ITT: political cartoons

>ITT: political cartoons
Everything goes, post your best and worst ones

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Might as well post a few to get the ball rolling

>these guys are gay for each other so you just know they're evil!
>t. pro-gay liberal

>republicans haven't been in power in the last 8 years
am I missing something?


Well, Sup Forums?

Do you pick the guy who looks like a nazi or are you a racist?

more importantly:
>the GOP "created" Trump
that's a bunch of bunk, the GOP establishment is vehemently anti-Trump since day one

I don't understand
no, I get it, the policeman looks intimidating, but I don't understand what the fuck is the author trying to convey


spic looking guy with red hat, and terminator looking police guy.


what the fuck is he trying to convey and to whom is this directed?

I am find with 3 of them, the far left has his hand fully in his pocket, might have a gun so shoot first.

>cartoon is so bad you cant even tell if it's supposed to be for or against something
That's our Horsey!

This guy has won two Pulitzers btw

All of them?

>but especially the nigger and spic

he is trying to imply whites are as dangerous as black and latino thugs

This was drawn by a pro open borders cuck

Really makes you think



>trump suporter as a strong guy
man, if I was a liberal guy I would try to make a straw hat that at least made sense, like drawing a weak guy with no brains or something instead of an alpha

>two pulitzers

you shitting me
although, being a jew price it is kinda understabeable

>tiny castle
>they should take all these people in
>regardless of not knowing who is friend or foe
Bravo Horseshit

His shit doesn't even make sense.

Hooded nig and police officer

Wait a second. That's no cop that's plastic man.

>Trayvon wannabe
Far more likely to rob and murder me than the others.
Not trying to conceal his face and no hand in pocket. Would offer cautious trust.
50/50 that he's retarded, but still FAR less likely to harm me than the first two.
Duty bound to assist normal people. Would treat him politely because he probably deals with dumb shit on the daily.

t. Blackie

The GOP made him by ignoring or outright betraying their base for decades. The GOP thought they could keep their monopoly on the market for conservatism, and Trump is a market correction.

Just to not drown this thread in shit, heres a Ben Garrison original
They give out Pulitzers in different categories

Political cartooning Pulitzer is ridiculously easy to win, you just have to make cartoons for a well-recognized paper

>Obesity rates keep rising
Gee I wonder why?

>talking down or horsey


That's not really relevant anymore, at least in the U.S.

Once you start giving these people rights, they start acquiring things they don't want to lose. I think it's interesting, because that usually means they'll become conservative, and that's only helping us.

no no no

the drawing is implying that the republican party, somehow being the goverment as well, are the ones that made policies and ideologies to give support to the appearance of Trump
which doesn't make fucking sense

is it me or Ben Garrison has become less of a faggot in his works? I find there his drawings aren't being turned into the anti semite edits anymore



Shit I completely forgot I had sauna warming up

I'll be back in about half an hour to post some shit if threads still alive

its hilarious because their gains are, in the big scale of things, fucking irrelevant

gay marriage? like I would give a shit when there are real important issues like the state budget


Favorite one


I mak my own

I made this during the primaries

The niggers scare me
because if i met a redneck i'd shout "fuck niggers, god bless the US of A" and be left alone
because if i met a cop i'd say "here are my documents officer"

Liberals are former homophobes



This one was for recreation

Then this

>cruz making a fool out of trump

oh am I kekking hard

does anyone have comics that simulate this format?

that guy draws a nice putin!

oh how the memes have inverted


Also why the fuck is he wearing a hoodie when it isn't cold.(notice the wife beater shirt)

Came here to post this

>which working class american makes you want to run crying like a little bitch back to your gated community fellow liberals
the hypocrisy is astounding


>Those damn Mexicans makes me fat!


>Also why the fuck is he wearing a hoodie when it isn't cold.
It isn't cold for you, but remember this guy's race is evolved for the steaming jungles of Africa.

Ughh toxic male strong man culture

The funny thing is, when someone actually does want to implement voter intelligence tests, they get slammed as "racist".

Air-conditioning isn't only sexist, it is also racist.
>Abdoulie Bojang claims the MoD “failed to take into account his Black African ethnicity” before exposing him to cold temperatures during training.

It's more referring to the southern strategy, which is the reason trump has the numbers he has

His stuff has always been good, its just funnier if you make it anti semetic.

holy shit

imagine that only people of 100 or more IQ could vote

holy shit

that cant be real

You could argue that it's the same principle as black people calling each others niggers, but it's not OK to do it if you're white.

Whites can insult whites, blacks can insult blacks.

It's fair to both sides, but unproductive.

>Sup Forums will (rightfully, In my opinion) complain about logical fallacies and poor arguments from left wing comics

>Yet loves Red Panels

Really made me do a think.

I always get along with security and I'm very respectful of the law.
I'm white and a bit racist so whatever
We're both christians so we have something in common
Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to rob me




I don't read political cartoons (they are almost complete across the board trash- including your pic), but it's obvious that this guy (horsey) is a bit of a bully and that he feeds on mob mentality. It could also be that he was bullied earlier in his life.

He always draws background characters looking at the subject of his scorn with disdain. They whisper and point (while laughing) at the subject (in this case, trump) and you definitely get a bit of a middle-school playground vibe. Mean spirited and not clever either.

The gop has been a controlled opposition party to make it look like there is another party besides the dems

i don't understand if this is pro gun or anti gun

Those guns look safe and secure. The shelf on the other hand looks a bit flimsy and weak. The boy might get hurt if those books fall on his head.

>those trousers
>the camera
>the fannypack

this is clearly a racist jab at germans.
social justice has to denounce horsey now, i guess.

>if you think the government might take your guns away, they government will take your guns away

Somewhere, someone thought they were being clever

>Believes the government will take his guns away
>Government policies end up taking his guns away


none, there's a cop there keeping the peace




those pencils are quite accesible, he might as well do some creative exercise insteaf of playing the videogames on the shelf

>"Common sense" gun reform

>tearing up the Constitution
>common sense

>Statue of liberty being used to push authoritarian policy
The irony is astounding.



I'm hoping the deportation process is as rough as possible. There are so many ways for spics to die in it by "accident."

I don't like guns and I think they are fucking stupid, innecessary and dangerous to carry outside sports or shooting galleries

but I rather be fucked by a scorpion than to suggest they should be prohibited because I don't like them

OP here, just got back. There's nothing like sweating in 80°C and cracking open a cold beer afterwards
N-no, that's rethugliKKKan propaganda!

Shut it down!
The cartoon is kind of endearing in it's own way tbqh. These liberal homophobes just dont see past their bigotry and hate :(

Don't forget the First Amendment was originally meant for sending letters by the Pony Express, not for the Internet. Times change, but the natural rights do not, you leaf.

Stupid kid, you get the books down by shooting the shelf supports off.

>but voter Id is bad because minorities are too stupid to have Id ?

>Committed relationship for even 20 minutes

Classic Horsey.

I'm sure the Minutemen of the American Revoltionary war would have gladly used m16s. The problem is that they were limited by the technology of their time. Muskets were the best they had, so that's what they used.

If I'm walking somewhere in streets of LA and I saw one of these guys, I think my response would be obvious.



Are those Promarkers my American friend?

Mirin that cop's jaw


