fug. Well lads, here's hoping my alt right podcast takes off.

learning from the democrats

Yea I'd agree. Most are good hearted people that are too naive or concerned with debt to understand.





I live in BC, so you see tons of new houses being built by busloads of Pooinloos. Abbotsford has basically become India 2.0

My own trade is doing work inside the houses AFTER they are built. You can go into these houses and set a marble on the floor and watch it roll across the room. Put your level on the wall and see that the wall is all wavy for some reason, and that the top of the wall is sitting half an inch back from the base of the wall. The houses are totally fucked.

I would never buy a house here thats been built in the last 20 years, unless I knew 100% that it wasnt built by indians.

2016 total private sector job creation: 20,000
2016 immigration: 300,000
2016 refugees: 50,000
2016 natural labour force growth: 150,000

Let us assume half the refugees/immigrants are too old or young to work

You have 325,000 people competing for 20,000 jobs

Then they say there's a labour shortage

Indians are scammers in every profession they turn they hand toward. Especially dentists.

You guys have to revolt, there is no other option, i'm serious about this, heads need to roll in order to save your country.

didn't your just as cucked country ban offending muslims the other day? that jew shit would never fly here.

What can we do to stop this old retard?

He shouldn't be in office

My local mp is conservative so I doubt he can do anything but would writing a letter help?

reminder this is one man who got 39% of the vote. all of your parties agreed to banning hurt speech.

M-maybe this will be the last straw that makes us separate!

It's when I see stuff like His father wanted to wipe from history the fact that this nation was created by Scots/English/Irish/French (white people) and now his faggot son is here to finish the job.
I don't want to see this country turn in to a psychotic mix of Sweden and Venezuela but I have serious anxiety about it being too late. You're right in that we're soft, we've been condition to naivety, muh multikulti and diversity.

We already have ((((hate speech)))) laws here mang

Dependency Ratio. Contrary to sense or reason, it is scarily good at predicting the state of a country's economy. It twists the souls of politicians and haunts the dreams of economists.

From that perspective, importing labour to support an aging population makes perfect sense.

>Liberals are the physical embodiment of naivety and ignorance.

I work with a liberal, and they are incredibly strange.

Hes all pro-immigration, and peace and love between all races, etc, etc.

Then he had a syrian refugee family move in next door with 4 kids. They trashed their house, and let the kids run wild through the neighborhood. He said he'd often come home from work and see their kids had been stomping through their flowerbeds, and were fucking around with things in his backyard. Kids screaming nonstop all day, their parents screaming back at them. He started to fucking hate them, and shit talked refugees every day.

Then they got kicked out of the house and the homeowner let him see the inside of the house and he said it was completely trashed. Holes in all the walls. Missing drywall. Floors damaged. Broken toilet. Smashed lightbulbs. Tons of other shit.

Then 2 weeks later he went back to his liberal self wanting them to let more refugees in.

Got some sources on that? Would make a great redpill

I thought Canada had several good universities that should be training high skilled workers. Canadians are supposed to be well-educated because of this.

Why is there a need to attract high-skilled workers when they should already be in Canada.

My sister was a liberal then she moved into a Muslim area, experienced the same type of bs and left within 4 months. Now she despises Muslim (specifically Arab and Pakistani) immigrants.

>Calling others retarded
>Thinks housing bubble was responsible for 50% GDP growth

we have the most educated population in the world and only country with most post sec educated people than not. just becuase we're complaining doesn't mean we're america tier yet we're not even close. that's what we're afraid of.

Are you familiar with the H1B scam?

due the railway has like a thousand people laid off

Reading's fun eh?

>the cellphone and internet prices here

>eastern canadians

why do they always vote liberal?

Okay, so Liberals want to drive the native wages down, so companies have more profit so they create more jobs?

Is that what their thinking is?

Schools in Ontario are brainwashing kids to be liberal voters too.
In civics classes they talk about how great the liberals are for 4 or 5 weeks, and then just footnote in that "Conservatives don't like change."

kinda fucked desu

I live in downtown Ottawa. The homeless situation here is getting worse. I know some of them who have been begging in the streets for 10+ years. There's disposed needles everywhere and everywhere you go there's people constantly begging for change.

I'd love to hear some BC fag's stories of those tent cities, I hear they have it pretty bad too.

Come home help make Britain Great Again fellow Anglos.

Liberals have been in power for most of Canada's existence and given us a great education system.
10 years of conservative government fucked us up.

Canada is founded on liberalism and its worked.

>on 4 mortgages and saying the economy is doing well because he's leveraged out on a bubble


Canadians have waken up ages ago desu. I've never met a Canadian who was actually happy they voted for Trudeau, all of them claim "Trudeau's a faggot but Harper's worse" or some shit. Plus I doubt any Canadian really knew how much of a joke Trudeau would be.

Just a quick reminder that the Red Threat won in the cold war, and we were subverted.
It is the same reason Trudeau Sr. pulled us out of the cuban crisis and we are all so brainwashed we post that as our high and mighty mark of accomplishments, "Standing up to USA and saying no we won't side with you in a cold war."
Ever since Trudeau Sr, things went further and further commie. Coincidence? I THINK FUCKING NOT.

yes, but at least we aren't racist!
that's the real crime.

