Who else is going green 2016?
Jill Stein
Whoa so you are going to vote fo.... oh wait never mind. Sage.
>National 3rd Party meme
Hello fellow normal people who dont have anykind of political agenda and can defenitely vote in the american election.
3rd parties will never get anywhere boys. Soros and lord Rothschild will make sure of it.
They could but it really is just illusion of choice. Jill and Johnson ran last time and did jack all.
If they put all their eggs in 5 states that are friendly to them they could win.
Bernout here. I am. Fuck Hillary.
She wants to sanction Israel you dolt
Stein is really good, she's by far the best candidate for normal Americans.
Pretty qt for her age too
>tfw no political GILF gf
Its too late, we put all our memes into one basket. We memed our bed and now we must feel in it.
i wish i could be in a bed with a manly /polbf/
Wow. Greencuck. Let me ask you a question. Why is every one of you greenfags against nuclear energy? It is the most effective form of green energy, yet all you fags are into solar and wind (the most ineffective forms of energy.) Do you enjoy being useless?
Yes, I'm with Jill.
Trump must be stopped.
look at what the greens did to sweden...why would you wish that on the usa?
Nuclear energy isn't green m8
it's hard to get rid of the fallout from the plant
whites aren't natives to america so i don't care if america remain white or not.
also im not swedish. only on vacation
I was a Hillary supporter for so long, how can you support such a racist criminal? Jill will win the election hilldrones.
Feel free to stay in sweden if you're going to hold retarded marxist attitudes like that
kek go read Das Kapital fool
not a marxist. i want for example sweden to remain swedish because swedes are natives here. i am pretty conservative but i recognize the inportance of the enviroment
I'm Jill not Hill
Is she kek aprove?
Plz kek answer us!
She is taking the fight to the Hillary shills and Sup Forums hates her why?
Jill ((sten))
She's a woman and a Jew
I don't hate her but I'm cautious
What if Jill was a Sup Forumslack and was running to help Trump and take votes away from Hillary?
>Shill Stein
Yes my new age homeopathic medicine man crystal healer will be covered with my socialized healthcare
i was only shitposting but if this is true she is kind of based
jill stein is literally female bernie, i don't understand why she has no supporters
The only reason she exist is to remove bern outs from trump voterbase, she is actually hilary's puppet and nothing she says is true.