>tfw white
>tfw muslim
I don't know lads. I am proud muslim, alhamdulillah. but there is something wrong with it. i feel like my ancient fathers are angry about me, I feel like they are trembling with wrath upon me. what should I do?
Tfw white
Abandon the religion of war, rape and violence and adopt the true religion of peace, and that is Christianity.
Alamadamadingdong to you too, my brother.
embrace tengri
Muhammad was White.
Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The an then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."
Most of the original Muslims would have been White, they later turned brown from race-mixing.
my family will kill me if they learn that i go to church
>mfw muslims will remain forever sandniggers
Show your hair + eyes. I bet they're both dark.
Allilulolelal (pbuh) brother. Everything will be fine
Well if Islam is the religon of peace as you and most like you claim it to be, your "ancient fathers" are angry at you for not doing anything to denounce or stop ISIS.
I am blonde and my eyes is green
This is some WE WUZ tier shit
Move to USA and convert to Christianity.
You can look it up if you don't believe me.
Even WikiIslam says it.
Narrated Isma'il bin Abi Khalid: I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, "I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin 'Ali resembled him." I said to Abu- Juhaifa, "Describe him for me." He said, "He was white and his beard was black with some white hair. He promised to give us 13 young she-camels, but he expired before we could get them."
Abu Tufail reported: I saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and there is one amongst the people of the earth who (are living at the present time and) had seen him except me. I said to him: How did you find him? He said: He had an elegant white color, and he was of an average height.
Come home White man.
KYS Roach
You're right, just look at this sand nigger
Believe in the Earth and stop listening to the writings of people that spoke with angels. Angels are bullshitters and are assholes.
Janissary rape baby
you gotta go back
> >tfw white
> >tfw muslim
Become undercover byzantine agent, you are whiter than Greek and thus are true Greek.
Muhammad was white according to the Koran.
Dude find a QT Turkish chick (or convert a European girl) and then pump out as many Nordic Muslim ubermensch as you can. Save the White race from being cucked to extinction, Make Islam White Again.
Or better, be atheist
>arm interior is white
Even niggers have white arm interior and palms. Show us the top of your arm
Turks are like half Asian half white hybrids. Also that Asian half is the northern light skinned Asians.
Otto, this is your ancestor. The Tengri disapproves of the Saudi nonsense you follow now. It's the views of fat princes and clerics who hate your guts
Come home, my son
>Even niggers have white arm interior and palms. Show us the top of your arm
it's summer and its probably tanned, like people in italy btw..
I think you mean "underside," since the interior of his arm is like yours, mine, and a niggers - red, because of the muscle.
>I am proud muslim
lol. What do muslims have to be proud of?
Look at every Islamic state. They are objectively shit.
I'm only half white. I get monkey palms if I'm out in the sun.
the underside of your arm is still black though..
how is this relevant?
I'm a cityfag and I look as white ass mozzarella unfortunately
Yea that's what I meant
I'm half negro, just like you moorish pig farmers.
>Le mudslimes are a race meme
It's a fucking disease like marxism
white roach is still a roach
I'm a city fag too but I've gone to the beach and to metal festivals in the sun, plus I leave the house every other day, the top of my arm is way more tanned than the underside
A fucking negro subhuman shit is going on the defensive because I called him black?
Leave this board shitskin, go kill some whites and mug some old ladies
Fuck Islam my dude, it is a false religion created to unify Arab tribes. Embrace Christendom, for your ""prophet" never existed.
>the subject matter is miraculous? Like Ibn Kammuna, Al i Dashti points out, that the Koran contains nothing new in the sense of ideas not already expressed by others. All the moral precepts of the Koran are self-evident and generally acknowledged. The stories in it are taken in identical or slightly modified forms from the lore of the Jews and Christians, whose rabbis and monks Muhammad had met and consulted on his journeys to Syria, and from memories conserved by the descendants of the peoples of "Ad and Thamud." ... In the field of moral teachings, however, the Koran cannot be considered miraculous. Muhammad reiterated principles which mankind had already conceived in earlier centuries and many places. Confucius, Buddha, Zoroaster, Socrates, Moses, and Jesus had said similar things.... Many of the duties and rites of Islam are continuations of practices which the pagan arabs had adopted from the Jews
>yes Spaniards are all Obamas
Your Mulatto countries are in east Africa/Brazil/carribbeans.
I'm not part black though. I'm half white and half native. You're descended from moorish niggers though, Juan Pablo.
Just convert or at least become an atheist. One way or the other the world will force you to take a side. You can choose.
>i feel like my ancient fathers
no you don't, kill yourself you fucking retard. you don't feel shit.
wew a literal shitskin trying to bring the bantz.
how many family members have killed themselves on alcohol poisoning?
I can't expect a race of 80IQ monkeys to handle alcohol well though, or anything else of a little responsibility
The anglos should've wiped out your entire species
Shut up you stupid nigger. Go eat your rotted meat.
You are lucky. I only go out to work and stay in the office all day.
Now thank God I have some vacations
You can't deny him his Aryan heritage mystery meat.
Stay Jealous
Enjoy the vacations, italybro
feels good to be a student I guess
I really like your flag
sounds peaceful :D sprölölöö
You are true Turk, find a steppe pony and a compound bow. Journey to the East and reclaim the lands for Tengri the sky father, pull their mosques down and trample their cities let none stand before you.
The white horseman is Jesus.
More like true Bulgarian.
The only peaceful answer
Na it's true, Mohammed was probably a rape baby from some white whore taken in the Arab Slave trade.
He had a ginger beard which is an Aryan trait, that's why you see these modern day shitskins cucking themselves and dying their beards red to be like him.
Leave the lands conquered from the Roman Empire and convert to Christianity. Never mention your apostasy to any Muslim unless you're helping them find the light; just let them assume you've always been a Christian.
Recognize the Truth of Christ Jesus.
checked and /thread
Vandal rape baby. Fuck islam you hear me. We can make north Africa a habitable place again that serves bacon.
>claim you're white
>take a picture of your paler under-arm
Nice one Abdul.
The correct feeling is guilt these days, espedially for the armenian genocide and the hate against the kurds.
That's because your god is actually a volcano demon, not the real God.
Wat? Even apes have no pigment in their palms. Just like humans