Okay leafs, sorry for suggesting something that may help you, it was my fault for having sympathy for a pathetic country, maybe it's the fat that i have a Canadian Uncle, but he permanantley lives here anyway so maybe that says something, but think about it this way we have got a good clamp on illegal immigration at least. Despite the memes most of our immigration comes from china, this figure also by the way surpassed the number of New Zealand Immigrants only just recently, although i imagine it is 10 times worse for cucknadians, plus unlike your feverishly liberal government lead by comrade Trudeau we have four seats of a far right anti-immigration party who also happen to have the establishment of said hate speech against Muslims law in their policy, and our main left Labor party isn't too fused about stopping the boats, so unlike you shameful cuckolds we are much more resistant to the idea of immigration and liberal cuckoldry. Otherwise, please kill yourself you all are an embarrassment to the Commonwealth.

Fun fact: Houses that were already built and sold do not contribute to GDP

Was the house built and sold brand new? Then it contributed to the GDP.

Was the house sold previously the property of someone else, as in it was sold before it came back on the market? Then it did not contribute to GDP.

Nice meme

Our GDP growth is down because commodities have taken a hammering, and we are an econony that relys heavily on raw and processed resources for our exports.

or instead of moving to bongastan, move to Newfoundland or the Maritimes, legalize the cod fishing industry and separate from canada.

we'd be the whitest nation on Earth.

>Labor shortages

I don't know how people don't immediately see through this. This is just an excuse to pay people less.


Our country has a higher GDP than your you prick.

Sounds to me like you guys could use some Freedom.

it's only 20% of GDP, but it is about 50% of GDP *growth*
it's the only thing that's increased in size by 8-10% per year this past decade.

wtf i need a job. give me one instead FUCK

but thats wrong. they win outside toronto all the time too.

I lived in Ottawa for 5 years about 10 years ago. The Somali situation was ridiculous then, I shutter to imagine how bad it is now.

Uhh don't forget the 1.4 million Canadians unemployed.

Sorry redcoat, It's always been my dream to move to America.

the topic is growth in GDP you dubmfuck
real estate/construction accounts for 20% of our economy when it was only about 12% 15 years ago.

Real estate increasing in value does not contribute to GDP you mongoloid

This is literally something you would learn in an entry level macro course

Dicksucking corporations in hopes they improve your economy is right-wing economics.

Liberal party are neo-libs now too?

it's 50% of the 1% GDP growth

>Canada is founded on liberalism and its worked.
it works when it's sctos-irish-english-french

now we have somalis and jamaicans in the mix

RIP canada


We also have a higher HDI then you but of course you will spout memes about Australia being a desert hell-hole filled with spiders, also didn't Comrade Trudeau let the Tar Sands, the main source of this GDP burn a while ago because he hired African firebeaters?

probably shit holes like Oshawa and Peterborough.
living in rural Ontario its pretty much all conservative

>what is construction

RIP Canada

In 2016, the Liberals have let in a record high number of new citizens (the highest amount since 1913)

>305,000+ immigrants
>55,000+ "refugees"

This is 360,000 for a population of 34Million - This is a +1% population replacement/growth rate per annually

This number will keep growing each year as the Liberals are in power, just watch, see pic related as example

This means, based on current immigration/refugee re-settlement & birth rate trends, in less than 15 years, by 2030 Canada will be under 60% 'white' as a percentage of the population (more like 55% white by 2030 if these rates keep increasing, and it appears they are on trend to continue doing so)

Gg no re ca

I'm trying to figure out a way to make money off immigrants, it seems to be a sensible business move at this point tbqh

oh fuck off with your bullshit. Importing 300k a year when you have 1.4 million unemployed and are only creating 20k jobs for the whole fucking year is a death sentence for the economy.

just stfu you fucking retard

A bubble that will pop eventually.

Keep the bubble afloat. Plus with an army of minorities they will have a monopoly on power. America is on the verge of becoming a one party state as well.

>an aging population
we shouldn't have this problem in the first place
socialized pension schemes are the best tool invented for genocide

Liberal party =/= Liberalism you drooling retard


Harper had us at 1.2% and bragged about it.

Peterborough voted conservative for most of its history. The only reason it swung liberal last election was because that crook Dean Del Mastro was found out to have fraudulent election expenses.

i agree
that idiot just can't fathom that 50% of our GDP growth has been as a result in increases in construction/real estate

I'm not defending this stupid shit. I am providing the reasoning for those who are doing this shit.

>continuing Harper's policies

Does the 15% foreign buyer tax on property factor hugely in this Canada situation? BC.

No, they are millionaires, they just pay it. It should be 1000% tax, for it to have an impact.

Having studied economics as a minor focus on the undergraduate level, I can understand this for sure.

That said, the pol part of me knows that there are too many rotten apples coming in with the bunch to make it sustainable for the future.

I wished the real world of reality worked as well as economic equations and theories sound on paper, but they never tend to work out 100% the way they were intended when originally implemented - there is always some unforseen variable or equation that can't be taken into account ahead of time, that will cause the outcome to be deviated from.

It's time.

don't apologize, that's our thing man. but yeah, pushback (prob not full on revolt) is needed and could feasibly happen next election cycle since the cons will be running someone who doesn't have Harper's baggage. Even in BC and ON, long liberal faggot fortresses, people are getting pissed that the Chinese are buying up all the real estate and this is pretty much how the anti-foreigner bias starts when it actually affects the middle class to a considerable degree.

Why don't you faggots just leave if you don't like it here? Racist scum

start a law firm targeting immigration consultants who cheat the books. there's got to be tons of stuff like that.