Rover Red Charlie

Had to get one of my dogs put down the other day, fucking cancer's a bitch.

Wanna' thank the guys who've been storytimin' The Boys, that helped out a bunch.

Let's read some good shit.



/co goes full Ennis. That's good. Also bump


What better way to start off the weekend.


I really need to try and get one of those image dump programs. I feel like I'm gonna' skip a page on accident.

That's first few pages and my heart already broken


>Those feeders


Get ready...

So to anyone else who read this, did ya'll think this was set in Crossed at first too?

I still think so


Yeah, I definitely get Horsecock vibes from this page.



As long as the thread doesn't archive before I'm done, I'll go to Issue 3 for today and then finish it out tomorrow.




Looks like it's just you and me in here Garth.

"You go. I stay."

This page gets me every time.

Onto #2.

On the odd chance that we get more people reading this, what kinda' pets do ya'll have?






Alright ya' see the one Chihuahua in the top left corner here? The fluffy one? Imagine it a more darker brown color, or chocolate, and that's the spittin' image of the one we had to put down.


Fucking Hisspots.




Anyone reading?


FUCKing Hisspots!









I had a mutt and a dachshund. Had to put 'em both down. Horrible hip problems and organ failure for the former, and the latter broke her back.

I miss 'em. I don't have it in me to get another dog. I'm 26 and I don't want to put 'em down as a sad middle aged fuck. I'd probably eat a gun if I had to.

Thanks for the storytime, OP.

And that's all I'm postin' for now. Gonna' go eat and if this thread is still around I'll continue.

Three dogs, two cats and two rats. I would like a conure but I'm tied up for now.
Technically only one dog is mine.

Am I the only one who kinda wishes Max had made it at least through the first issue?

While I'm waitin' for the pan to heat I'll post some of #3
Same here. I mean it's just too much effort to get that attached to another living thing that'll just die within' thirteen years.
I would've, but I get that they needed to make way for the real assholes.


I love this title by the way.


Gotta chop the chicken breasts up ironically. Be right back.

This issue is FUCKED.

Alright, got the chicken and the sauce all done up, just gotta' let it boil together for ten minutes.
Too right my friend.


Love this page.


Fucking hell, so much Garth Ennis on Sup Forums lately, does he really deserve it? That being said, I have been interested in reading this, so im following this


The thing I've found about Garth is that he's either really good or really preachy. The Boys is a great book but goddamn does it take a piss on any superhero that was involved in war.

Real question, what the fuck kind of dog is Herman?



Believe me, this needs a spoiler


Seriously, what the fuck is he? Lockjaw?



Told you.





I think that's a good spot to leave on for now.

Welp guys it was fun. I'll continue tomorrow so be ready.

I'm gonna' go eat some Chicken Tikka Masala.

thanks garth


Thanks, OP.

I fucking love this comic. I was able to get it signed and it's a prized possession of mine. It's gotten me through some tough times.

Yep. Entertaining, though I'm not a fan of gore.

Alan Moore considers this one of the best comics ever made.

God, I love this. I needed a good refresher.

Thanks OP

This comic is fucking depressing. I think it's because the characters are animals and I got a big soft spot for them.


I am. Already read the whole thing before but still enjoying it. Although I think the way cats are portrayed is PROBLEMATIC

>You go I stay

Like I needed my feels to be murdered any more right now

You mean accurately?




Thanks for storytiming, and I hope you're doing okay. Losing a dog is a really shitty thing to go through. Stay strong OP

bless your heart op, you fucking faggot.

i had a pupper last month put down. best damn dog ever. ever! better than yours.

nope shut it, my dog was the best. get over it.

still though, we'll get through it bro

uhhh I dont know i cant read this, does it get worse?

Not really.

>cats smarter than dogs

fuck you ennis you fucking hack